Women's question: 3 poses in sex to increase sensitivity


No matter how skillful was your man if you can't enjoy the bed, you should not expect harmony in a relationship. Disadvantage in sexual terms leads to quarrels, irritation for any reason and often ends with a break. We do not need it, and therefore we decided to help you solve the problem of lack of orgasm, offering the best postures to achieve a peak of pleasure.


In fact, this is a missionary posture, but with minor changes. A woman is located below, while pulling his legs and putting them on the shoulders of the partner. If you can boast an excellent stretching, remove your legs with his shoulders and, without bending the knees, press them as much as possible to the body. Thus, your bodies will easily fit to each other, ensuring the necessary stimulation of the clitoris.

"Rider in Asian"

If you like to feel control over the situation, this posture will suit you as it is impossible. You can independently adjust the depth of penetration and rhythm.

A woman sits on top, while not flexing to a man. Start moving, slightly rejecting back. Thanks to this location, the penetration will be slightly deeper than usually, in addition, a man will open a stunning look that will ensure a tide of a new excitement and strength. Do not doubt, a bright orgasm will not make himself wait.

Harmony in relationship is possible only in the absence of problems in bed

Harmony in relationship is possible only in the absence of problems in bed

Photo: www.unsplash.com.


A great way to diversify sex. You lie down on the bed, and the man stands in front of you. You straighten your legs and put one of them on his shoulder. Thus, a man does not need a lot of effort so that you reach the peak of pleasure. For more convenience, put a pillow under the tailbone, which will reduce the load on your lower back.

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