Victoria Maslova: "Small jealousy is pleasant as spicy seasoning"


Creative family, work with recognized matrays at the very beginning of the career, plus spectacular appearance, inner readiness for success - all this trumps in the hands of Victoria Maslova. She not only loves the camera, but to her and so much circumstances. The actress can deftly control energies and is able to create a storm as a global scale, and just in a glass of water. A boring life without shocks is categorically not satisfied. About this star told in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Victoria, for sure you have said a million times that you look like Kim Bacyinger ...

- Sure. And in the TV series "Sleeping District", the director even wanted me to dance in the same way as Kim in the film "Nine and a half weeks". True, the dance as such is difficult to call. Rather, setting television. Baseinger is pretty me, it clearly has the talent of the comedy actress. In general, I am sure that a beautiful woman, both externally and internally, in principle cannot be meditarian. I somehow learned this axis since childhood. I had an example of my mom before my eyes - an incredible beauty, a magnificent actress. Looking at her, I understood what charm, female dignity. I watched how she keeps himself, as she serves, and all this together formed the image of a real lady for me.

"You often admire your mom in your interviews, tell you that you love to travel together ... Such a friendship has formed from your early age?"

- Yes, absolutely. Even when I was a teenager, we did not have conflicts. And so far we are linked by umbilical cord. Feeling each other unusual. I always recruit her number at the moment when she needs to talk to me. And she is the same. This happens both in difficult minutes and in joyful. And only thanks to her love for an active holiday, I looked at many European museums, where she slaughtered me (smiles), because on vacation I prefer to be lazy, lying on the sand and inhale sea breeze. I need long pauses to restore the body.

Victoria Maslova:

"With my mother, we are listed with umbilical cord, feel each other. I always gain her number at the moment when she needs to talk to me"

Photo: Vlad Goryajov

- Mom has always been the first adviser and in your heart matters?

- No, mom is enough tact not to interfere in my personal life. Actually, in this, probably, the secret of the spares of our family - the parents always us, with my younger brother, trusted. Therefore, we had no need to hide something, and we could easily ask for advice. This scheme works reliable and now.

- You grew up in Kazakhstan behind the scenes of the Aktobe Dramatic Theater and, apparently, did not see alternatives to the actors ...

- Exactly. At four years later, in this theater I played my first role - gold chicken, in the eponymous play. True, among our theatrical gang - acting children - only two decided to continue the dynasty, and the rest perfectly feel in other spheres. So it is not a rule. At first I dreamed of a career of stewardess. Yes, and today I am sure that the flight attendant is some kind of aerial, slim, caring nymph with a soft, enveloping voice and delicate manners. Probably, I was drawn to this languid charm, since I was perfect hooligan, often even participated in fights. At the same time, danced, sang, mastered the piano, the schoolgirl was constantly traveled to all the contests, she held prizes, brought the awards, in parallel it was sought to know all the possibilities of his body - juggled, engaged in acrobatics, adored dangerous attractions. Fear was unknowing me. Apparently, deep confidence retained, which will always be saved. Dad barely dissuaded from a parachute jump. But his word for me is the law. He is the only man who has the right to slap me on the pope and prohibit something.

- Do you do not characterize the way?

- You see, I was still born and part of my childhood spent in Kazakhstan, with its age-old traditions. This is a completely different mentality. On this earth, they honor and respect the elders and do not argue with them. Today I sometimes get up when you get up when a person is older than me in the age.

Victoria Maslova:

"The word Pope for me is the law. He is the only man who has the right to slap me on the pope and prohibit something"

Photo: Vlad Goryajov

- And fearless preserved. If you believe your stories, you should not be cut from the yacht into the water down your head ...

- Well, it happened many years ago, we rested on the sea a big company, it was very fun, the captain of the yacht infected all the incredible acrobatic tricks, and somehow this jump was even natural. Today I became more careful. Adrenaline is enough in the profession. In addition, I have an increased sense of responsibility: if I get injury, then we will bring people. Only on the protection of relatives and loved ones still rushing without thinking. If, God forbid, they will affect the members of my family, I will break the spine with your teeth. Without all sorts of jokes. I remember at the school with one girl's nose in the blood broke for the fact that she somehow unlucky responded about my parents. On these issues, I still, the Malifisent ... No need to touch what he wakes me, and then everything will be safe. And the rest with me can be agreed.

