At the footsteps of the parents: Is it worth choosing the same profession


Parents become an authority for the child from the moment of birth. They share their experience not only on their own inciasis, but the children gladly adopt it in all spheres of life - from personal to public. The New York Times study showed that sons 2.7 times more often choose the profession of the father and 2 times more often - the profession of the mother than the rest of the population preferring to their own way. The daughters are more inaccustomed - 1.8 times more often they choose the profession of the mother and only 1.7 times - the profession of the Father. I decided to analyze the psychology of this decision and help the younger generation and their parents make the right choice.

Do not press the child

"If we talk about how parents communicate with children about the profession and vocational guidance, then only you need to listen to children. Let them go to the circles, choose what they like. If the child throws classes, then it's just not him. At some point in time, he will still find what it is interesting and what he will be ready to develop further as a professional, "the entrepreneur believes and the author of Anna Sinalev's career project. Psychologists adhere to similar opinions, believing that since childhood to educate in the child a zeal to getting a new experience and the lack of fear of errors. Your child should not tolerate and go to classes that he does not like. Humility and perseverance in useless time time - far from the best skills for the future leader.

Expert Womanhit.

Expert Womanhit.

Photo: Anna Sinaleva

Share your experience

If you see a child among your profession, do not break his dreams with words about how hard you work. In any profession there are posses and cons, so it will be easy for him to sit at home on the sofa. It is better to agree with the guide on the excursion for the child to your company: show him your workplace and create with a circle of real tasks, follow the colleagues from similar departments. If your speech is already 15-16 years old, it can be arranged in a temporary internship - practice finally convince him of the desire to go on your footsteps or permanently refuse the idea. In the same way, at the request of the child, you can pass internship in the company of Pope or the nearest relatives and family friends. The wider there will be a range of choices, the more the impression of different professions the impression bees and it will be easier to choose the final version.

better check everything in practice

better check everything in practice


Forget about your dreams

The child is not your project, but a separate person who has to build his own life. Your childhood fantasies about the career of the figure skater or the unrealized dream of a lawyer's post in the top company are these exactly your thoughts, not the plans of the child. The career expert converges with us in opinion: "I believe that children should choose what they are interested in, and in no case parents should not impose their profession or their opinions. Naturally, there are cases when, let's say, parents or grandmothers were doctors and the child sees themselves in this. Yes, then this is one thing. But it is, unfortunately, and so that the parents imposed their unrealized dreams and goals. I have such an example, as the girl's parents imposed to be an opera singer, when she did not want it completely, and she later had a turning point when she understood that she had spent a lot of strength and did not want to do an unloved business. In fact, it turned out that it was a desire in her mom's youth. "

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