Denis Rodkin: "In my opinion, Elya Sevenard is a reference life companion"


Denis Rodkin is one of the eight premiers of the Bolshoi Theater. He was immediately noted as Nikolai Tsiskaridze, becoming his mentor, and the great Yuri Grigorovich, who trusted to solo in his productions. Denis Twenty-eight, and in just six years he got to the highest stage in the career of the ballet artist. And if it also add an affair with Eleonori Sevenard, the relative of the famous Matilda Kshesinsky, then it turns out just the theater history. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Denis, judging by your publications, you are a man with a sense of humor ...

- For some reason, many people talk about it - friends, colleagues, mom. (Smiles.) But in fact, I sometimes love the evil to joke and even I am a fan of black humor. Probably sometimes even offend someone. But Irony I am not alien to me.

- But you are very funny telling how the relatives talked to the ballet: Papu - Engineer of the Aviation Plant and Brother Military ...

"Yes, I first invited them to the" sleeping beauty, "where I performed a blue bird, and they were not impressed at all. But later, "Spartak" have already liked them, and they then entered the taste. But this is my family, but in general, the ballet is still elite art - and the general public does not completely drag on it. But, thus, he does not lose its value on a par with the opera. It seems to me that it is correct when the theater is a mansion and even just above the cinema and pop music that respond to the tastes of a more extensive audience.

- Somehow you said that the harder the technique in the formulation, the more artistry manifests itself. Can you explain?

- When a complex picture of the role filigree is rehearsed, you have powerful internal reserves and for acting expressiveness. For example, if you jump easily in the "Swan Lake" and landing two rounds from the fifth to the fifth, correspond to it, and the image you have another - clean, accurate. And if you do not pull the stop, you can't raise the legs, then the image will get so-so. I'm not saying that in the "Spartacus" jumping should be one hundred percent beauty so that there is nothing to find face. For me, this is a sign of a sign on which Yuri Nikolaevich Grigorovich approved me. There were enough applicants, but he chose me for texture, technique ... Therefore, despite the fact that I love "Carmen," most of all, it was the "Spartak" that was a challenge to me, proved my consistency. After all, when I got into a big theater, no one believed that it could be a lot from me. And it spurned to work without tired.

For the party in Ballet "Bayaderka" Denis received the Beno'a de la Dance Prize

For the party in Ballet "Bayaderka" Denis received the Beno'a de la Dance Prize

Photo: Personal archive of Denis Rodkin

- You are great in the role of the leader of the rebel slaves, despite the fact that it is outwardly, and in character at all do not remind her hero ...

- You think you think that I have too soft temper - it is not. When something annoying, I immediately start showing my teeth. (Smiles.) But in principle, I am quite patient and balanced, I have to bring to aggression for a long time. And even having a good angry, do not yell and not rush to objects. In controversial situations I prefer a constructive dialogue, discussion. This is a human form of clarifying relationships.

- Do you have this wisdom from nature? As well as self-confidence, which you repeatedly speak in your interview.

"Well, I will not say about wisdom, but here's awareness of the fact that for success it is necessary to make enough effort, it came to me quite early - for some years in twelve, when I studied in the choreographic school at the Moscow State Academic Dance Theater" Gzhel ". Mom everything was surprised that I was not serious about the years, I am satisfied with the evening pleasant physical fatigue, which says that the day lives is not in vain ... Perhaps I was completely confidence in myself and on the background of peers, when I was absolutely not required in the class to someone to reach ... I do not know. It's great that I did not give myself a report in this, so I did not allow myself to relax. I wanted teachers to praise only me. (Smiles.) But an objective assessment of its capabilities has appeared much later, when he already joined the troupe of great and they began to distribute me to solo parties. In this way, my self-confidence was formed.

- It is felt that you have a very strong connection with my mother ... did she define your destiny?

- Sure. It was she who chose a ballet for me. And my mother always trusted. Like the Father. For a long time focused on their opinion. Today I am already an adult, I myself define my life, but if there is a need for them to first go for advice. These are the closest people who never turn away from you, will not betray.

- Family, as I understand it, I originally did not see the artist in you, right?

