Again Maslenitsa: how to use oils in caring


Moroccan argan oil from Huilargang (main photo)

The useful properties of Argan oil heard, probably all. It is rightfully considered one of the most valuable and rare oils on Earth. It is produced from the fruits (nuts) of the Argian tree, which is found only in Morocco and grows only in a certain part of this country. The oil contains a large amount of vitamin E, which ensures efficient protection against free radicals. Additionally, it has a soothing effect on the skin, reduces irritation and inflammation, is a very effective anti-allergic component, effectively moisturizes and nourishes. You can use argan oil at least for hair, though for the skin of the face, though for nails. In the first case, the hair instantly become brilliant and well-groomed. When leaving the skin of the face and neck, you can see even a lightweight lifting effect (not counting active humidification), and the nails cease to be brittle.

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Argan Oil Hand and Body Cream from CompLiment

Despite the beneficial properties of oils, some simply do not like their consistency and feeling on the skin. For such cases, natural oils can be replaced with creams based on them. Cream for hands and body Argan Oil from Compliment is designed just based on argan oil and irreplaceable now, after a tightening winter. After all, the skin for the long months of cold and temperature drops has become dry, so it requires constant moisturizing. In addition, in parallel with moisture, cream-little contributes to the reduction of mimic wrinkles and is actively struggling with signs of premature aging.

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Cleansing hydrophilic oil Essential Cleansing Oil from South Korean brand The Skin House

In the East, they always knew a sense in the correct cleansing of the skin. Therefore, South Korean or Japanese brands offer a huge amount of funds for cleansing. And many of them so far for us in a novelty. Well, for example, how can I wash with oil? However, after the first application of this tool, you will fall in love with him seriously and for a long time.

The process of cleansing looks like a ritual. The oil is applied to the dry skin of the face, then you slightly massive the skin, and then wash off warm water. And when washed with oil, the oil suddenly turns into a white milk, which deeply cleanses the pores and dissolves not only the most resistant makeup, but also a fat plug in the scored pores, thus warning the appearance of black dots. It is important after this step to clean the skin with the help of the usual wash. It is thanks to the oils (and the oil of olive oil, rose rose fruit oil, oil from sunflower seeds) are not overwhelmed, but even irritated skin immediately calms down.

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Bio-Oil Cosmetic Oil from Union SWISS

This means is not worthy of the title of real breakthrough in the beauty industry. After all, Bio-Oil oil easily copes with such skin defects, like stretching, scars (scars), acne traces, pigmentation, dehydrated and age-related leather. And this is not only a manufacturer's statements: Last year, the oil passed clinical trials of the most professional in the world of cosmetology of Russian specialists. The study was attended by 30 volunteers (both women and men): half of them had scars on the skin, and the other half - strry (stretch marks). All of them for eight weeks twice a day were applied to Bio-Oil problem areas. According to the Doctor of Medical Sciences, the head of the cosmetology department of the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology (Hypik) Anna, the results speak for themselves: "Bio-Oil oil contributes to the effective skin healing, the rapid restoration of its barrier properties and maintain a sufficient level of moisture. Thus, optimal conditions were created to restore the skin with the formation of healthy fabrics, which ensured the cosmetic effect of the correction of scarring of different nature. " By the way, Anita Tsoi appeared in the role of an independent star expert. "Every woman knows how important healthy, beautiful skin in order to feel beautiful. I can confirm on my experience that this is true: only when the skin is healthy, you can feel really good - and externally, and internally, it commented. - Bio-Oil gives a real result that is visible to the naked eye - and therefore helps people feel healthy and happy. "

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Oil for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows from the Russian brand "Kamali"

As part of this, the oil is usp, macadamia oil, castor oil, avocado oil, rosemary extract, nettle extract, sea buckthorn extract and chamomile extract. The results of the application you will notice quite soon. And they will go to the growth of not only eyelashes, but also eyebrows (including what you will also take care of them).

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