Why do you really need food


If you do not know anything about the "comforting", "invigorating" and "sedative" food, then, most likely, eat bad, tasteless and even to harm yourself, I am sure the expert, master of Chinese astrology and Feng Shui Jeanne Wei

Few people know that suddenly the need for any particular food is not so much craving for its taste how much the desire to achieve equilibrium by irritation of certain receptors. But the most interesting thing is that to meet the "psychological" hunger, it is enough just to smell the desired yummy.

So, about everything in order. There are three main types of addictions: thrust to the "comforting", "invigorating" and "sedative" food. So, thrust for consolation food - sweets, fatty dishes and carbohydrates - it arises when we are "cover" feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, fear. Try an alternative to the cupcake with a fat cream - lubricate the wrist and jar of the neroli on the neck, then massage them slightly. You can also drink tea with Fennel, to seek "sweet" memories, chat with positive people, finally. Sweet and bold there is no longer wanted.

About how to overcome craving for "invigorating" (coffee, chocolate) and sedative (salty chips, nuts, seeds) Food read on my site.

And another useful recommendation. Often with food, we overcome any stress. Therefore, if you encountered a problem, first, recognize its existence, then (and this is the most difficult) put a plug-spoon-knife and, having made a few breaths, try to calm down. Do not return to food until you do not come to yourself. The "untouchable" emotions cause the body no less harm than untapped food.

Think, because in the cellular level we are from the most foods that absorb. Want your skin to make up as soon as possible, eat more "dead", intensively treated food. The statement of an ancient healer, doctor and philosopher of the Hippocrat: "You are what you eat," it became even more relevant now, in the world that experiences the boom of recycled food. Let it be in a stimulus to change their eating habits.

Eat fresh, full energies products, educate feelings of love and kindness and be mild and beautiful! And my weekly astrological forecast will help you to learn about the trends of the current week.

April 17th. Carefully treat the fact that today will happen to you. All conflicts and clashes that will happen today will subsequently will certainly go to you. So do not silence the problems and do not avoid "unpleasant" those in communication.

April 18th. This Tuesday is very favorable for people of creative professions. The motto of the day is imprompt and improvisation in everything. The key to solving many tasks is a non-standard reaction and unusual behavior. Trust the first impression - it is the most faithful today.

April 19th. Harmonious and calm day. The longer the pause between the question to you and the answer, the more common and reasonable will be your response. It is good to complete important things in this environment. Give yourself a joy today, it does not matter how - it can be a view of a comedy, shopping or dinner with a loved one.

20 April. Today you will not be able to solve the "Nakhpom". Tactful, good manners, modesty - the best trump cards for you today.

The 21st of April. The ideas set forth in writing will receive faster approval - so today instead of conversations it is worth trying an epistolary genre.

April 22. Do not plan important things and serious conversations for this Saturday. Well today to practice abstinence - both in food and thoughts.

April 23. Today it is very easy to provoke a conflict, the atmosphere is perhaps - do not pue oils into the fire and be restrained in your gusts.

Zhanna Wei, Master of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui

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