Clothing and Makeup: What colors are inappropriate in winter?


Karina Efimova is an image consultant, an expert on building an authentic appearance. "I work, first of all, based on the peculiarities of appearance and only then turning to modern fashion, so all the images proposed by me remain relevant for a long time, only the details are changed." Karina has already helped many women of different ages and a set to transform and feel confident every morning. And now she will share its secrets with Womanhit readers.

"With the onset of autumn, more and more people are hung up into a warm coat, scarves and caps, winter brings with them not only cold, but also dark colors with shapeless things. Golden autumn somehow saves the situation with its bright colors, but when the last leaves fall away, total gray remains. Therefore, now it's time to wear bright colors!

So it was before - when we were children, we were dressed so that we could be without much damage to the parent pocket and my mother's time crawling down the hill, jump in the puddles and look for treasures in the mud.

In almost every shopping, I have such a situation: we choose the client to choose things suitable for it, choose the color combinations - such to be delicious to watch to inspire to create a mood to her and people around, - and immediately the seller appears on the shoulder :

- This is (jumper, blouse, skirt) We still have in blue, dark blue and black, do you show?

In the season of artificial light - when it darkens early, the sun has little and lamp lighting becomes more - put on the brightest of the color in your colors! Artificial light eats brightness, so then the red (green, blue, orange) dress, which in the summer screamed in the whole voice, will be absolutely relevant, you will get out of the gray-black and blue of the same crowd, to declare louder about yourself, as others do not solve.

And what about the summer? We are accepted that summer is the time of bright colors. And it is so, only paint everything around the very nature. And a person using bright colors in clothes, adds the load for the eyes of others, argues with a common background. In addition, the natural light makes the colors even brighter than they really are.

At the same time, there is a so-called city etiquette, following who is worth putting on the brightest shades, when sunny and the brightest, when cloudy and frowning. So we unload the eyes of the people around us in the summer (and their own - too) when around and so the Pestro, and, on the contrary, add colors and moods in winter when everything is gray.

From the same rule, the approach to make-up is built - the smaller the light on the event for which the makeup is made, the more graphic it will, otherwise all the colors will disappear at dusk. That is why evening makeup is, as a rule, highlighted with bright arrows or simply informed - eyes, eyebrows and a clear form; For photo shoots makeup makes a pronounced structuring of the face, practically drawn again, because there are so many artificial light that it eats all natural reliefs and shadows. Therefore, when warm and sunny, makeup for every day should be quite neutral, light, translucent; And when the cold and darkens - more dense and bright. "

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