"Never late": pros and cons of late pregnancy


Many celebrities decided on late childbirth. Mind Tourman, Salma Hayek, Julian Moore, Halley Berry - they all became moms, when they were already over forty. Our stars also do not lag behind. Christina Orbakaite gave birth to the daughter of Claudia at the age of forty. In adulthood, the actress Olga Cape was twice. And Natalia Ukupnik, the spouse of the famous composer, gave birth to the firstborn - Daughter Sofia. By the way, Arkady Ukupnik, who became not so long ago, "a young father," when he was in fifty, appeals to all peers: "If there is an opportunity to give children, take advantage of it - and your life will last. And besides, you will feel yourself not a man who gradually goes somewhere in the distance, but a man who confidently goes on ascending. "

... if during our moms "borrowing" called 25-year-old girls, today this term is not used at all among specialists. A modern lifestyle has significantly increased the age of sexual female activity: the joy of intimate proximity is not alien to both in 30 and 40 and 50 years. At the same time, the woman is sometimes in confidence that pregnancy will not come, and ceases to take care of contraception. And this is a very risky moment. After all, the decline in the ability to conceive does not always mean infertility, which means that the risk of unwanted pregnancy always remains. Definitely pleases the fact that, "by chance" pregnants in a more mature age, a woman decides to preserve the child than not only gives a chance to the emergence of a new life, but to a certain extent gives himself the second youth. And competent support of pregnancy allows you to reduce any risks to a minimum and makes it possible to give birth to a healthy child. It happens that the woman is postponing pregnancy to "more successful times," and after forty years, the internal switch unexpectedly works - and the reproductive program unexpectedly "folded". Thus, the body protects itself from stress in a new, unfamiliar atmosphere for it. Although it is precisely at the same age that the reverse reaction is possible: some madly want to give birth. If you become a mom for you very important, you should not skip the period when you're overpowered by instincts. If you skip this moment, great probability is greatly regretting this in the future.

Pluses of late pregnancy

Rejuvenation of the body

And this is not a myth, but absolute truth: pregnancy is a kind of "shake" for the whole organism. The work of the ovaries and the thyroid gland is activated, and by increasing the level of female hormones, the condition of the skin, hair and nails are improved. The woman really looks rapid and literally glows from the inside, especially if the pregnancy is planned and long-awaited.

Increased responsibility

Women who become mothers after 40 years are usually much more responsible and balanced than young moms, sometimes not completely ready for motherhood. Life experience, wisdom, conscious attitude and understanding of all the difficulties associated with the birth of the kid, is a huge plus. As for married relations, all the "Mexican passions" subsides, the attitude towards each other becomes more careful, calm - now you are not just a couple in love, but real partners. And the birth of a kid who will inevitably change your familiar life, you only smooth. After all, it is necessary not easy to maintain and understand each other, but also learn to share your attention on three.

Material base

One of the most significant advantages of late pregnancy is a feeling of financial stability. All experiences on the topic "Can I provide myself and your child", especially if you have decided to give birth to a child without supporting a man - a huge stress for the female organism. By the way, the main percentage of women who postpone the motherhood at a later date, these are precisely such, very reasonable arguments: "First you need to stand on your feet." By 40 years old, most women achieve the feeling of stability and stability precisely by the prepared material base, especially if it was their main goal - it was for this reason that they postponed the birth of children. Career achievements have considerable significance - this increases not only professional, but also personal status. Thoughts that you are on the shoulder of the most difficult tasks, you know how to conduct business or manage people, will help you at that time when you feel yourself in a completely new role - my child's mother.

Minuses of late pregnancy

Difficulties with conception

The modern way of life, of course, allows you to be in active physical form and after 40 years, but, unfortunately, after 30 years, the probability of conception is significantly reduced. This is due to the fact that the ovaries are subject to age aging, and the ripening process of the egg after 35 operates less efficiently than in a younger age. In addition, with age in the body, the amount of eggs is significantly reduced. Many women with age develop such diseases like endometriosis - the disease of the mucous membrane of the uterus, associated with a hormonal imbalance, or the obstruction of the pipes, which prevents the penetration of the egg to the uterine cavity.

Psychological factor

On late pregnancy, childhood and motherhood "After 40" Most people prefer to speak with caution, and someone - even with undisguised horror. This is how myths are born, often not having any relationship. And endless stories about relatives, girlfriends or heard on TV are able to derive even a balanced person himself, not to mention a pregnant woman. All this is several times intensifying fears for their own health and the state of the future kid - and this is a truly negative factor for the future mother. And she involuntarily begins to count how many years she will have, when the baby goes to school when she finished her, marry or marries that he also does not add peace.

Long recovery

At late pregnancy, the recovery period after childbirth is often delayed: after all, the work of the immune, hormonal and cardiovascular system with age inevitably slows down. In the "set" with these difficulties follows the psychological factor. Alas, not all moms even in adulthood are aware of how much the usual way of life changes with the birth of a kid. And get used to the new much easier in youth.

Difficulties with assistants

If the first child was born, when his mother was already forty years old, it means that potential grandmothers are much more than sixty, and at that age they do not have to count on their active assistance.

Risk of complications

Bleedings, miscarriages, premature birth - alas, these are real facts. One of the most common violations, the probability of the appearance of which increases along with the age of the future mother, is the notorious Down syndrome. True, there is also good news: modern diagnosis allows you to identify most of the chromosomal disorders and the pathologies of the fetus at an early stage of pregnancy.

So you decided ...

- Take care of your health: with age, diseases such as diabetes and arterial hypertension are exacerbated or manifest. A number of surveys must pass, including the thyroid gland, and pass the tests to determine blood coagulation. Be sure to visit the cardiologist: Pregnancy is a considerable heart load.

- Do not give in panic. Remember that all myths about late pregnancy are largely the myths born by numerous stories of people who do not even have medical education. Sign up for courses for future parents and try to attend them together with the future father of the child. This will give you a feeling of confidence in yourself in the future mother. Review your circle of communication: try to meet more often and communicate with those people who have small children.

- And remember: Late children are another love, another attitude, another perception. Children who are born in mature parents, more "born", more successful, successful. They are experiencing fewer complexes, do not perceive the aggression of the external environment, because long time is protected.

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