- Do you look like your characters?

"It's absolutely not like that, but, of course, there is something from me, because I play them." Including so I love my profession: I have the opportunity to live a huge number of lives of different people. I am pleased that I do not have a certain, pinned role, I offer various roles, I appreciate it. I change and not afraid of change and experiments with appearance, I am open to everything.

- Few people know that you are singing a dramatic actress ...

- Yes, I really sing well, one time I earned this to life, sang in the three best restaurants in Moscow - "Balchug Kempinski", "Ararat Park Hayatt" and "Metropol". I have a musical education. I often hear that it's time to write an album. I sing constantly ... In many karaokes, Moscow knows me.

Victoria Maslova:

"For me, a loved one is a partner, first of all. A friend who will always be near. I categorically disagree to be alone!"

Photo: Vlad Goryajov

"Why don't we see you in musicals?"

"When I graduated from the institute, these shows just started to be born, and it was impossible to get there. Twice I was offered to sing the soundtracks for the projects in which I participated, but somehow everything was not fused. I hope in the future I will definitely return to this topic.

- You noticed the notorious assertiveness of the provincial?

- Not. Aggressive ambitions usually arise on the soil of failures in lazy people. I grew in the cocoon of caress, admiration, and no one bothered me. If I was sent to the contest, I certainly occupied the first place, fully justifying my victorious name. I remember, on the program to the spectrum "Cinderella" Mom, who was the director of this performance, wrote: "I welcome my daughter, salute! No wonder you Victoria name! " But only I knew that it was behind these victories - rehearsals, sleepless nights, and there were tears ... it was laid since childhood, I still try to be the most prepared as possible. And this is not an assertion, but the responsibility and work. For this reason, for me, the same castings are not stress.

- I heard that you somehow especially noted tobacco ...

"Oleg Pavlovich is a colossal personality, and he globally influenced my biography. But it all started with Valery Petrovich Todorovsky, who is my god dad in the cinema. His tape "Lover" became my debut. And immediately with Sergey Harmash and Oleg Yankovsky! Oleg Ivanovich was my first partner in the movie, he was magnetically beautiful. Elegance. Intelligent. And I remember the aroma of his tube to this day. He so skillfully interfered with tobacco, I never met a similar smell. And as elegantly he moved, sat, putting his leg on his leg, burning you with his eyes ... I literally melted from his presence nearby. I was only fifteen, I still knew anything about love, but Yankovsky had seen ideal. And then I continued to carry: Todorovsky introduced me to Evgeny Mironov, who was first engaged in the rehearsal stage of the "contemporary", and then led to Tabakcochka. I was amazed by Fantastic Charisma Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. He listened to me carefully, praised and said that, maybe you immediately go to the theater. (Laughs.) I then went to Oleg Pavlovich to the Mkhat Studio School, but he refused the course, and I was no longer needed Igor Zolotovitsky. Then I entered the Yaroslavl Theater Institute and at the end came to conquer Moscow.

- In the capital you have already adapted, bought real estate?

"I got used to the city, I acquired a good apartment, designed to your taste, consulting with the designer. But at the same time the capital is close to me will never be. I do not cease to be surprised at the local patsyau. If people have succeeded, for some reason they are sure that it will always be so, I myself thought so so. And this is an illusion. I had losses that we taught wisdom. And I am their those who grow early.

Victoria Maslova:

"Men always were afraid. They had the impression that I had some unattainable beauty that would definitely refuse"

Photo: Vlad Goryajov

- Kazakhstan gave you love for mantam, bauars, beshbarmaki ... Do you regularly include the national cuisine in your diet?

