From Musketeers to "Beauty" - how boots won the world


A woman in bottleraths is a frantic Valkyrie, brazed amazon, in front of which modern men tremble in the smooth jackets. Similar images of no accident inspire designers who strive to return these wonderful boots as quickly as possible in our wardrobe. But in order not to pack the firewood and the shoes you purchased organically fit into the image, we suggest to remember the story of the bottle, and then understand how to wear them and with what to combine.

Boots that cover the legs almost before the fifth point, we used to call with boots. If you dig in the dictionaries, it turns out that this word happened from the French Bottes - "boot" and Fortes - "strong", and all together - "Strong shoes". And it is immediately clear why these boots were the first to wear Spanish riders already in the XII century (yes, they were ahead of the French, who invented the word). The Spaniards spent a lot of time in the saddle, and in the boots legs seemed to be tired less. In that, by the way, it is hard to believe, because the boots were tough, practically did not bended in the knees and tightly tightened. But we still became part of the official form of European cavalrymen.

In the XV century, the bottle valued and foggy albion appreciated. It happened during the reign of Heinrich VII. He was their fan, and the fashion immediately picked up at the court. And a century later, Karl I was introduced later: in childhood, the king had problems with their feet, and the court masters were made for him tight high models. The disease has passed since time, and the boots remained.

The shoes with a high tie appeared in the XII century. In the photo - George Washington

The shoes with a high tie appeared in the XII century. In the photo - George Washington


In France, this shoes got only in the XVII century, and also as part of the militaristic equipment. But thanks to the efforts of Heinrich IV, the boots began to wear nobles. And they did it with a chic - to get out of the house, did not wear wide boots with squabs, it was considered a movietone. At about the same time, they conquered Italy, but here are sadness, on the deannines their "secular board" lasted for a short time: they again began to use only as an element of military uniform.

Aura of sexuality and strength that emanated from them does not surprise: the boots rose from the boots of knights and musketeers. They carry a powerful male charge. The first woman who put them on, was Zhanna d'Ark. During the court, the warrior was ready to agree with the only charge: what dared to wear men's shoes on the battlefield and outside it.

Native fenats

Well, we are all about overseas countries! As if on Rus-Mother's boots did not wear? We wore, of course. This shoes came to the expanses of our Motherland under Peter I. It was made of leather and had high tops with cropped to the upper part, closing the knee cup. We wore them, as well as abroad, horsemen (perhaps the king on their journeys spied this "shoe" idea). They spoke, this time the design was acceptable, not the fact that European samples, and the military could be held in the saddle without any inconvenience. In addition, the boots protected the form from pollution and wear. At the secular receptions, the crops were converted and became a kind of decorative element.

And in the XIX century, this originally men's shoes even entered the female wardrobe. They say one of the fans of high boots was Empress Catherine Great. Woman strong and independent, she loved the male military uniform and often pulled the public with slender legs, covered in the skin. Following it, other fashionists also pulled up. Of course, it did not turn into a widespread trend, but still to meet a lady on the ball in the boots was not so difficult, respectively, and surprised men much less. Why not let the girl have a little prank?

Beauty will save the world

Then everything changed dramatically. In the sixties of the last century, the botforts were already without a branch of conscience for both sexes. This shoes even appeared to a certain provocation. It was then that the first mini skirts entered the fashion, and high boots organically complement the look. In the eighties of the heat added actresses of London underground erotic shows. There was no reason without corsets and garters. Of course, in a decent society, it does not wear this, and the reputation of the bots will deteriorate: they began to perceive as an element of clothing curtains. Not afraid of this, the beauty of Brick Bardo one of the first stars appeared in a provocative image in a video of Serzh Gensbura: from the blonde in a tiny mini skirt and high boots it was impossible to take a look.

