"Gentlemen" catch up with "ice": 3 of the most rated film of the week


"Ice 2"

Producer: Zhora Kryjovnikov

In frame: The main characters performed by Aglai Tarasova and Alexander Petrov marry and are waiting for the birth of a child. But what begins as a story about family joy, quickly turns into a drama. Behind the family has to fight in the literal sense of the word. As in the first part of the picture, important components of the plots are nationwidely favorite hits. Maria Aroneova is deserved separate attention. Actress has already called Russian Meril Streep.

Behind the scenes: Some winter scenes were filmed in December last year and the abnormal heat turned the snow into a very scarce product. Almost all the snow in the frame - artificial.

With whom to watch: With a proven person, whose company can, not be embarrassed, break. Believe me, tears will be.

Matthew McConaja played drug trap in a new film Gaya Richie

Matthew McConaja played drug trap in a new film Gaya Richie

Photo: Frame from the movie "Gentlemen"


Producer: Guy Ritchie

In frame: The smoke publisher hires a private detective (Hugh Grant) to search for a compromising at the Vallaja Narcarone (Matthew McConaja). In the best traditions of the criminal comedies of Guy Richie, the plot begins to rapidly turn into force by shaft details and characters of varying degrees of unprincipledness. Aristocrats and Lumens, Palaces and Social Apartments change each other on a rabid speed, the final comes in an insanely fun atmosphere.

Behind the scenes: The collective read of the script by all the actors before the start of the filming was also fixed in the video, and thus the game part of the picture was actually ready before the "Motor" team.

With whom to watch: With those who are not afraid of subtitles. It is best to look in the subculting version. Only so you can enjoy the English movie of Guy Richie.

Robert Downey Jr. played a veterinarian doctor who knows how to talk with animals

Robert Downey Jr. played a veterinarian doctor who knows how to talk with animals

"Amazing journey of Dr. Dulittla"

Producer: Stephen Gagigan.

In frame: A veterinarian (Robert Downey Ml.), Who knows how to talk with animals in their languages, leads after the death of his wife's lifestyle of the rejection in the interiors of Victorian England. But the need to find a medicine for the sick queen inspires him for a dangerous journey. The voyage on the exotic island turns into a scratching corter of jokes and a cult of modern kinotechnology.

Behind the scenes: Robert Downey ML., Antonio Banderas, Michael Shin and other stars played people and therefore visible in the frame. At the same time, a whole team of celebrities voiced drawn characters. Animals presented their votes to Emma Thompson, Rife Fayns, Selena Gomez, Tom Holland and many others.

With whom to watch: It is best to send children to cinema. And make them a company if drawn parrots, gorillas, bears and ostriches still die.

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