Knut and gingerbread: how to discuss problems with subordinates


"Guys let's be friends!" - asked Loveopold cat in the Soviet cartoon of the same name. We hope that you remember the phrase from those times and really try not to provoke conflicts, but to solve them at the stage of birth. If not, then it will help you to reduce the level of stress in the team and deal with misunderstanding between colleagues.

Pay attention to age

Managers are accustomed to working with a generation of 30-year-olds who are all ten years old, since the beginning of a career, studied from the senior colleagues and listened to their advice. What is already talking about those who have long been for 40 - these people will never go to the conflict until they are still settled to the last drop. Modern youth is more emotional and wayward: 20-year-old really believe that they have the right to vote and are never silent if they see the problem. Do not ask them to be calmer - better pay attention to the questions that the younger workers are assessed by a fresh look. Spend a collective meeting and disasselect conflicts on the shelves, finding a joint solution to problems.

Discussing problems together

Discussing problems together


Adhere to ethical norms

Remember: You do not have the right to raise your voice to people and use psychological pressure techniques, such as blackmail, threat and so on. It does not matter that you take a higher position, older or your salary above. Respect the interlocutor if you want him to listen to your opinion and reacted adequately to him. If both people are mentally healthy, then they will not be difficult for them to talk to each other in a calm tone and find a solution to the problem, and not meaninglessly shouting at the interlocutor. The same applies to you: Stop the conversation immediately, as another person is trying to raise the voice to you or prescribe authority.

Praise and critics

Employees need not only to criticize the case, but also to praise. People more often tend to scold others for the shortcomings, not wanting to balance negative emotions with the words of support or friendly help with working tasks. If you really have something to say "Thank you" to the subordinate or head of another department, be sure to do it in an acceptable wording: "Thank you for staying at work for an hour longer and helped me disassemble the letters accumulated on the table. Without you, I would have coped much slower. " Be careful and polite to others, then you will not be counted with the struggle and the criticism will be related to interest, and not fear or indifference.

Praise your employees

Praise your employees


Tell us how you criticized you at work. What do you think it is possible to scold people or should be silent of minor moments?

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