Alexandra Child: "I repelled family life as long as possible."


Alexandra Baby Naedo Male Name. The character of our heroine is also not sugar. However, thanks to him, Sasha is achieved by the goals, without losing his personality and charm. Once she believed that he would never connect fate with a colleague. Nevertheless, she became the wife of another recognized dating - actor studio of theatrical art of Alexei Vertkov. So what we were talking about.

- Alexandra, you confessed that you attach great importance to appearance, clothes are your second "I", and numerous photos confirm that you are prone to originality. Is it all from mom - fashion designer technologist?

- Probably. Mom and colleagues worked in the era of the deficit, and, having created his studio, they helped Soviet women to add something interesting to their standard wardrobe, competently mixed existing suits. I was lucky. A good taste of Mom tried to pick me up from childhood, sewed beautiful dresses that differed from the shop. In the future, I was very useful for me. It is easy for me to choose clothes, I get pleasure from this, and I'm not at all a shopaholic. I do not like trends - they have their own seasonal term. Basically buy things on traveling in Europe or America, where high-quality flies, vintage shops, excellent models (even mass market) and supersail on luxury brands. I prefer mix: a mixture of vintage things, mass market and heavy suite. Probably because I had no grandmother with old boxes with brooches and retrops, I like Vintage, there is a story in it, but there must be no shoes! By the way, I recently received a proposal: to create a joint design brand - we will develop clothes for schoolchildren.

- You are the sign of the Zodiac Taurus. But the calves also excellent hostesses who know how to make a beautiful house, without problems, leading budget, culinary glands ...

- Well, to prepare the ability to come after all. Personally, I pushed it as long as possible. As, however, family life, comfort, comfort of your own house ... On the contrary, one time I easily passed my apartment and began to move on removable Moscow spaces. I lived on clean ponds, in Zamoskvorechye, then for several years in the alley near the Hermitage Garden, but the most beloved area is Patricks. And I love to live in the hotel - I like champagne in the room on arrival and the atmosphere itself: there is a taste of new impressions, the unknown ... But from any trip sooner or later, the desire comes to return to your home.

Alexandra Child:

In the series "Crisis of tender age", the actress played the role of a mother of a difficult teenager

Frame from the series "The crisis of tender age"

"You are outstanding last year, when you married a colleague - Alexey Vertkov, actor studio of the theater art Sergey Genovac ...

- Yes, and, by the way, the fact that another five years ago I would call the boring household, now brings me pleasure. You see, everything is in our head. If you came up with a gray, painful world, then it will be so you will perceive, despite the existing alternatives. I am now happily dive into households. For example, repair. This terrible word turned out to be a very creative occupation. I am invented the whole design project myself. And again there is no concrete style - the author's Shibbi-Chic: peeled brick, old high doors, a window in the bathroom and a movie on the video projector on the entire wall. Now I have a place where everything is like I love, and where I feel good. More precisely, we are good.

- A few years ago, you argued that you would never enter into a serious relationship with the man of my own profession, but the shooting of the film "Goodbye, Mom" ​​joined you with the future spouse ...

- That's it, it turns out that the treasure is buried in the very place where you are not looking for! (Laughs.) It turned out that the actor is the most understanding person. This, of course, joke. The profession here is at all at nothing, it is just an individual Lesino quality. It is important that the house is home, not a scene or set. And next to the person who protects you, fills, supports, believes in you like no other. When the husband is from the same environment, he does not need to explain what is a difficult rehearsal period, why for two months it is necessary to go to another city on shooting, and this does not mean that the end of the end. And if you, having come in the evening, tired, do not speak, it is not a sign that someone has appeared.

"Alexey Vertkov is a talented actor, owner of a multitude of awards, but what was still in it special for you, which allocated him among others?

- Well, he received his main awards when we were already together. (Smiles.) In general, we are familiar with Lesha for a long time, but it was connected us to exactly one shooting area five years ago. He is a very creative man, charismatic. I respect him as a professional, but I can not formulate, for what qualities I highlighted Lesha ... I just wanted him to be happy. And this feeling turned out to be mutual. And even for me, mutual understanding, preparedness for compromise, respect for personal space is very important. And if the husband does not want to go with me to a party, in a cafe or the premiere - no problem! I am pleased to be alone. I put on a beautiful dress, drink a glass of wine, I recognize all the latest news and return to my native walls.

Alexandra Child:

On the set of the film "Goodbye, Mom" ​​Alexander met the future husband, actor Alexey Vertkova

Frame from the movie "Goodbye, Mom"

- And the traditional wedding you also did not arrange ...

