6 Rules Happy Family


Rule of wife №1

No in vain folk wisdom says that a man is head, and a woman is a neck, without which he is nowhere. Therefore, first of all, the task of the wife is to control their condition. If she is bodra, having fun and calm, then the atmosphere in the house will be harmonious. Of course, we are not robots, each can "stand not from that foot", but your task is to keep emotions under control.

Happy wife creates comfort

Happy wife creates comfort


Rule of wife №2.

Today, rarely women limit their lives with the role of housewives: civil service or its business - work takes a lot of time and effort. Your task is to ensure that social activities do not harm the family.

Do not take the job home

Do not take the job home


Rule of wife number 3.

Not a scandal. Men and women are different creatures. You will not achieve anything, except for aggression. Feelings are more important than the result. Explain gently, unobtrusively what is important to you and why.

Get your caress

Get your caress


Rule of husband №1

Have you drawn attention to the love of men to football or hockey? For them, the family is a team in which each player has its own task. Do not change places.

Become a team

Become a team


Rule of husband №2.

Whatever the difficulty arose is the task of a husband to make the wife felt safely and emotionally.

Woman demands care

Woman demands care


Rule of husband number 3.

If you do not want your wife to turn into an old Klyach, please and surprise it. At least 5 minutes a day, a man should give to feel his woman that she is the center of his universe.

Give your wife flowers without reason

Give your wife flowers without reason


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