Svetlana Kolpakova: "I'm not lazy, although Muscovite"


Charismatic and characteristic, she satums their roles with a whole sheaf of bright colors, so it is simply impossible not to succumb to this charm. For reference Russian appearance and delete most often, it is invited to play simple women from the Russian depths, and the root Muscovite Svetlana Kolpakova copes with them - without any problems grabs the manner and talks. She is from those actresses who do not compromise, professional demand appreciates more than fame and for a long time, even a personal life moved to the background. About this star told in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Cvellana, know how long I have not spoken with a successful actress-Muscovite? ..

- And few believes, by the way, I live here from birth and prosecus Vernadsky, Vorobyev Mountains - my native places. Apparently, so deceived by my appearance and penetrate the characters from somewhere from Ryazan or Voronezh. In principle, it seems to me, it does not matter, from the center you or from the periphery, it is important who you are and what you can. Many leading artists were not born in the capital of our homeland, and what are the prociles! But I am not lazy, although Muscovite. (Smiles.)

- Thanks to the profession, you probably toll a lot. Tell me, do you observe the difference between residents of the capital and natives of the regions?

- You know, not especially. If she was, it was clearly erased. Although, perhaps, in the regions, people are more independent and purposeful.

- And they are kinder?

- I think that it is impossible to measure such categories. All individually. Yes, on the set of the series "Fatherland" in the Perm Territory, I came across an unprecedented heartiness, the openness of the locals, with their desire to help. They gave us their cows, trained the actresses of competent daisy, the rules of Senokos ... But among the hereditary Muscovites there are many of the same mental and friendly people.

Famous of the wide viewer Svetlana brought a role in the series

Fame at the wide viewer Svetlana brought a role in the series "Mommies"

Photo: Frame from the series

- And with the opinion that the fashion in different cities perceive in different ways, do you also disagree?

- In the era, when the Internet is available everywhere, even strange to talk about it. Fashionable characters now appear everywhere. It seems to me that girls with any place of residence can look stylish. Here I have a rather diverse wardrobe. I do not mind to dress up to get into the world, but for every day I dress quite simply, I am not from those who are wrapped in passersby. Still, my thirst for the selection of the perfect suit manifests itself more in the work, and not beyond it. I am looking for expressiveness of the image and implementing my potential.

- Tell me, what is your very strong motivation at work?

- To do your favorite thing. I have everything simple - I still wanted to speak, be on stage, thus realize my abilities, share with the energy hall. Therefore, in my life and there was a wonderful children's ensemble named Loktev, with whom I toured in the country and the world. I remember our solemn reporting concerts with choir and orchestra in Chaikovsky's hall ...

- So you were an ideal busy child?

- I did not walk in the courtyards, on discos, it was not particularly a hooligan, so there really did not really arise with me. But mischief nevertheless I was inherent. I regularly broke your hands-legs due to excessive activity and delivered troubled parents. My older sister, which now the doctor ultrasound was quieter. (Smiles.)

- All childhood you just danced, listened to music, but did not sang, right?

- Sure. Only after the end of the Higher Theater School of the name of Schukin, when I got into the MHT - afterwards Oleg Pavlovich jicely confessed that he took me "from greed, so that such not to get anyone" (smiles), - began to distribute in performances with live vocals. It immediately became obvious that my voice is completely untreated, so I went to the teacher. Made it with pleasure, as I like to work on myself. By the way, this my teacher says that it is necessary to develop only hearing, and absolutely every person is capable of singing, - apparently, the inspirations. Now the result is already much better and I feel free. Although I still enjoy that in the formulation of Konstantin Bogomolov, let's say, it can sometimes smell like this role there. (Smiles.) And how I love the thematic evenings in Mary Stanislavovna Barrynikova, dedicated to either Christmas or works of military years! Here it is very responsible, because you already sing from ourselves and you do not hide the character.

Svetlana Kolpakova:

In the image of Princess Radmila, "Golden Horde"

- It is funny that it was the dramatic actress that you advised to become a mother-economist ...

- It's true. She saw something special in me, what was manifested first in the characteristic folk dance, and then in modern choreography, which I was fascinated. After graduating from high school, I stood at a crossroads, and my mother suggested the right choice. I went on maybe. I learned one, and the most banal fastener, one same poem and a piece of prose. And with this minimum set went on exams. Rare luck that came from the first time. People are preferably prepared, it happens, the university storms. And then once - and already a student. I read "Raven and Fox", Zoshchenko "unequal marriage" and Akhmatov. When I said: "How helplessly chest chopped ...", members of the commission from laughter began to crawl under the table, and I was adopted. A few months later, I still asked my teacher that they were mixed so. "Did you see your breasts?! She can't get helpless! " - There was a response to me.

