From love to hatred: obsessive thoughts that interfere with work


Even the most beloved job can sooner or later begin to bring not so much satisfaction, how much experiences for any occasion, starting from a small irritation itching over the ear of the colleague, which can lead in a nervous breakdown, if you don't get a correction of the situation on time.

We decided to assemble the main thoughts that most of us are tormented every day, as well as tell how to redirect the thinking to a positive side.

"When this day is over!"

Familiar? We are confident that yes. Perhaps the solution to this problem will not be too original, but you must change your attitude to what is happening. It is important to understand that the perfect office, colleagues and the atmosphere does not exist, one of the items always "saves." Remember all the positive points regarding your work, for example, a stable salary, a comfortable office paid for sick leave and vacation. Try not to let the negative in your consciousness, we live in stress most of your life, so why provoke a new wave of negativity?

Do not cheat yourself

Do not cheat yourself


"Why so much work? I do not cope! "

Also a frequent complaint of the average residential inheritant. Remember that you are not obliged to solve all the company's problems alone: ​​if work is too much and you will obviously do not cope with all the volume, ask for help with colleagues, explaining the situation. Only working as a coordinated team can achieve a real result.

If there is no possibility to share responsibilities, without winding yourself, dedicate each ten to renounce before the working day of the plan for the coming working day, distribute the tasks according to the degree of importance and proceed to sequential execution.

"Yes, if I feel ..."

Using himself, that without your brilliant skills, the department will not cope with the plan, you yourself drive yourself into a state of stress, from which it will be very difficult to go out. Work in such a state, as you understand, it is very difficult. Yes, Perfectionism and self-esteem should be present to a certain extent, but you should not go on your pride and declare to colleagues about your significance: you can put on a place in a very incorrect form that you will bring you additional mental suffering.

"I miss Knowledge"

It is impossible to know everything, and this is a fact. The fact that you will periodically experience a deficit of information - a normal phenomenon that is solved by advanced training courses or trainings. However, the constant oppression of oneself to the thought that you are in something worse than the "Dasha from the neighboring department", absolutely chooses you from the rut, which will affect performance, and you do not need it at all.

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