- Yes, we did not have a wedding celebration in a broad sense of the word. Only a close circle, without Tamada and contests for guests. In our case, it was a gift to parents. It turns out that they were very worried and waited for our wedding more than we. So we all arranged in a slight mode of anything that does not bind holiday dinner after a hike in the registry office, without a long party and the notification of the press. You know, I got married in the frame so many times, that in the real life of all this abundance did not want. (Smiles.)

- Do you have a joint Wall of Glory with Alexey?

- No, and hardly we will create it. Many prizes we still have not even unpacked. Perhaps, if self-esteem starts to decline, then we will launch our treasures and will hang around the walls. (Smiles.)

- What things are you inspired in life?

- Life itself. True, when I have a tight shooting period or intense rehearsals in the theater, I close and focus only at work. Something to find for the scene in my case is possible only in a celon existence. But in your free time I travel. Trips filled me, restore forces. It's good that Lesha also loves adventures. Together we began to ride the car in the world. We make routes, for example, on Florida, from St. Petersburg to the small island Kay West, or in France, from Strasbourg through Lake Annecy to the north, to the island of Il de Ree. We have many buddies worldwide with whom we once met in our travels. And I inspire the feats of previous generations. When you understand that you enjoy that someone once came up with and created when we look at the masterpieces of world art ... Yes, it is impressive.

Shooting in the Bride Thriller Steel For Child Interesting Professional Experience

Shooting in the Bride Thriller Steel For Child Interesting Professional Experience

Frame from the movie "Bride"

- You really always skillfully filled out creative pauses. For example, traveling with Alexander Petlura and his performances in Europe!

- I generally intrigued our underground of the eighties and nineties! And it also turned out that in Europe Petluru, and not only him, know more than with us. And what Sasha has a magnificent collection of Russian fashion Soviet times, in general just a twentieth century! This is such a real encyclopedia. Even the museum.

- Is it organically for you to take at once for several projects?

- Somehow it seemed to me that I would not be worried about full power, and I decided that I would sleep less, work more, load every hour of my day. And subscribed to the three series at the same time. If it were a full meter or a performance, I would simply could not do it, and then I tried and squeezed out all the juices. I am grateful to this experience, which demonstrated to me how the amount does not best affect quality. Then, when I looked at these works, it was very disappointing that I missed some important moments, I lost something, I was late. You can not be everywhere, but this is my personal opinion. When the actor rifles earn and agrees to all that he is offered, this is a banal hysterical. It is necessary to be selective, dose your face on the TV. Be able to wait or even leave for a while.

- You have come to the profession not yesterday, but you have a feeling of fresh face, you rarely give interviews, not slaughtered by TV channels, except in the series Valeria Gai Germanic "School" sounded brightly ...

- I do not go to mainstream. You see, you either have or not you. If you are on all glossy covers and do not miss significant secular parties, it is not even equal to what you are. I respect the artists much more than those who go to the shadow, at some point in time to realize that they had nothing to say. It is better to sit quietly in the village, spinning a book or on the seashore to write a book than in the fear of loneliness or oblivion to imitate movement, everywhere flashed, removed and post pictures on social networks. Well, everyone has his own way ... As for me, I'm still very dissatisfied with my profession. I want to go further, put a high bar, discover yourself, throw in an unknown, but not lose individuality.

Running as a hobby appeared in the life of the actress a few years ago. And it began with participation in the charity marathon

Running as a hobby appeared in the life of the actress a few years ago. And it began with participation in the charity marathon

- Not so long ago, a thriller "Bride" came to the screens, to which you were preparing for a long time, learned yourself to watch movies in the horror genre ...

- Yes, it was a very steep experience. With the director Svyatoslav Podgaevsky went on a journey of a month. The most interesting thing is that from this genre I carried out: in the thriller you should not be sorry for you, it should be scared for you. And there are fifty shades of fear, and it is very difficult from the point of view of acting profession. Now I dream about fiction and about the historical costumed drama with immersion, but in the style of Tarantino. I would like. (Smiles.) But in any case, there will be what you need right now, no matter how you laugh God with your plans.

- reading your biography, it seems that you have been looking for your vocation for a long time ...