- Of course. Mom sought me to develop me, so I gave learning to play guitar, like the older brother, - now I will remember only a couple of chords (smiles), then in the studio in the Palace of Culture, where the step was learned ... there we had a wonderful team: I dance on stage In the middle, and my friends-classmates - on the sides. And once one of them perfectly sat down in the twine, it became a shame that I could not, and decided to go where it was trained. Thus, the desire to make yourself better and led me to the ballet.

Denis Rodkin:

"I try to be not commoner, but an elegant man. For example, I will never allow myself in the auditorium to come in sneakers, jeans and sweaters"

Photo: Sasha Gusov

- Did you have idols?

- Being a boy, I naturally admired the famous ballet stars. Once me, a teenager, in the Kremlin Palace, his dance shook the guy who performs the Mercutio party in Romeo and Juliet. I wanted to be like him - and only when I grew up, I realized that this role was not my role. But that evening, Mom at my request bought a recorded ballet, where the most expressive male dance. She was offered Spartak. Could I then assume that in a few years I will go out in this ballet in the title party ...

- Since you mentioned an amplua, what is your one?

- lyrical hero with a heroic slope. (Smiles.) I try to reveal my characters volume. Suppose when the dance Prince, then for me it is not just a spectacular, refined young man, but a real, brave knight. With classical legs, I imagine a heroic applub (stability. - approx.) At least I look at myself from the side.

- And in everyday life you prince?

- Outwardly probably. Although I follow the manners. I try to be not commoner, but an elegant man. For example, I will never allow yourself in the auditorium to come in sneakers, jeans and sweaters. For me it is wild. And many after all, they do not even think about such things. I, when I go to the hall to listen to the same opera, - invariably put on pants, white shirt and shoes. It seems to me that the upbringing is just emphasized how adequately the event is a person looks like.

- You mentioned the Opera, and I read that you were targeted to her themselves ...

- Yes, the opera develops a musical hearing. I go to the conservatory, specially traveled to St. Peter-Burg to the Mariinka to listen "Troubadura". Valery Abisalovich Gergiev conducted. I stayed under great impression. As with the concert of an outstanding Yuri Khatuyevich Temirkanova.

- I suspect that in addition to English you know and French - after all, your mother teaches him ...

"Here I will disappoint you - a strict ballet regime did not allocate me free hours for the development of French. I got up daily at seven thirty in the morning, at eight forty five I started classes in a secondary school, which lasted up to fourteen, and then I quickly did lessons, because from seventeen to twenty one hour I had a ballet school, and then sleep .

Denis refused the film to the role of Nureyev, but would love to appear in the picture about Alexander Godunov

Denis refused the film to the role of Nureyev, but would love to appear in the picture about Alexander Godunov

Photo: Sasha Gusov

- You have not won any high-profile contests, graduated from the most prestigious choreographic school, and, as I understand it, getting into a large theater is akin to a happy occasion ...

- For sure! Didn't pay attention to me because of the texture. And then Nikolai Tsiskaridze looked at me and began to work with me. I must say, he is so gifted teacher! He has an eye-diamond, he notices the smallest details. If the student does not see the prospects, says it directly: "Why do you need all this? Do not flock either yourself nor me. Fortunately, I never heard this in my address. (Smiles.) But it seems to me that such a frankness is valid, you need to be prepared. Ballet - cruel art. I, as in childhood, hard schedule, I constantly struggle with laziness. You can not imagine how difficulty in the morning I raise myself from bed - the body is still smoking after yesterday. But it is worth walking to the hall, start studying the class - the muscles are heated, the blood begins to circulate quickly, and you feel better.

- You as some kind of car tell ...

- So, in some sense. But with a heart.

- Do you somehow explain your such rapid takeoff?

- There were cases and much more rapid quarry. Most likely, this is a compound of abilities, labor and coincidence. It is clear that no one expected this, and I do not exclude that I broke in the theater of someone's plans.

- Huge envy is born in those who are more than ten years in the corpsorette ...

- I do not focus on the negative - and with him, actually, did not come across. Envy is even great. So you stand something! But I know that many girls, for example, quite satisfied with the corps: liability less, while still touring around the world, the work is pleasant - in the theater, and not in the office, and the figure is always in a tone, you do not need to go to fitness. I am such a position, of course, not close - I am sharpened for success. Long experience even because of the slightest failure. And I would leave if I saw that nothing happens.

"You still have no thirty, and you have already danced all the main parties in the classic ballet." What further goals are scheduled for yourself?

