How Irena Ponarushka Grow Vegetarian


Refuse meat Irena, Ponaroshka decided for the sake of the future husband. Alexander Glukhov, better known as DJ List, considers himself Krishna. And when he told Irene that his favorite girl was simply not entitled to eat meat, the TV presenter became a vegetarian, which does not regret anything. Moreover, she gladly tells that during pregnancy decided not to give up his beliefs. And perfectly felt all nine months. His son Seraphim Helds-star fed a year and a half booster and all this time also adhered to vegetarianism. Irena and her spouse Alexander do not eat fish, seafood, meat and chicken. This never tried their son. According to the TV presenter, the boy refused animal proteins on his own initiative. It does not fundamentally eat meat and fish and on all children's holidays and visiting the persuasion of others to try to try.

Son of Irena Ponaroschim Seraphim

Son of Irena Ponaroschim Seraphim

Recently, the Ponaroshka published an exemplary list of products that are present in the sierafim diet. For breakfast at the boy to choose from nine different porridge. It can also be enjoyed by yogurts, muesli, fruits, seeds, nuts, and also add oil to porridge or smear it on bread. For lunch, Seraphim necessarily eats soups - vegetable, with peas or beans, soup or borsch, where spices, seeds and oil are added for taste. For afternooner Irena gives his son cottage cheese, cheese, berries, fruits. May add to the dish for taste jam. For dinner, Seraphim can eat porridge, such as buckwheat. Or refreshing the Vegan Olivier, Paste, Pizza and Beloved Broccoli. Of course, delicious desserts are allowed, and other sweets.

Marianna Trifonova, Nutritionist

Marianna Trifonova, Nutritionist

Marianna Trifonova, a nutritionist:

- When a child appears in the vegetarian family, parents need to do everything so that the baby's nutrition is full. On the surface there is a problem of obtaining a sufficient number of plant protein with food, which can become an alternative to animal origin. However, in addition to this, vegetarians do not get a number of vitamins and minerals with food in an easily-friendly form. Since it is in this form that are contained in animal products. First of all, it concerns the vitamins of the group in, iron, calcium and zinc. Nutrition Child-Vegan can not be called balanced. Help fix this imbalance can receive vitamin and mineral complexes.

Natalia Grishina, Ph.D., a gastroenterologist, nutritionist

Natalia Grishina, Ph.D., a gastroenterologist, nutritionist

Natalia Grishina, k. M. N., Gastroenterologist, nutritionist:

- Why is the transition to a vegetarian diet only after 18 years? First: all organism systems must be fully formed (enzyme system, bone, muscular, endocrine). Secondly: a person must understand the consequences of this choice. Personality and organism must mature.

Our enzyme system is designed before all for digesting meat. We are leaning vegetable food harder. Initially, we are predators. In the process of evolution, we adapted, adapted to digest plant food, but we are detail using our microbiotes, symbiontes: friendly bacteria living in the intestine. The spectrum of human own enzymes is insufficient to digest a large number of plant food. It should be in the diet, but only it is not natural for a person. If this happens, it is inevitably reflected in the state of health.

All the parents feed the child - useful products. It is good that they do not deprive its fats, dairy products. But his diet is depleted. The child does not get in the desired number of micronutrients. In particular, iron. Available iron for the human body is only in meat. It is impossible to score enough from buckwheel and apples. And it is very important for immunity.

The diet of the child is depleted with proteins and indispensable amino acids, of which proteins are being built in our organism. They are vital for blood-forming processes, normal operation of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, nervous system, need the liver, performing antitoxic function. It is possible to get full-fledged indispensable amino acids from the products of animal origin: meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs. The need for amino acids and proteins in children is higher than adults. Also, there is a depletion of the zinc and vitamins of the B: B, B2, in 12 (the lack of the deficient anemia may cause in 12). No fish with her phosphorus and calcium, omega 3. In nuts, first of all, there is Omega 6, and Omega 3 is a fatty fish. Do not forget about vitamin D. Yes, it is generated partially under the sunny rays, but without animal proteins and fats (butter, etc.) is difficult to obtain the desired dose.

The minimum amount of meat for the child is 6 years old - 130-140 grams per day. Preferably, poultry meat, rabbit, low-fat beef and pork, lamb. Boiled, baked. It should not be excluded from the diet of eggs and cheeses, cottage cheese, butter (from milk of animal origin).

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