Roman Kurtsyn: "I have a lot of flaws, but I carefully hide them"


Roman Kursyn is very convinced by the role of coach in the TV series "Fitness". As, however, in other roles that he played in the series "Ship", films "Crimea", " Avengers", "I'm losing weight." Meets with the novel and discussed deception in the movies, muscle mass and acting arrogance.

- Roman, personally I was not surprised when I saw you as a fitness instructor. Probably, there were no special samples?

- I was immediately invited to a major role, and I was approved before approved the remaining actors. The only thing that producer was required from me is to be in the maximum physical form so that such Kurcesna has not yet seen on the television screens of our country. That is, they asked me, in fact, did not get out of the gym.

- What did you do? ..

- Yes, I began to prepare for this project for three months before it began. And during the filming, and they were sitting on a tough diet and went to the gym twice a day. Training were diverse. It is karate, both acrobatics, and crossfit, and gym, rocking chair. Because my hero is a fitness coach Oleg - must professionally know all the nuances. And I myself had to deepen in this topic. So I can declare with all the responsibility that I am now also a good coach. (Smiles.)

Roman Kurtsyn:

"On the set" Fitness ", I said:" Guys, if the text forget - for me there are no complaints, because I play a role, I am a stupid picker "

- If we talk about the details: how many kilograms of muscle mass did you score for these filming?

- My weight is all the time 77 kilograms with growth 177. I scored three kilograms of dry muscle mass. The guys who are preparing for bodybuilding competitions are held on a diet on one and a half thousand calories only two weeks, and I had such a diet for four months. Because athletes just one day to perform, and then they can gain a fat layer and make thick skin. And I had to stay in one physical form for three months. But it was worth it. I was pleased with my body one hundred percent, so I can not say that he suffered greatly. I wanted sweetly sweet, but I had some days when you eat everything you want. My hero Oleg on these days wanted borscht, and I was drawn on sweet and ice cream.

- I'm trying to understand how the time could be configured in such a schedule to learn the text ...

"I confess, I had problems with the text: I had 7 projects in parallel, I slept little. But sometimes there were to say large monologues in which I forgot the text. And we even have introduced fines: for each mistake I wroved fifteen or more times. With each error, this number was multiplied by two. When up to 150 push ups for one double, then I said: "Guys, if you forget the text - to me there are no complaints, because I play a role, I am a stupid pitch." (Laughs.)

Roman Kurtsyn:

After filming in the TV series "Fitness", the novel had to sharply drop muscle mass to play a rock musician, very similar to Kurt Kobein


- Whatever advice you can give those who decided to buy the same form as you?

- You need to listen to your body and generally live in harmony with yourself. And if you feel harmonious, being fat, you kaifovo in this state, then keep doing it up. And if I want to change something - do it, I do not listen to anyone. First of all, the motivation is important. The strongest person is a motivated person: for profession, or her girl, or itself, first of all.

- Admit, do you have shortcomings?

- Full. (Laughs.) But I carefully hide them. This is probably better to ask people who communicate with me. Well, probably arrogance and self-confidence - my shortcomings. Although I do not know if you can call them disadvantages or all the same advantages? I, on the contrary, it helped all the time, although I talked people from the outside: "Kurysin, you were so brazen! What for? Do you know who is this man? He is the general producer of all general producers! Why are you talking to him? " And it works! Arrogance and confidence, it seems to me, on the contrary, help. The main thing is to believe in myself and yourself, then others will not dare to doubt you. If you are told, for example, that this is not my role, I can last so! I came to the producers to the office, insisted, it was shown nine times, I was expelled, but I continued: Shaved Nalyo, changed in the homeless thing, which just did not do to play a role when it was one hundred percent sure.

- Shooting in the TV series "Fitness" are already over. Now you allow yourself to relax and have everything you want?

- Now I have another story. I lost seven kilograms, because I play a rock star, conditional Kurt Kobaine, if he lived in Russia, in the full-length film director Pavel Ruminova. I had to merge all the muscle mass and become such a thin guy with a guitar and drums. So worried about this: I contacted so much meat for the role of fitness coach, the first time in my life was pleased with myself! What is interesting, for the second season of the series about fitness I will have to come back to Oleg, who saw the whole country.

Roman Kursyn refuses to comment on a personal life. Nevertheless, it is known that with his future wife Anna Nazaroison he met in the Yaroslavl Theater Institute. Couple together since 2003. In 2017, they had a son

Roman Kursyn refuses to comment on a personal life. Nevertheless, it is known that with his future wife Anna Nazaroison he met in the Yaroslavl Theater Institute. Couple together since 2003. In 2017, they had a son


- And your free time you also pay only to sports hobbies or is there any hobbies on your list something related to the preparation for the role?

- No, all 24 hours a day there is either preparation for the role, or work on the next project. Even at the weekend, when I'm not removed, this process does not stop. I can watch the movie, there is, solve crosswords, play sports, but inside me all the time there is a continuous preparation process for the next project. And in most cases, on weekends, I still master something new. For example, I'm still learning to play guitar and drums. I already understand that as soon as I appear weekend, I will go to the studio to learn new compositions, write tracks, voice, music, and so on. That is, I can not even call this day weekend.

- Do you own some musical instruments before filming?

- No, not owned at all. By the way, in the film "Grandma of Easy Behavior" I play the NHL star, but never in life did not stand at the skates. Nevertheless, for six lessons, it began to drive it up so much! Cinema is a solid deception (laughs). And I get very well to deceive the audience in those proposed circumstances that I provide, and make you believe my hero.

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