How to choose products for Easter, explained in Rospotrebnadzor


More than a quarter of Russians fully or partially comply with the rules of abstinence in food throughout the Great Post, such data leads the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (WTCIOM). And 52% of the inhabitants of our country are baked cakes, prepare Easter, paint eggs and will celebrate the holiday of Christ of Resurrection on April 16.

On this day, I celebrate the resurrection of Christ

On this day, I celebrate the resurrection of Christ

Oddly enough, after the Great Post, people are so thrown into familiar food, which often fall into the hospital with poisoning. And then the reason is not only in alcoholic beverages or poorly cooked meat, sometimes the registered products of the traditional Easter post are summed up: cottage cheese, eggs and poor-quality ingredients that are unfair producers put in cakes.

For citizens did not spoil their holiday, an official announcement appeared on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor: what products to take, and which are not worth it.


The threat of bird flu continues to sow panic in the ranks of doctors. And the eggs threaten to us with salmonella, so in the prescription it is recommended first of all to draw their attention to the date of production and appearance.

On eggs should not be littering and feathers

On eggs should not be littering and feathers

"It should not be purchased with eggs, as well as other food products, in the places of unauthorized trade - from the hands and cars," the officials warn.

So that the pathogenic microbes in the eggs do not multiply, they can only be stored in the refrigerator. Dietary - up to seven days, and dining rooms - from 8 to 25 days, and not months, as many have accustomed to. Before cooking eggs should be washed, but remember, after that, its storage is still reduced. The millet egg can lie 12 days, boiled - no more than 36 hours.

Representatives of the department insist that it is possible to paint eggs only by food dyes or, in extreme cases, onion husks and no chemistry!

Cottage cheese

One of the main treats of the festive table - Easter. This is a dish of cottage cheese, decorated with nuts and cessies.

Forms for

Forms for "Easter" are transmitted from grandmothers to granddaughs

For its manufacture, experts recommend to raise cottage cheese, and not curd product. Watch it to be: fresh, white, a small cream shade is allowed and dry. The smell of the product must be acidic, but not much.


"In a quality product, natural ingredients are used: eggs, not egg powder, butter, not margarine, sugar, and not sweetener. The top of the crush should be dry, "the department reported.

Kulich should be beautiful

Kulich should be beautiful

If the glaze on the "hat" already floated, then the whole cupcake could also get intoxicated, which means that he is spoiled. It is better to choose cake, decorated with natural ingredients: nuts, candied with sugar icing, and not a crumb of chemical balls.

The appearance of the croup is important - the cupcake must be even. On its lower and lateral surfaces should not be voids, burnt places or breaks.

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