

Mironova 48722_1

The last name she had Mironov.

Rather, it was the last name of her husband. With her husband, they have long been divorced, but she left the surname: first, because of the children, and secondly, what's the difference ... Mironova so Mironova ...

Husband, although after the divorce passed eight years, from time to time called her and told what she was a fool. First, because it was divorced with him, and secondly, in general, in life ... She muddled out, then started, screamed: "You yourself are a fool," pressed the button in the hearts, then I couldn't calm down for a long time ... the girlfriend said It is necessary to change the number, but it somehow did not decide. First, this number everyone knows, and secondly, he will find it with a new number if he wants ...

She loved everything to put everything on the shelves: first, secondly ... so she understood life better. If life can be understood at all.

The divorce was for her, on the one hand, great release, on the other - a huge shock. It was decided to leave myself - not to another, namely from her husband. Unbearable was life with him, blinding in trifles, bringing to tears, who do not respe her at all. Yes, and she did not respe him and did not love him. Married, it came out because the time came that it was supposed to. Children were born, she was engaged in children, house, worked. Forces required a lot, the years were difficult. In general, on the outcome of the seventeenth year, Mironov's livelihood found a thick unhappy aunt in the mirror with an isolated glance and was horrified. Where did the big-eyed beauty-laughter? The skin faded, the eyes were dead ... but not at all the old woman! And she woke up determination.

At first she lost weight. For three months, it decreased by two sizes. When she endured clothes on the garbage, which - was sure - it's never will be useful, Bizhich, living in the yard, was interested in:

- What is yours there?

"Yes, I lost weight, things were great, there was nowhere to do," Mironov became familiar to justify.

"Leave," the homeless man arrogantly robbed, "I'll see."

The next day, Bizhogh had already fledged in her things, and Mironov could not come to himself, declining that he was looking for all, even before Bizhikhi. "To what he brought me," thought with hatred of her husband.

They divorced quickly, and Mironov went to another city. With two children in a new place without a financial airbag was not just hard - terribly difficult. She is rigid, to a penny, planned daily expenses, not allowing nothing superfluous. For half a year I lived on potatoes, we went only on foot. Children, already adults, looked at her Kosovo. With my husband, though they did not lose, but it was still not accounted for.

Then it became easier. It was planned with work: Mironova was an enterprising, hardworking. Construction business knew well, and this industry in any city is in demand. The son married her early, also began to work, herself and his wife himself. With my daughter they lived normally. Further to each other did not fit in the soul. Yes, Mironova and once it was: it was necessary to earn one's own housing.

- Mom, - once said her daughter. - Why do you dress so badly?

Mironova Obomlla. First, she did not think that he had a bad thing, and secondly, it was somehow to hear from her daughter ... Oh, she dressed as a doll ...

I went shopping, finding that I didn't buy anything really didn't buy anything. Everything that I liked, was approached by young girls like her daughter, but for her there was nothing to do anything.

Home returned with nothing. Separating doggings, went to the mirror. The same unhappy aunt watched from the mirror. Only the figure began better. And in the eyes there was an universal longing.

And Mironov realized that she had to change something again. But which side began to start, I did not understand at all. Everything in life was not so bad: both with work, and with finance, and with children, and with housing. Everything is, but there is no happiness, she understood suddenly. And for happiness lacked only one - love. It is love, feelings. In sex with her work, the lack was not - but the soul is not warming.

She was afraid to go to dating sites - there were conversations of friends about maniacs and thieves settled in the networks. Dancing at her age do not go. Is that in the park on Sundays, on specially organized discos. She saw she somehow once: a pathetic spectacle ...

There was a free search. Cancer to a lonely man in a cafe, ask for help on the street ... All this smoked the hunt, something deliberate, and wanted the natural development of events. To - Rrzraz! - And love fell on the head with a capital letter, one and for life ...

"Did I love anyone in my life, except for children?" - thought Mironov.

And she remembered her first, his only love.

They were both sixteen, they were young and bunk. They loved each other so that the head was circle. The day could not spend apart. Passionate kisses have already gone, it went to adult manifestations of feelings, but circumstances intervened. Parents moved him to another city, he, of course, with them. Farewell came out somehow crumpled, stupid, they seemed to feel that they would no longer see.

Why did they not even write each other? She suffered, tormented, but could not overcome and write the first. And he was the first and did not write ...

"The social network," thought Mironov. - That's here the social networks. "

Find her first love in social networks turned out to be absolutely not difficult. The same surname, the same city, where he moved then with his parents. In the chest of Mironova, the fire was already burning, she anticipated how he sprinkled with him now, as he would be glad, how the feelings will flare up again, and he will be unmarried ...

From his page in Facebook, the face of her husband looked at Mironov.

Then I understood: no, not he. But very, very similar.

Mironova moved away from the table with a computer, lit.

She just realized that he married Mironov only because he was so reminded of her first love. Her Danka.

The circle closed. She will not write anyone. She will not search for anyone. She and so everything is fine.

All right.

Mironova put out the cigarette and desperately, in his voice, buried.

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