From Musketeers to

Julia Roberts played in the famous film "Pretty Woman" girl in the vy. Lacquered boots completed the image

In 1963, an unusual pair of shoes from crocodile skin appeared in Iva Saint-Laurent. The ballet dancer Rudolf Nuriyev was put on her immediately, as he got into Europe. The idea was picked up by other couturiers. For example, Pierre Cardin suggested wearing lacquered leather boots with jersey case monochrome dresses and lacquer gloves to the elbow to the tone. Jane Fonda demonstrated its version as Barbarella and immediately turned into the main erotic imagination of men. In 1990, she was moving Julia Roberts. Her heroine "Night Butterfly" Vivian put on leather boots with an open mini-dress. The boots became too sexy. Serious ladies did not want to wear shoes with bad glory, however, they understood that with her help it was easy to make a figure more attractive.

So how to get out of the situation? The decision was suggested by designers. In 2000, such shoes first appeared in many fashion collections. The most classic and quiet options offered Chanel, Chloe and Paco Rabanne. Bottors with narrow long socks released in 2001 Roberto Cavalli, and Stella McCartney came up with boots from perforated leather.

In general, the fashion designers found the "golden custody" and decided to break away in full. They created boots of different heights, with rounded and sharp sock, wide and narrow, decorated them with rhinestones, rivets, lacing, fringe, fur and embroidery. Soon there were models from velor, textiles, suede, lacquered and rigging skin. Such a huge variety turned them into an element of everyday wardrobe. High boots began to combine not with cautious outfits, but with restrained careless clothing. They quickly become universal shoes suitable for women of all age.

Many fashion houses, such as Hermes and Louis Vuitton, resorted to Jean-Caborit services, which makes premium leather boots. Nowadays, these boots symbolize the highest female confidence. For example, Rihanna often appears in models that close all the thighs. Fashionable critic Stephen Bailey even speaks about this that "such a style is simultaneously hiding and advertised: a curious look will surely rush to the places higher than the knee and will be interested in forbidden and hidden from the eye of the thigh." In 2009, Madonna at the annual evening of the Costume Institute appeared in narrow pants out of blue atlas and leather boots. Soon they became for the well-known women to demonstrate their sexuality, but not to look vulgar. For example, they loved to wear Victoria Beckham, but combined with a simple t-shirt and skinny jeans. Stars at all unevenly breathe to this type of shoes. But still, they are usually choosing young women who are often in public, for example, Megan Fox, Jennifer Aniston, Lindsay Lohan or Kate Moss. To see in high boots an exemplary Hollywood mommy is almost unrealistic, there can be a chance that Jennifer Lopez or Jessica Alba, and even a hundred times they think about it.

New Queen of Podatage Rihanna released her own collection of bottle in collaboration with a famous shoe brand

New Queen of Podatage Rihanna released her own collection of bottle in collaboration with a famous shoe brand


Knowledge base

We will not smear that the boots are definitely stylish and bright, but wearing them extremely difficult. When combined with clothing, first of all, it is necessary to take into account their established status of sexual and pretty provocative shoes, which requires a minimum of other spicy accents.

The main rule when wearing high boots is in no case should you wear with frank dresses, tops and blouses and, God, with a deep neckline.

The second rule: the stronger the clothes are decorated, the easier it should be boots, and the more modest outfit, the more caller and decorated can be shoes. In this case, it is permissible to wear boots with buckles, metal elements, print and other attracting attention to the details.

Also, choosing boots with a high-tie, never forget about the proportions. For example, it is best to carry with a midi skirt with an overlated waist and bulk sweaters. But short skirts in the risk area. In the case of them, excessive sequapil can be tried to limit boots on a flat move. By the way, such models are not only madly comfortable in the sock, but also look perfectly with short jackets and narrow trousers.

Thus, one-photon shoes without unnecessary decor can be called a universal option. It is easy to combine with skirts, dresses, leggings and jeans, trenches, fitted blades and coats. Leave richly decorated models for special occasions. Remember only one thing: you always need to be correctly assessing your legs: if they are thin and slender, boldly wear fitting models or even stockings boat; But if your legs have a slightly complete - it is better to choose the medium width options. So be in the trend, but try not to overtake the stick.

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