Pelagia and Alexey Vorobyva grown wings



Every year, all birds fly south. A flock of young Chirik should fly away. But at the last moment before the flight to the leader Darius, who knows the road to the south, attacks the evil cat. Darius has time to transfer the secret to Chihik, who will now be to become a leader of the flock. Chizhik has no experience of such distant flights and even moreover, the experience of leadership, but he does not have anything but to quickly learn.

"Alexey, you voiced the chief hero of Chiizika - a teenage bird in search of yourself and its place in life. It was hard?

- For me, it was the first experience of the cartoon sound. And you need to confess, to voice such a big role in just a few hours it was not easy, because my chirik "tweet" without stopping. But I got great pleasure. When I just got this proposal and found out that my hero was a little brave bird named Chizhik, I became clear to me - this is one hundred percent my character. I'm generally confident that my Chizhik is exactly the sparrow, and therefore we are close relatives with him! (Laughs.)

Pelagia and Alexey Vorobyva grown wings 48594_1

"It seems to me that this cartoon of those that children will then revise several times with pleasure at home," Polagya is sure. .

"Pelagia, you got the role of God's cow - the receptionist's mother of Chizhik. Tell us about your heroine.

- My heroine looked after the Chizhik since he found himself in an abandoned shack, and taught him to be prepared for the dangers and challenges of the outside world. It is she who encourages him to go in search of bird flocks, where he will find a family. My heroine of those who love to teach others to live, tell, as needed to give, possibly unborn tips. But on the other hand, if it were not, it was not the fact that our hero would have found strength in herself and would believe that he could lead a whole flock.

- For you, this is also the first scounding experience. Why this is this cartoon?

- I was incredibly worried and worried so far. I want the first experience to immediately at some serious, good level. And why this is this cartoon? I had enough sufficient suggestions. But, looking at a piece of this cartoon, reading the script, I decided that "Majni wing" exactly what you need. I like the plot of the cartoon, I like how it is drawn - and this is very important for me in animation. It seems to me that this cartoon of those that children will then revise several times with pleasure at home, and I am very glad that I have some attitude towards him.

The chief consultant of the animation was the ornithologist Gille Lezafr, who was making sure that the characters would not look too much to cart. .

The chief consultant of the animation was the ornithologist Gille Lezafr, who was making sure that the characters would not look too much to cart. .

By the way ...

The chief consultant of the cartoon was the ornithologist Gille Lezafr, Vice-President of the Ornithological Center Il de France and a member of the Editorial Board of the Ornithos magazine published by the bird protection ledge. He not only told the scenariors of funny moments from the daily life of birds, but also handed his knowledge to modeling and animation experts, so that the characters would not look too cartoons.

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