All according to the rules: Office etiquette, which you could not know


We spend most of the day in the office, but are you often thinking if you follow the etiquette, albeit in a familiar team? We will tell about the basic rules of office etiquette, which you could and do not guess.

Do you greet every unfamiliar person?

The offices of many companies are located in huge business centers, where every day we meet many employees from neighboring offices or even from our company, but you are not familiar. Of course, it is absolutely not worth it in the elevator in the elevator, you can do the light nickname or a smile. This is especially important for the staff with whom you are not personally familiar, but still often see each other in the office.

More and more companies choose Open Space

More and more companies choose Open Space


What about Open Space?

Increasingly, the company choose Open Space-format for their offices, yet, with this location, it is easier to navigate and bosses and employees - do not need to search for offices and join the corridors. But how to say hello to everyone, and whether it is necessary to do this? The answer is simple: entering the room, along the way to workplace, also welcome the heads surrounding the nickname, and the colleagues with which you work in close contact, we welcome verbally.

Where to leave the upper clothes?

If the office does not provide a wardrobe room, purchase a lightweight hanger on which heavy fur coats and coats will be able to hang. To fold things on the table - a bad tone.

As for umbrellas, in no case leave the revealed zones in the middle of the passage, forcing colleagues to make circles on the office. Stand the umbrella and hang on a pre-prepared hook.

What if you need to answer the call?

If you get a job call, and the conversation does not imply more than five minutes, you can answer without leaving the workplace. However, it is not necessary to rapidly express emotions, distracting colleagues. Getting a call from home or from friends, go out into the corridor or hall, where you will not distract other workers, especially if there is silence in the work room.

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