Can not be: what facts about sex are still misleading


Despite the huge number and availability of information, we often continue to believe in incredible facts regarding sex. We decided to figure out what is true, and what is not.

Only men can reach orgasm in a dream

Not. Let the men, several times more often than women think about sex, and not always purposefully, as sexologists argue, women are also able to reach the peak of pleasure in a dream. If we speak the language of numbers - about 40% of the surveyed girls admitted that they regularly reach orgasm, without even waking up.

Sex can act as an anesthetic

But this is true. We all heard the immortal female excuses - there will be no sex, my head hurts. Scientists have already managed to prove that the hormones of joy, which during sex are produced in large quantities, are able to have a relaxing effect on the whole organism, including fighting with pains of various nature.

sex is not a solution to all health problems

sex is not a solution to all health problems


Sex leads to blindness

True, but only partly. As this phenomenon of scientists are called - temporary Amavrosis, when, after a bright orgasm, a black paddle hangs in front of your eyes. As a rule, this unpleasant state completely disappears in a couple of minutes. Psychologists until today did not find out the real cause of such a reaction of our body for pleasure.

Sex - weight loss means

No matter how you wanted it, but even the best sex is not able to cut out the figure of your dreams without additional effort on your part. A real fact - only 30 calories are burned in 5 minutes of active sex. Agree, very little. Therefore, do not impose great hopes for sex.

Sex prolongs youth

And come back to hormones again. This time is a hormone of DHEA, which is associated with the process of aging. However, the high content of the hormone in the blood leads to unpleasant consequences like a heart attack, so take drugs that stimulate it is extremely recommended. But not in the case of sex, during which the hormone stands out in a permissible amount and is positive effect on the immune system, and also increases the elasticity of the skin.

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