- I am the fan of Asian cuisine! Just recently prepared pilaf. But at the same time, traditional borsch, like a green salad, no one canceled. Bake a duck in orange sauce with nuts for me is not a problem. And I am a buzzer from the feeling of a hospitable mistress, when a beautifully served table and feeding relatives and friends. And I myself allow a lot to myself. I am satisfied with the figure, so I do not see the point of sitting on diets. Once again, he took part in a high fashion week as a model from his friend, designer George Black. So, the form is suitable. (Smiles.) But the feast for his own - the tradition, which came from the parental house, I consider the most important.

- You're a good friend?

"I think that my friends would answer this question, but I consider myself a reliable friend." But my girlfriend I am only for girls. For men, I ... Woman. (Smiles.) For some year, I have no comrades among the strong sex. It used to believe in friendship between a man and a woman, as long as my friend who was aware of my novels, suddenly, with all the honest company, at a party, falling on his knees, did not admit to me in love. I was dumbfounded and made conclusions.

- You are clearly not from those actresses who live only by creativity and are far from life.

- Yes it is. I am rational, possess the male mind warehouse, although I can pretend to pretend. (Laughs.) There are situations where without it. And since I am a blonde, I manage it perfectly. (Smiles.) Friends argue that in critical situations where a quick, volitional solution and an immediate execution is required, I am indispensable. Of course, I also tremble inside as an aspen leaf at this second, but usually I do not give out my disturbing emotions.

- And how seriously you are counting on?

- I expect! People are steam creatures, and I have no doubt that every woman should have a reliable shoulder, which she can rely on. But since we are all, in fact, alone, follows by and large, to bet only on yourself.

- Who is your chosen one?

- Let it remain a mystery. I would not want to tell. Our feelings are mutual, and this is the most important thing.

- For a long time, you played the troupe of the Moscow Theater "Sphere" and were married to a colleague, and now they leave the official divorce and the stage too ...

- We broke up for a long time with my spouse, but they kept warm relationships. I have wonderful memories. As for the theater, I'm up on the stage, so I miss, of course. But I am grateful to providence that the cinema entered my life and firmly fixed it. I shoot a lot, I recognize more and more talented people in our industry. I can talk about every project for a long time. I look forward to the exit on the screens of the psychological thriller "Trigger", which we with my partner Maxim Matveyev introduced in Cannes. This is a big and serious work for us all, and we hope that the audience will appreciate it.

Victoria Maslova:

"My man should be a man. With actions, necessarily with a sense of humor ... He just must love me, and I will love him! "

Photo: Vlad Goryajov

- What do you think about service novels? In partners, did you fall in love?

- And how! In principle, I am fond of every partner with whom I play. Without this drive personally it is difficult for me to work. Of course, it does not develop into some kind of relationships outside the set, although there is a danger, of course, but "with a cold nose" cannot be existed. Nobody will argue - our profession is specific: we walked along the knife blade, and then returned home to the family. And so day to day. But in some sense, sometimes small jealousy, like spicy seasoning, is useful. The main thing is that it is not switched to paranoia. And I, alas, was such an experience, and it is very sad.

- Surely the attention of the opposite sex you were not deprived of early years ...

- Yes ... I was not offended by indifference. It can be said, I'm even a bit spoiled in this sense ... But it seems to me that men have always been afraid, they had the impression that I had some unattainable beauty that would definitely refuse them. That is, they saw this strong wall outside and did not guess that inside I am too fragile and wounded, susceptible and sentimental. Frankly, I, too, like everything, came across catastrophic deceptions, but, since the sad love experience a woman destroys, I try to forget him right away. Do not be further. And I recommend others.

- How did the image of your perfect man changed over time?

- And he did not undergo special modifications. My man should be a man. With actions, necessarily with a sense of humor ... He just needs to love me, and I will love him! For me, a loved one is a partner first. Friend who will always be near. I categorically disagree to be alone. Family for me is all. I do not postpone her tomorrow. She is definitely a priority profession. Only the family gives me the most positive emotions. Although the pain is also sometimes brings. These things are interconnected. We are most afraid of our loved ones, we are experiencing. And they hurt us most precisely in the inevitable quarrels. This is such an inevitable prose of being.

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