Currency account, conversion or cash: we understand how it is more profitable to pay abroad


Another 10 years ago, everyone considered his duty to remove the amount of several thousand dollars or euros to a visit to his family. People calculated the day when the conversion rate would be most profitable, and the bank was chosen without restrictions on the amount of removal. Modern technologies and online banks have simplified the system: more often people simply take a bank card with them, and better - they pay with a touch through a smartphone. considered the pros and cons of three popular purchase options.

Foreign currency account

+. No conversion. You can start your account in dollars, euros and any other currency. Before the trip, it is enough to change the account from the ruble to the currency in the bank application on the smartphone - this operation is made in one click. When paying, you will not take off the commission, since the payment currency will be the same as in the country.

+. Ability to translate money. If you pay at lunch for the company, and then you want to divide the account, there will be no problems - you do not have to recalculate the cost of rubles. By cards with an attached currency account, you can translate exactly the amount you should.

+. Stability. If you understand the exchange rate change and know when you need to buy foreign money, you can safely save on it. You do not have to follow the course before the trip.

+. Reliability. In contrast to cash, the storage of funds in the bank account is more secure. You will be able to walk down the street and not be afraid that you will be crushed, and export at your map how much money without restrictions on the border service.

- Elevative turmoil. You can start an account when making a map - most Russian banks offer such a service. But, if you did not do it right away, then you will have to wait a few days for registration, or agree with the Bank's restrictions - the minimum amount on the account and other.

- Need to postpone money. Translate money between currency and ruble account every time after the trip is not the best idea. You will have to leave unspent funds on account until the next time.

- The inability to pay minor costs. In eateries, public transport, small grocery stores are still not everywhere accept payment by a bank card or establish the minimum purchase amount.

Pay the card is always more convenient

Pay the card is always more convenient


Conversion from ruble card

+. Convenience. Attach the card to the smartphone and pay for purchases worldwide in one touch. You do not need to call the bank and report a trip - this myth has long passed into the past.

+. Good exchange rate. Banks set a conversion rate at the middle level, plus a commission of 5-10% for making conversion and payment abroad. This small amount will be invisible relative to all spending.

- Double conversion. In some countries of Europe, for example, in Hungary, in the course of the local currency, and not the euro. This means that when paying the card, the Bank will request a translation from rubles to euros or dollars, and then, as in this case, in Forinty. As a result, you will lose a lot of money on conversion.

Cash withdrawal

+. Payment anywhere. With cash in local currency you can pay for the purchase anywhere - it is convenient if you like to eat in street cafes and ride public transport.

+. Ability to leave tips. If you like the hotel's maid service, the waiter in a restaurant or another person who provides you with a service is much easier to leave him a few euros for tea with cash than asking to pay them through the terminal.

- Need to ask for delivery. Local will not give you a surrender if the balance from the purchase will be a couple of euro or less. The amount is insignificant, but, losing it every time, in the end you spend much more money.

- The probability of theft. What do not say, but even in Europe at night it is better not to walk, especially in remote areas of the city. Local bandits will notice the tourist from afar and will begin hunting for his wallet. In this case, it is very difficult to protect yourself, but perhaps - wear money in the waist bag fixed on your belt or chest.

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