Elena Arosova: "I often catch myself thinking that very happy"


Heroine Elena Arosnieva very often fall into difficult life situations and involuntarily become strong women. So in the TV series "Certificate of Birth", the actress played exactly such a role. At the same time, in ordinary life, Elena has a lot of reasons to feel absolutely happy woman. Meets with the actress and, among other things, clarified the secret of her surname.

"Elena, on the Internet you are confused with Elena Arospea, older sister Olga Arospea." Are you relatives?

- Olga Aleksandrovna and Elena Aleksandrovna Arosyev - aunt of my husband, Dmitry Arosyov.

- Why is there a soft sign in your last name?

- In our home library there are books of my husband's grandfather, Father Olga and Elena Arosov, - Arosene Alexander Yakovlevich. He was not only a famous diplomat, but also a writer. On some of these books, his surname is written with a soft sign, and on some - without. Accurate answer, where did the double writing come from, no ...

- Your spouse, Dmitry Arosov, also a famous actor, but few knows that he is a successor of the famous dynasty ...

- Yes, it is thanks to a soft sign in the surname, even during her husband's teaching in Pike, no one knew about it. And Dima himself tries not to advertise this moment, I think it is important for him to seek himself. By the way, Olga Alexandrovna him loved him for it and always proudly told him how Mitya (as she called him a family) refuses any help.

"You can say with Dmitry, a service affair happened on the set of the series" My Prechistenka "?

- Yes. We met on the set, Dima played my son Vanya. (Laughs.) And now we yourself are the second son wears the name Ivan!

Elena and Dmitry met on the set of the series. According to the plot, she played mom, and he is Ivan's son. Interestingly, Ivan the spouse called her boy

Elena and Dmitry met on the set of the series. According to the plot, she played mom, and he is Ivan's son. Interestingly, Ivan the spouse called her boy

- You were born in the closed scientific town of Arzamas-16. Was it afraid to enter a famous family?

- I am quite a long time, even after marriage, also did not know that Dima is related to famous actresses.

- Your relatives as reacted to Dmitry?

- positive. Dima chalked them all. (Smiles.)

- And new relatives did not suit any tests, as in the showrooms show?

- No, accepted very warmly. But with Elena Alexandrovna, who used to live in Omsk, and only recently moved to Moscow, we never met.

Last year she died ...

- It is said that only an actor can understand the actress. Can I call your family simple or still do you have theater passions at home?

- When in the house, children are boring. Maybe therefore we do not have time to find out the relationship with each other or something else. For ten joint years with her husband, I can not remember a single "fatal" conflict, although we try to pronounce all the questions and not leave in a limp. I think with a person another profession would be harder.

Elena Arosova:

Actress often get the roles of strong women with children. In the TV series "Certificate of Birth", heroin Elena also has to fight for their happiness

- Are you advised to each other about roles, new projects?

- Be sure!

"Elena, your heroines are very often falling into difficult situations and are forced to become strong women." Did not think, why do you suggest such roles?

- As a rule, each actor has a "typologically prescribed hero." But I, of course, would like to escape from the role of eternal sufferers. In order for the director to see in me some other face. My sister, for example, recently noted the bitch played by me in the series "From Siberia with Love", and the husband assures that I need to play "metaphysical roles" - aliens, mermaids, etc. (laughs.)

- You have more than thirty movie roles. Probably, during this time I learned a lot: as they say, and stop the horse to the race, and in the horses, the burning will enter?

- Of course, experience is very important in our profession. I remember myself first frowning on the set ... and laughter, and tears ... I was shaking from excitement. Could not a pair of phrases say. By the way, despite this, with my first film director, Leonid Grigorievich Belozorovich, recently finished working on the third joint project. Everyone laughs, remembering my first shooting.

- Recently, you celebrated your 33rd birthday: you have a loving husband, two sons, your favorite job. What else do you need for complete happiness?

- I have something to strive for, of course! But I often catch myself thinking that very happy. (Smiles.)

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