How to quarrel right


Often you can hear: quarreled from scratch. But there is no quarrel without a reason, just sometimes the reason is not obvious. Then she testifies to problems in relationships. For example, the husband returned late, but did not want to explain where he was. The wife was silent, but she threw offense, which sooner or later bursts in the form of a quarrel. The reason for a quarrel can be our desire to remake the partner, and in fact - to make it more convenient for yourself. Or the desire to vulnery partner, show your superiority, albeit in minor things, etc.

How to stop quarrel in marriage? For this you need to understand two things. First, marriage is your joint venture. Secondly, between the truth and happiness is better to choose happiness.

Relationship in marriage is the work of both partners. There can be no happy marriage if one tries, and the second refers to it as a proper or does not care at all about the partner. To make the marriage, both partners must "invest." It is not necessary to think: I have an unhappy marriage, I will not work on it. He is because unhappy that no one works over him. But if you are at the same time, if you understand that together the common cause, then you will be easier to solve any conflicts. To be at the same time - it means not just to love, but also to understand and take each other, respect the feelings and opinions, maintain, to have a common goal.

It is important to remember: Spouses are not rivals, but allies

It is important to remember: Spouses are not rivals, but allies


In what cases between the truth and happiness is better to choose happiness? In those when you really do not add anything. Remember how in the cartoon Matroskin, the ball said to buy felt boots, and he bought sneakers. "And I told him!" Such phrases themselves are often becoming a reason for a quarrel, because they have the goal of one thing - to vulnerates more than one who has already been mistaken and, most likely, repent. If every time, instead of supporting and helping, you will ulce and exacerbate, you will receive not only regular quarrels, but also bad relationships. If in your partner instead of the enemy you will see an ally, many conflicts will be resolved by themselves.

And one more important point. Who should apologize after a quarrel? On this score there are different opinions: the one who started the quarrel, the one who is smarter, etc. But if we recall that the spouses are partners acting at the same time, we will understand that both of them will apologize. Regardless of the one who is right who is to blame, who is smarter. When both apologize, they, firstly, restore their partnership, equilibrium in a pair, and secondly, once again recognize that they were not right, participating in this quarrel. And perhaps it is these apologies and mutual repentance will keep them next time to quarrel.

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