Stop the time: zones on the body that give age


You can disappear in the gym by the day, to ensure that each muscle is worked out, but all this is absolutely useless if you do not pay the same attention to the problematic areas of your face and body, which in the absence of care will immediately give your real age. We decided to explore these zones and suggest how to make your appearance did not bring disorders.

Face (contour)

It often happens that the problem of the flooded circuit is to violate the bite, posture or excess weight, but if you do not mark these features, but oval faces hopelessly disappears, it's time to fight aging. To do this, it is necessary to give minutes to 10 Sam summing the face daily. Use a special tightening cream and gently distribute it through massage lines.


Surely you know that the skin around the eyes is very thin, and therefore this zone is covered with minor wrinkles faster. To avoid trouble, slightly rub cream for the zone around the eyes on the fingers, then carry it on the skin. Avoid funds that contain too many oils. In addition, a good tool from small wrinkles will be a ready-made mask for the eye area that the dermatologist will advise you. An independent selection of funds is possible if you carefully figured out in the composition and what effect does your skin get from the means.

carefully take care of the skin of the hands

carefully take care of the skin of the hands



Another age marker is women's hands. You can have a perfect face and body, but the hands of treacherously will give your age secret. To save the skin of the hands as long as possible in good condition, perform all economic affairs related to chemicals in gloves, so you will not allow the dangerous contact of chemistry with delicate skin. In addition, do not neglect gloves in the cold season - low temperatures are deprived of moisture skin. If the process of loosening the tone of the skin of the hand is already running, use a prepatient cream for this tender zone.


As statistics show, skin care products in the neckline zone are in the lowest demand, which is very sad, because it is this area on the body is one of the most tender and vulnerable. Use a soft scrub or homely peeling that will help to remove an unnecessary burned layer and unwanted pigmentation, as albeit small pigment stains are able to add a couple of years. Great oils based on oils, such as coke, which is one of the most efficient skin care.

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