- There is always something to strive for. First, you need to improve the skill - this is never superfluous. The art of us is extremely subjective, so there is always consistently to grow. In addition, with all my love, I cannot do not say that there are other beautiful theaters - Covent Garden, La Ska La, the Grand Opera, where it is so nice to speak at the invitation, in the ballet in another editorial board, in another form , with new interesting choreographers. And how the Russian ballet adore in Japan! I am pleased to fly there. This is my favorite country after Russia. She is like a different planet. But in general, I feel like a man of the world. We have a lot of tour, and in whatever city we come - we are happy everywhere. It is unusually pleasant.

The textured appearance of the dancer attracted the attention of Nikolai Tsiskaridze, who became his first mentor in the Bolshoi Theater

The textured appearance of the dancer attracted the attention of Nikolai Tsiskaridze, who became his first mentor in the Bolshoi Theater

Photo: Charles Thompson

- What mastitis choreographers would you like to cooperate?

- Oh, undoubtedly, with Yuri Nikolayevich Grigorovi-than. This artist built a repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater in the form in which he now exists. He literally made a male dance to the forefront. With John Neumayer - he is so much like anyone! Not a choreographer, and a thinker who creates his ballets is not just for the sake of dance, but for the sake of a deep philosophical subtext. It is interesting to it not only to rehearse, but also to talk. He says so excitingly telling you about your role that you can no longer wait, when you will refer to the hall tomorrow.

- Dramatic artists can play ingenious and not to be intellectuals. In ballet requires erudition, in your opinion?

- Undoubtedly, you have to be filled. We do not hide for smart text. On the stage you are in sight, as if naked, and your flaws are noticeable. If the artist did not bother to prepare, does not understand what he dances about, let it even be spectacularly, then this is a catastrophe.

- Do you like to learn?

- Pragmatically, I treat this process - without him anywhere. I graduated from the Choreographer's Choreographer's Choreographer's Choreographer, and now I receive the second higher education - entered Moscow State University at the Department of Management. The fact is that if you think about the future, I don't plan a balletmaster - I have no gift to invent ballets. The teacher is possible, but in some kind of solid age. And the administrative sphere, management, humanitarian management policy for me to a novelty. Enlightenment at the university is comprehensive, we also tell us about the economy, and about the history of ancient India, and about the one who wrote the "Nutcracker" and Swan Lake. I am surprised that there are students who do not know the author. In principle, I come across the phenomenon that many people do not go to the theater at all. At the same time, they are not non-resident, but indigenous Muscovites. I recently brought me a taxi driver - Russian, not a guest worker, which with the help of a gadget feverly sought the location of the Bolshoi Theater.

- So, in the future, you see yourself in the chair of the head?

- Maybe. Although the theater is the most complex structure, a multistage system. But why not? True, it is in a very distant future. While I am configured to dance as much as possible.

- And there is something that you do not allow yourself because of the profession?

- To play football. As a child, I liked to drive the ball in the courtyard, I often scored goals as an attacker ... But at sixteen I broke my leg and stopped going to the field - you needed to protect yourself for ballet. And the recent world championship shook the former emotions, and I tried to drive the ball again. And you know, completely different muscles have turned on, which after this workout he had a lot.

- By the way, the ballet dancers often admit that they are so accustomed to constant pain, that they do not notice it already ... Your everyday life is really so tough?

- Here we are sitting in a cafe, and nothing hurts me. So this is not a permanent story. But if you jump and land unsuccessfully, it is easy to repel something, dislocate or your back can be collapsed on the pyrutet. But this is all nonsense, I do not pay attention. I appeal to the doctor, only when it becomes painful. Previously, it did not doubt that there is nothing impossible for the human body. Recently revised this point of view: resources, even the richest, limited. Therefore, it is necessary to allow yourself to recover and do not hit the plowing of five performances per week. Here I dance somewhere seven performances per month, and this is enough for me.

- Who does your life?

- In essence, I have no. In the apartment in Moscow or the hotel somewhere on trips come only for short sleep. I even my pet - British Scots, Cota Fedor, sent to his mother, forced loneliness badly affected it. And the parents joined the same anima as he, to his brother - Stepan.

- Are you a man's face?

- economical. Not inclined to throw money into the wind. But on a good massage, high-quality clothes, I do not regret the gifts for friends. In the end, I earn to spend a decent life. Suppose to eat tasty. (Smiles.)

