Ghostbusters, Transformers, Spiderman and Alice in Wonderland: With children - in the footsteps of films heroes


What: Heroes of Cult Movies

Want to see immediately almost all the heroes of the popular films of the last couple troika decades - you are here. Spiderman, minions, transformers and even Count Dracula with Freddie Kruger - all of them found a place in 14 halls of the museum.

Heroes of films

Heroes of films

True, in the last characters it is better to meet those who have already plus six. After all, the models are made with such frightening accuracy, yes plus the corresponding lighting and sound are still very selected, the test is not for the faint of heart. But Selfie with any of the exhibits of the museum are excellent!

Where: Museum of the Uprising Machines on Volgograd Avenue



What: Horror Labyrinth "Ghost Hunters"

In fact, with the Hollywood film, this attraction relates only to the name. But here, too, you need to fight with ghosts, as well as with monster and other monsters. The attraction is designed so that you are as if you get the hero of the cinema horror. All obstacles and objects of the virtual world are reproduced with accuracy on the site, so they will have to be overcome not in virtual, but in a completely physical sense: somewhere - to step over, somewhere - with force to push the obstacle.



Since during the passage of the labyrinth, not only vision and rumor, but also touch, it makes the immersion effect is simply incredible. That's just young offsprings will still leave at home while at home. Well, if only they do not have born haunted hunters,

Where: Virtuality Park at VDNH

When: from April 20

Ghostbusters, Transformers, Spiderman and Alice in Wonderland: With children - in the footsteps of films heroes 48585_4

3D Music "Alice in Wonderland"

What: 3D-Music "Alice in Wonderland"

Musical performances today will not be surprised. However, this musical is still a little mansion. In the new version of "Alice in Wonderland", miracles become a reality, and the reality looks like a miracle. And all this - thanks to unique technologies, 3D supernects, stereo effects and ... magic glasses. Yes, yes, innovative, first used polarization points used in domestic musicals, not allowing the eyes to taste all 80 minutes of performance. Reading the play is also somewhat different from the canonical plot of Lewis Carolla. Here Alice is a modern girl: which dreams of the glory of the star pop, and the country of miracles for her is the world of show business. In the role of Queen Show business, singer and actress Yulia Artemova will perform. According to her, it was easy for her to become a queen: because she once participated in the program "Factor A", where long and often communicated with Alla Pugacheva.

Where: Cinema House on Vasilyevskaya Street

When: April 23

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