- Why did you later graduate with graduate school at the department of plastic expressiveness of the actor?

- Believe me, it was useful. The more skills, the more you are in demand. Moreover, such a training is never excess - he superbly supports the form.

- By the way about her. We meet in a cafe-store where environmental foods are offered. Does it mean that you are a strict fan of a healthy lifestyle?

- In connection with the new project for the first channel, where I play a major role, I decided that it makes sense more reliefly designate my beautiful shapes and reset kilograms five. (Smiles.) The screen is the same as you know, adds non-existent kilograms, and it's not going anywhere. Therefore, I seriously took up the body, cut myself, sweet tooth, in carbohydrates, drink natural black water from the deep well.

- As I understand it, from time to time you resort to such emergency measures. I read that a few years ago you still built that Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov advised you to return to your usual weight ...

- Yes, it was, and I listened to the master. But in general, as I am a tall girl, I need to be attentive to weight. Saves my insane mobility. As a child, I was restless and now I am happy to dance for the soul of Jazz Modern, I am engaged in choreography, stretching on the machine in the hall. In the end, I have a dad - a sports gymnastics coach, and I know many secrets. And how is the good sauna for the total tone!

Svetlana Kolpakova:

For the sake of role in the new television series "Hidden motifs" Actress learned to ride a motorcycle

Photo: Olga Tourovtsheva

- It is believed that the owners of the pieces, unlike cattle, is much healthier and more active, and you just live Labrador ...

- Chocolate Labrik, with honey eyes. Incredible handsome and very demanding, with character. You can not imagine how terrible it is terrible to force yourself to rise across, dressing for a walk ... A dog appeal has long replaced the alarm clock. But I'm familiar: how much I remember, we always had dogs.

- With the father-athlete, you are probably close to any kind of contest. How much, in your opinion, a competitive moment in the acting profession?

- It is unlikely that he is there. How can you compete in such a subjective area? I am a hopeless man, but never put myself the task of the struggle, it seems to be played better. All the taste of everyone is different, only professionalism is important.

- As in your opinion, what advantages over your colleagues do you have?

- Talking about it is extremely immodest.

- You are the winner of the Youth Prize "Triumph". What do the awards mean for you?

- Oh, this appeared to me a giant advance. Now she is kept in the parent apartment.

- You have brilliant work in the films "Golden Orda", "The Last Bogatyr", in the TV series "Thaw", "Father's Coast", "Meliki", "Secrets of the city of En" ... And what is your theater employment today?

"I play" Tabakcoque "in the" Seagull ", and I have about ten performances in MHT.

- Theater for you home or service?

- Neither one nor the other. The house is still where the family is. And the theater is my business. In such a global sense. And it is the perfect, regular training. Only in the scene space, the actor creatively grows daily, if only does not run in the crowd. But I love the movie no less. I am going there with real gifts roles. Now, for example, almost without weekends, I am filled in St. Petersburg in a full meter - in the debut tape "Ancestor" Maxim Zykov. I play a strict teacher. Also for the federal channel is an excellent TV series Farhshatova "New Russian Diary". There is also an interesting story. I am happy, being in working condition.

Svetlana admits that he feels an eternal child. And this is noticeable by her ability to enjoy life

Svetlana admits that he feels an eternal child. And this is noticeable by her ability to enjoy life


- You have an amplua of such a batabla. Frequently, the directions directly use the texture ...

- There is nothing surprising - the cinema is generally a type of art. There is a chance that I will be brought to play a daisy girl, no matter. But I'm not inside it. I am wounded, but persistent, not sentimental romantic. Although I have so much wrong in me ... And my heroines are sincerely curious. Moreover, the initial data of them are completely inhomogeneous, and the paintings are different. For sure there is no feeling of some repetition.

- You have a one hundred percent hit in the aesthetics of the last century ...

- Many of this notice. And I sometimes catch myself on the fact that today is not today's heroine. Now in trend Glamor, and this is not my leases at all - he is so indisitated and the same! I imagine the generation of the eighties, but I am close to the Paints of the past - some openness, naivety in the good sense of the word. When I look at the old Soviet films, I share the views of their heroes - not such cynical, as the current one. Still, I do not agree with the statement that the times are always the same. No, they change significantly. Previously, the whole idea was to invite a girl on a date. And at the moment, thanks to the gadgets, this path is no longer submitted so tremendous. Often, I have some kind of tight feeling when I once again enjoy the masterpieces of Soviet cinema, be it Hutsiev, Ryazanov, Mikhalkov ... Today, the painting of the surrounding reality is different. But I am also far from perfect and try to justify the actions of other people, I find some explanations.