- It means, bikes, what are ballet hungry?

- Personally, I gourmet. I do not prepare myself, I eat in restaurants. But if you talk seriously about money, then they are only a tool. I am configured to earn more, but the implementation of the creative potential is paramount. It seems to me that when you are professionally in demand, then you are calm and money is enough.

- Cinemas do not use your invoice yet?

- I was invited to the casting for a picture of Nureyev, but we are completely different with him outwardly, so I did not go. But if they will shoot a tape about Alexander Godunov, with whom I have a similarity, I will definitely try.

- Do you have friends not ballet?

- Not. Funny, but my friends are extremely curious the theater's life, they can not be in a sense, as we remember such a number of movements. Even the polyglot that owns six languages ​​is surprised. (Smiles.)

- Tell me, how are you always, from the young age, interacted with the team?

- I did not go to the kindergarten, so I was very worried about the school. I remember what horror was when I was put in a couple on the line of September 1 in the first grade with a girl and was still asked to hold onto the handle. Hornly shy.

- You are pretty, and I have no doubt - I liked classmates ...

"Yes, some intentionally looked meaningfully, but it annoyed me."

With his beloved girl, Ballerina Eleanori Sevenard, about which she wrote that she was the rightmark of the legendary Matilda Kshesin

With his beloved girl, Ballerina Eleanori Sevenard, about which she wrote that she was the rightmark of the legendary Matilda Kshesin

Photo: Charles Thompson

"You were confirmed in an interview that only twice were seriously in love ... Now it became known about your novel with the adorable twenty-year-old ballerina from St. Petersburg, Eleonori Sevenard. Is this the third love in life?

- by and large first. Previously, I was a fellow exclusively for beauty, the content of me was little worried. Sometimes I was lucky on the capricious. With Eli, I have everything differently. Now I am experiencing such a slope of the feelings that I do not remember how it was before.

- How did you meet?

- On the eve of the New Year, there were touring in Greece, the partner, with which I had to dance could not fly - and Eleanor replaced it. We were not familiar before that, but I saw it dances, as far as it is sophisticated, elegant, is not similar to others and clearly educated. Girl out of a good family. And these my thoughts about her were fully confirmed in reality. Ely even exceeded expectations. She struck me out by his kindness and care. It turned out that on the stage I strongly pulled my leg, she was swollen, and we had to fly from Athens to Japan. If I were alone, it would be crazy. Of course, the partners are always maintained morally, but then I was directly covered with a warm wave of not indifferent attention emanating from this young girl. Ale I took an interesting conversation, I tried to distract, and at some point I caught myself that I forgot about my leg - and completely gone anxiety. Naturally, when we broke up, I began to feel it a shortage and took action so that we were together.

- Keeping beautifully?

- Romantic.

- Soon a year, how are you a couple, what new features have you discovered during this time in your post?

- Elya is not smart. I feel like she appreciates me and never asks anything. She is a reliable friend who always puts his shoulder, and I know that I can trust her like himself. The main thing, I want to go back to it. I first catch myself on this feeling. Previously, it was flying on tour, and nothing home was drawn home, and then I miss. Elya, in my opinion, the reference companion of life. I am happy that I found my man. And she so easily joined our family ... Mom really like my girl. (Smiles.) I hope we will be together not only at home, but also on the scene. We already have one joint project - the ballet "Anna Karenina".

- Eleonora came to a large theater from Arb. A. Ya. Vaganova, and she dances in the corpsure now, right?

- Yes, but with her brains and talent, it will not stay there, I'm sure. She is waiting for big heights.

- There is still a loyalty of the legends about her related links with Matilda Kshesin's ...

- Elya is very correct to this: it does not sift this fact, it believes that herself must prove his right to be on stage. For her, it is a great stimulus progress. And I will help her.

- Finally, share when you last danced not on duty, but for the soul?

- I am always only dancing. But if we talk about the life of a private, then this summer after speeches in Normandy, in Deauvle, in a small theater at a casino dedicated to the anniversary of the presentation there by Sergey Dyagilev "Vision of Rose" with Vaclav Nezhinsky, and we went to London with colleagues. And here in one of the free evenings went to the pub, they took a wonderful beer, well, and the fun was joying under modern rhythms. (Smiles.)

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