- Nine years I have done drawing. I had obvious abilities, I participated in many contests, even won, received prizes. But at the same time, watercolor, still lifes, painting at the plenier, the modeling on me was put into a longing. I adored a monumental machine composition, volumetric forms. And in parallel, I played in the Children's Music Theater and studied music. She graduated from Galina Vishnevskaya College, by the way, we were the first release. Alas, but in this sphere I did not have a special giftedness: my fingers are not too long for the piano, and at first I hardly delivered octave. In addition, with vocals, too, everything was not very. I worried and worried when Galina Pavlovna came to the exams, and it was necessary to fulfill vocaliz, romance, Aria from the opera ... No, I did not fake, but I frankly did not reach this opera singing. I am a wonderful performer at the Karaoke level. It is curious that we, almost the entire first edition of Vishnevskaya, successfully enrolled in theatrical universities and became dramatic artists. Today I draw and sit down for the tool only about the call of the soul, it's like a sweat, a kind of hobby.

Couple loves to travel. Usually Alexey and Alexander themselves make up the route

Couple loves to travel. Usually Alexey and Alexander themselves make up the route

- In the "crisis of gentle age" you played a mom of a complex teenager. But they themselves were seriously worried about the transitional age.

- I was a typical adolescent of the nineties. Then there was still no such number of decent and inexpensive cafes, Gorky Park was considered a very dangerous place - there was no place to collect his puberty party. We had apartments without parents, stairwells, basements or attic of residential buildings. There and "Rocking" arranged, and musical homemade groups played their concerts. It was saturated. We removed the pioneer ties - all this became unnecessary, depreciated. Accordingly, the authority of the previous generation was completely lost in our eyes. We breathed fresh air perestroika, and the changes required our hearts. (Smiles.) Naive it was partly, but the teenager is always configured revolutionary. Therefore, by the standards of the nineties, I was an absolutely normal teenager. I had time to school at school, but then it was completely unidentified to learn, sit at home with a book.

- This time is still usually associated with the first love, especially when it comes to the way-free blonde ...

"Yeah, blonde ... by the way, noticed that the light color of the hair sets up people to a softer attitude: Sasha called me. And when I once repainted in a burning brunette, everyone treated me strictly: Alexander. As for the feelings, from an early age I did not have a lack of attention from the opposite sex. And I am not of those who in the race for the ideal chooses some kind of type, when one hero is reminded by the previous one. On the contrary, I was a gourmet collector, fell in love with a genius, bright personality. With personal somehow I figured out, but everything was not so easy with the profession. I arrived from the third time only, and I did not get into the theater immediately.

- You would like everywhere late ...

- Where did I see there?! I was the first everywhere. (Smiles.) I just did not take me. Perhaps it was necessary to lure your desire. They say than you are unhappy in love, the happier in the career. (Smiles.) In my opinion, nonsense is all. I am against the period of preparing for a complex role to bring it home and torture your relatives, and pretty the cavitation, perfectly shifted the next day. Or, when there is no work, you need emotions, swing your love boat and smash her to smithereens about life stones. I believe that there should be a distance between your business and the house. As soon as I cross the threshold of the apartment, strictly talk to myself: everyone forget and go to prepare soup!

Alexandra Child:

"I did not experience a lack of attention from the opposite sex, was a gourmet collector, fell in love with a genius, bright personality," the child admits

- How did the run in your life?

- I was bored in the fitness club, where he had been doing the fifth year. I wanted something more inspiring. And the puzzle was formed: the organizers of the charitable foundation "Life as a miracle" asked me to participate in the race in the framework of the Moscow Marathon, and I agreed. Class! You run and at the same time help people. Now I run regularly and became the trustee of this charitable foundation. We recently participated in the Action auction Svetlana Bondarchuk, where the lots were short films from famous directors. Anyone who is repost in social networks, who run, who is a film, and who is materially, can help help. Main start! (Smiles.)

"You worked as a journalist and leading on several central TV channels, there is no desire to get this water again?

- I have not yet feel necessary. But if this happens, then I see myself as an interviewer in the author's program. I would like to talk to the people who did themselves. I am always interested in stories about a person from a small village, which just achieved himself and became a millionaire. And if we talk about my experienced experience, then a total of a year and a half I spent on the TV, and it was great! Working on the TV channel "Culture", I met Mikhail Ugarov and as a result left the channel to the Doc. You know, it is not for nothing that they say if you want to know your journey - crossed from it. That's when after the institute I did not get into any theater, it was offended and turned off him. As a result, turned out to be first in Doc, then in the theater of nations, and now I play in one of the best theaters of the country - MHT them. Chekhov. (Smiles.)

- Independent your maiden ...

- the tempting hooks are full, and which sometimes appetizing worms on them! But it is impossible to maintain yourself. Hunters to fishing around a lot, and you need to be able to be not a crucible, but somers who used to scare children before in the villages. (Smiles.) This is the same fish that herself can drain and destroy any angler.

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