Natalia Gulkina: "It would be better if native beat me physically"


Natalia Gulkina, Natalia Gulkin, recently, Natalia Gulkin, and the mother of the first beloved singer, Sergey, Seraphim Solovova became the guests of the transfer of Andrei Malakhov. Unites these women, one common grief is an unrolved baby Natalia and Sergey. Sometime the star of the Mirage group had to abandon the idea of ​​becoming a mother. The parents affected her decision, because Natalia was very young. She was only 16 years old, and she studied in college. Sergey, and his mother wanted this child, they promised to help him raise, but Natasha's parents insisted to interrupt pregnancy.

Sergey Streakov - the first love of Natalia Gulkina

Sergey Streakov - the first love of Natalia Gulkina

Frame from the program "Let them say"

Now women are flawed about the decision taken then. Details of this sad story correspondent decided to find out from the singer itself in a telephone interview.

- Natalia, how did you meet Sergey?

- Oh, it is very romantic, just fabulous, history. I studied at Taganka in the School of Communication, and lived on the "southwest". Every day, I met a girlfriend at the metro station "Oktyabrskaya" and drove further together to study. Once I drew attention to the guy in a bright blue jacket. He also waited someone there. So repeated day after day. High blue-eyed blond liked me. Spring ended, and with her and study. Suddenly I saw a familiar jacket in the school, but the guy turned out to be another. I went out on the street and saw Sergey there, it turned out that he lent a jacket to a friend. But the most incredible thing is that they also studied in the same school, or rather finished it.

Since childhood Natasha did not imagine his life without music

Since childhood Natasha did not imagine his life without music

Photo from the personal archive of Natalia Gulkina

- Have you ever met?

- Yes. As it turned out, we lived not far from each other. He near the department store "Moscow", after a few stops on Leninsky - my mother, and I at the end of the avenue, in Troparevo lived with my grandmother.

- How and where did your romance passed?

- Burly. We listened to rock music, Sergey Fanatel from the Kiss group, foolished. Walked around the city in any weather. On the sparrow mountains, in the park of Gorky, in Troparevo. By the way, once Sergey almost drowned me in a local pond. In childhood I was tone, so I was afraid of water and inept to swim. We rode a boat and suddenly, not far from the shore, Sergei dropped me out of it. I started shouting: "Sergey, save me," and in response: "Swim". Somehow, doggy I got bored to the shore. So I learned to swim.

Natasha and Seryozha often walked in Troparevsky Park

Natasha and Seryozha often walked in Troparevsky Park

Photo from the personal archive of Natalia Gulkina

- Did you decide not to leave the child?

- At first I did not understand what was pregnant. But when such natural physiological processes as nausea and vomiting began, everything became clear. Of course, I was frightened and told all my mother, and she said the categorical "no". Mom was at work all the time, and I just could not help with the child. In addition, she was afraid that I could not normally give birth to the baby, I was worse, another child itself. Mom and grandmother experienced that it was so early by mom, I ruin myself. They loved to literally beaten me, said such things that I could not expect from them: they were insulted, called, threatened. It would be better if native beat me physically.

I was a minor. The decision took Mom, she was afraid that I would stay with a child alone. She told Serezhe's mother.

At 16, Natasha listened to the group

At 16, Natasha listened to the group "Kiss" and listened to mom

Photo from the personal archive of Natalia Gulkina

- How did Sergey respond to your position?

- Sergey was two years older than me, we were in your ears in love with each other and, of course, planned to live together for a long time and happily. And when I learned that I was pregnant, then the question would be to leave a child or not, did not stand for us. Seryozha and his mother promised to help, but Seryozha himself was still a boy, he had to go to the army.

- He offended that the pregnancy was interrupted?

- Not that word. Sergey was very offended. We quickly quarreled, he threw me, and I literally ran after him, begging to forgive. I could not drink neither, nor learn. I cried all the time. At the same time, grandmother left grandmother. I lived in hell. Nearby there was no man who could tell me how to be. In the end, a history teacher, and in the course of our novel was the whole school, caused me to a frank conversation. He expected that after the school I would act to the University, at the Faculty of Story, and I took my studies. The teacher said that I would remember my female pride and stopped humiliated before Sergey. And the reception worked - Sergey returned.

In love with the wander on the embankment

In love with the wander on the embankment

Photo from the personal archive of Natalia Gulkina

- Forgave?

- Forgave. And then he went to the army, promised that when he came back, we will live together, and everything will be fine with us, there will be more children. I waited, writing the letters, almost every day, but did not wait a little. By the time I graduated from the school and passed the practice at the telephone station. There I met Kola Gulkin, fell in love. Nataska did not wait.

- How did Sergey learned that you threw it?

- I stopped writing his letters. He called his mother, that of mine - they often communicated, and found out. And I was already going to marry Kola. Sergey served in Poland, he remained a month, but he somehow escaped from the commander and came to Moscow. I have a wedding the next day. And here Sergey on the threshold. He persuaded me, terrified what I am doing, but it was too late to change something.

At 19, Natalia married a colleague on the telephone exchange station Nikolai Gulkin, and in 20 born the son of Alexey

At 19, Natalia married a colleague on the telephone exchange station Nikolai Gulkin, and in 20 born the son of Alexey

Photo from the personal archive of Natalia Gulkina

- Do you know how the fate of Sergey has happened?

- A few years later, I met him somehow in the Moscow department store. He was married, had two children. But his mother from Malakhov said that Seryozha died almost 10 years ago, but she is already a great-grandmother.

- Regard that everything happened?

- Yes of course. I often think that everything could work out otherwise. And the first child would be born in me at 16, and not at 20 years old. And Sergey, maybe it would be alive. But Mom believes that she then decided everything correctly. What now to say, life is impossible to replay first.

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