- You can call the work, in which you would like to participate?

- I am a fan from the American series "Major Story". There are two excellent seasons, and last summer in Italy I sat and watched them without taking off. I adore everything that Woody Allen does ... I think that you have to try yourself in different forms. I would have responded with enthusiasm to comedy ...

- Due to the optimistic nature of nature?

- Including. I'm not a hypochondrik. Why amuse fate and Handing? I am a Aries on the sign of the zodiac and always believe that all the best is ahead.

- You have never been noticed in long-playing projects that bring stable earnings. Are you demanding in choosing a material?

- Naturally. I need to sincerely light up the script. I am not obsessed with a net making money. But, frankly, has not yet come across the situation when I proposed a fabulous fee, and there would be nothing to play. Fortunately, while everything goes organic - it comes across a good material. I recently played a short meter for free, in student graduation work, and it was great!

- When fatigue accumulates, what kind of recreation is preferable for you?

- This formula has long invented - a change of activity. In my case, the stage is changed to the shooting pavilion and vice versa. Vacation rarely allow yourself. I can schedule it, but if I receive a statement for the role, I postpone the relax without any problems and I dip with my head in the process. Probably, I have a decent supply of natural energy that is not required to restore too often. (Smiles.) But if I still fly away, I choose the place as a pensioner - in silence, in the water, away from the driving.

- You are impressed by an unusually economic girl ...

- It is deceptive. I'm damn bad mistress! I do not have free hours to clean and cook. It is more convenient for me to eat in a cafe. But at the same time, I cortie myself for indifference to everyday life. I even buy an apartment in the southwest, I purchased ready to avoid repair and decorative design. For your own real estate, I must thank Oleg Pavlovich. He helped many young artists in this issue - we purchased accommodation at minimal prices.

- Are you indifferent to shopping too?

- Of course no. Here I am uneconomical. And on the spa pro-cages, for massages, at the cosmetologists, do not feel the flour conscience, because I treat yourself well. (Smiles.) At the same time, I don't swing myself - I trust Mother Nature. Individuality primarily.

- Are there any character traits that you would have destroyed?

- I'm irritable, touching, impatient, stubborn - enough?

- Do you have a lot of men 'friends?

- They are. I easily find a common language with the opposite sex. But the girlfriends, of course, I am not deprived.

- White-skinned Serubyzaya Blonde is obliged to be a padded ...

- Do you think so? I can only say that white skin is extremely sensitive: the partner grabs somehow unsuccessfully - and immediately bruise! (Smiles.) You can not believe me, but I was originally not from the breed of girls who are permanently tuned to the novels. Although I can not fall in love with talent. In any case, I entered the zone of serious love rather late - it was focused on the other.

Svetlana Kolpakova:

"I was originally not from the breed of girls who are permanently tuned to the novels. And quite late in the zone of serious love"


- Does the actor do not need experience?

- It's like in writing: if something is missing, fantasy saves. She is limitless. Rich imagination helps, like faith in alleged circumstances. This is an axiom: to play a bitter drunk, you do not need to be an alcoholic. True, playing in love, it is advisable to get under the charm of a partner.

- Is your heart busy?

- Yes, and my half is also from our, creative environment, but not an artist.

- Is this a plus?

- I did not imagine myself next to my colleague. The proposals were, but I rejected them. Still, this profession imposes a specific imprint: stocky, capriciousness, the need to like. I have not seen myself as an eternal comforter, which soothes, says that they will still be approved or what a role drawing will be built, and so on. (Smiles.)

- What spoiled you in your chosen one?

- Giftedness. Masculinity. Respect for me, care. This man does so much for me for me ... including feeding with breakfast, dinner, tolerates my emotional splashes of stress. I am a natural terminator, although benevolent. But in general, with this person, I feel myself on the pedestal. (Smiles.)

- What do you think, what are the actions of men it is impossible to forgive?

- I would not want to face a deception, betrayal.

- What things are you proud of?

- On the motorcycle learned to ride. Take this ironic answer? I am for a joking dialogue. I also try to introduce laughter to everyday life, Irony. Hochot prolongs life. Alas, constantly stumble upon an overly serious attitude of people to himself, to others, to circumstances. This is a delusion ...

- Somehow you said that eternal child lives in you. How is it shown?

- For example, the attractions cannot bother me. Now they are, unfortunately, closed in Gorky Park, and so I would have come there after our conversation with you! (Smiles.)

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