Festive lunch at Easter


Beef tenderloin made of puree with zucchini

On 4-6 servings: 600 g beef tenderloin, 4 zucchini, 3 handstone of green basil leaves, 3 garlic cloves, 1 lemon, 75 ml of natural yogurt, ½ glasses of olive oil, green onion, salt, pepper.

Cooking time: 40-60 minutes.

Beef tenderloin frying a whole piece on a frying pan, then salute, pepper and put in a bag for baking. Make several holes for the outlet of the steam and send a bag into the oven, heated to 180 degrees, at least 20 minutes. For the side dish, it is arbitrarily sliced ​​zucchini frying on vegetable oil, and then put out, a bit of water. In a blender, mix green basil, vegetable oil, garlic and a little fresh zucchini. Scroll. Then put in a zucchini blender from a frying pan, add salt, pepper, lemon juice and natural yogurt. Mix well and feed puree with fine beef clipping and green onions!

Cabbage salad with coconut-sesame refueling

For 4-6 servings: 1 Middle Kochan Young cabbage, 300 g of boiled frozen shrimp without shell, 3 yellow bell peppers, 2 orange, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 lemon, salt, pepper. For refueling: Zestra 1 Orange, 4 tbsp. Olive oil, 1 tbsp. Lemon juice, 3 tbsp. maple syrup or honey, 5 tbsp. Coconut milk, ½ h. Cayenne pepper, 2 tbsp. sesame.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Cabbage and Bulgarian peppers are finely chopped and mixed in a big bowl. Add shrimps roasted with garlic, as well as the flesh of an orange. Salt, pepper, pour lemon juice. For sauce, mix the grated orange zest, coconut milk, vegetable oil, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, sesame and lemon juice. Fill a salad, give him a little broken, and then serve to the holiday table!

Cabbage salad with coconut-sesame refueling

Cabbage salad with coconut-sesame refueling

Materials press services

Easter buns

Ingredients: 450 g of flour, ½ tsp. Salts, 7 g of yeast, 1 tsp. Ground cinnamon, 50 g of sugar, 2 eggs, 300 ml of milk, 200 g of dried cherries without seeds, sugar powder.

Cooking time: 35 minutes.

Mix sifted flour, salt, cinnamon, yeast and sugar. Then enter two eggs in the mixture and pour milk. Mix thoroughly and add to the dough dried cherry without seeds. Decay the dough on the molds and send to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 15 minutes. Then remove buns from the oven, cool, get out of the molds. Sprinkle with powdered.

Easter buns

Easter buns

Materials press services

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