School boycott: how to deal with cruelty in class


Children and teenage cruelty, unfortunately, can touch everyone, especially unpleasant when his own child becomes victims. But what to do, if it still happens? We tried to figure out.

How to understand that the child is exposed to emotional or physical violence at school or yard?

Often, children are ashamed to ask for help of adults, and someone thinks he will cope with the problem itself. It is possible that the child was simply intimidated, so telling parents or teacher - it means even big problems for a child. But it is impossible to inactivate, the situation can take a dangerous turn.

Anxious "bells", which say that the child does not develop relationships in school:

The child does not want to go to school. Of course, perhaps the reason lies in banal failure, but there are much more serious, the task of parents is to find out what is happening. If the child does not want to tell anything, try to get the necessary information from the friends of the son or daughter, but do it carefully.

The child comes in bruises. You can hear from your hell of anything: fell, pushed out on the street, the friend of the back, etc. If it comes to physical violence, urgently take measures.

The child begins to be late home, his performance is reduced. Sometimes you can get the necessary information at the classroom, but the teachers may also not be aware of what is happening. You do not need to come to school and arrange a scandal, so you will make it only worse. It is important to act persistently and calmly.

Do not let the situation on Samotek

Do not let the situation on Samotek


What to do?

Do not wait when the situation is raised to the limit. Children, feeling permissiveness and lack of potential punishment for their actions, can go to even more cruel measures. Considering how fragile the psyche of your child can be, no need to bring to the tragedy. Take measures.

Do not act prometica

Sometimes a simple conversation with her child so that he himself shared the problem and his vision of her decision. Run to school on disassembly with children, without finding out what exactly happened, it is not worth it, you can't want to add to your child problems? Calm down and think about how to go better in such a situation.

Rate the seriousness of the problem

Your direct intervention is required immediately in the case when the child receives physical damage like bruises, abrasion and, in advanced cases, fractures. Connect to the conversation of the class teacher, instigator children and their parents. It will be possible to solve the problem only if all sides are connected.

Teach the child to react to aggression correctly

Most often, when a child is being exposed to psychological violence, he reacts aggressively, and can respond to abundant words, thereby treasurely skating. Many children need it. As a rule, manipulators are looking for a person who is unable to control their anger, and then remove with insults and twisted emotions. Explain to the child what is waiting for incontinence. Attacking the offender, the child does not punish, but only gives back to provocations.

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