Pierce Brosnan: "Sometimes you get tired of female attention!"


I have once survived the death of the beloved woman, Pierce Brosnan does not know what is to become a widow, alone to raise children and be drunk in the corner. "There is nothing worse than to watch the death of a person's beloved day, and then picks it away, leaving you alone with my grief," says the actor, remembering the tragedy that happened in his life many years ago. With Cassandra Harris, he lived in a happy marriage of thirteen years, her son of Sean bore her and adopted the children of his wife from the previous marriage - Charlotte and Christopher. Cassandra was only forty-three years old when she set this terrible diagnosis, and Pierce still remembers the day: "I stood at home in my studio in front of a huge canvas, I drew something. And she approached the back and said: "Dear, it seems I feel bad." I hugged her, and we sharpened together. Since then, I have not asked her about whether she is terribly, although I initially at first, this fear is better than paralyzed. After all, when you realize that your loved one will die no today, not tomorrow and not a week later, there is a special rhythm of life in the house - the rhythm of a long sad farewell. Everything slows down, small deeds are gaining great importance, random words become significant. And all this stunned, shocking and terrifying at the same time. "

Three years Pierce Brosnan was repeated. He climbed the children alone, worked and, it seemed, he simply did not notice what happened around. But fate had their own plans for this person. Once he went to Mexico, where a journalist Kelly Shey Smith came to him on an interview. It was she who gave him hope and literally pulled out of the grief of grief and tragedy from the puchin, forcing her life again and taught to re-enjoy her. "Once, when Cassie died, I swore that I never got married. You know, I still sometimes be angry with her for what she did, so early left, leaving me alone with children and with our grief, "he says. "But when I met Kelly, everything changed." I saw a person who could not only compare, but also give hope. And she became my real guiding star. "

Pier, what is it, to be one of the most attractive men in the world?

Pierce Brosnan: "I am very calm towards my appearance, even with humor. For me, this is rather a worker "tool", and not an opportunity to assert. Although sometimes it's nice that someone considers me a handsome man. " (Laughs.)

And women's favorite?

Pier: "This is an erroneous opinion. Attractive men are far from always turn out to be non-permanent partners. Sometimes they are even much more or more relieves and more reliably. "

Is it really?

Pier: "It is. Sometimes you get tired of constant female attention and onslaught that there is a desire to hide behind your beloved and once again not to stick out. "

Pierce Brosnan:

The actor was convincing not only in the image of superheroes. In the film Fantasy "Moon and the Sun" he played King Louis XIV. Photo: instagram.com/piercebrosnanofficial.

You are filmed with the most beautiful actresses of Hollywood. Kelly you are not jealous?

Pier: "There is no on screen mistress, in any case, she never confessed to me. She even jokingly calls my screen treason "legal". Kelly completely trusts me and always supports, and I am grateful to her for it. Even to Olga Kurilenko, with which I starred in the movie "NOVE", nor the droplets were jumped, but Olga is a very beautiful woman. "

By the way, did you like working with the Russian actress, did you easily understand each other?

Pier: "Oh, Olga is beautiful in all respects - and as a woman, and as an actress. She is young and talented and looks great in the militants. In addition, Olga from the breed of actors, which every year becomes better, professional. By the way, we wrote a role in the "man of November" specifically for her - after they saw her game in the picture "Hitman". As for the fact that she is Russian, then I am Irish, and I easily understand the Russians, your character. You are very strong people, and this power gives you love for earth, religion and strong drinks. We, Irish, all the same. "

What qualities do you appreciate in actress partners?

Pier: "First of all, they must be sensual and sexy and use this weapon against me. And so that I could not resist. (Laughs.) In fact, I have always been very lucky with partners: with Sophie Marso, Maria Grazia Kuchenotta, Danie Richards, Julian Moore, Rena Rousseau and many others. "

Did any of them confess you in love?

Pier: "It happened. Once I had a partner on the film, which, according to her, fell in love with me after we played a few intimate scenes in the film. But I could not answer her reciprocity, admitted that he was married. Kiel, after I told her everything, laughed at this story and even came to the shooting platform to look at the rival. There she found my partner and said: "Pier is really wonderful, but I recommend you to look at the director." And she followed her to the Council. " (Laughs.)

Next to the pier throwing a lot of young and beautiful girls.

Next to the pier throwing a lot of young and beautiful girls.

Gennady Avramenko

Kelly truly a bold woman, since the risk to leave you alone with a whole army of beauty.

Pier: "She does not leave. For all years that we lived together, it accompanies me everywhere in the world, although at the same time he writes books and engaged in environmental protection. You see if you love, it does not mean at all that he must completely abandon himself, in favor of his beloved person. In the kelves it attracts me. She is an independent woman and, I'm sure I can do without me if, God forbid, something will happen or we will part. "

Do you remember how your children responded when you informed them that marry Kelly Shey Smith?

Pier: "Reacted very well, they needed someone except me. I think if I myself did not find myself a woman, they would have led someone. (Laughs.) Kiel is a wonderful person, a very sociable, open, friendly, she just could not like them. Although before the meeting with her, the children were very protected from representatives of the fine sex. Sean even advised to beware of them, he was strongly disturbed by the moral appearance of the daddy. And Charlotte and Christopher were older, so I understood me better. "

Do you have a secret of a happy marriage?

Pier: "It seems to me the most important thing - learn how to make compromises and solve ultimatic problems, without which marriage is not. They can arise due to money, sex, influx of work and long-term separation. It is necessary to follow, so that the channels of communication do not overlap, otherwise it will be difficult. "

It turns out, in contrast to James Bond or other your heroes, you are not at all skills?

Pier: "Oh yes, I prefer my monogamy. (Laughs.) I am from those who like a family life, because it guarantees stability and harmony, and this is very important. Although that there is a sin to hide, I had a bang. But only to twenty-seven years, when I married Cassandra, and then, after she died. "

Admit as many Hollywood celebrities, did you indulge yourself alcohol or drug?

Pier: "Well, a little alcohol I can afford and now. For example, a glass of wine or a little martini, I'm the Irishman. But the drugs did not try. Although not all is lost, I have everything ahead. (Laughs.) Smoking is also never fond of smoking, although sometimes I can smoke a cigar, but rarely. "

The journalist Kelly Shey Smith became the second wife of Raspanan and helped him cope with the grief. Pier gave his younger son Paris Surf lessons, 2005. Photo: instagram.com/piercebrosnanofficial.

The journalist Kelly Shey Smith became the second wife of Raspanan and helped him cope with the grief. Pier gave his younger son Paris Surf lessons, 2005. Photo: instagram.com/piercebrosnanofficial.

And how do you like grandfather? (Sixteen-year-old granddaughter and a nine-year grandson from the adopted daughter Charlotte are rushed. - Approx. Auth.)

Pier: "Fine! I am a good and loving father and grandfather, cheerful and funny, although I absolutely do not know how to maintain discipline. Fortunately, Kili helps me in this. At one time I came up with a tricky trick: I usually talk to children to different philosophical themes when I take them to school. Of course, they would not listen to, but they have no way out - they will not run anywhere from the car. "

Your eldest son Sean has become an actor. Junior also want to go through your footsteps?

Pier: "Of course, this is our family business. (Laughs.) Junior Paris, Dylan, like his mother, writes a lot, adapts stories under the scenario and tries a little in director. But I did not expect that they would become accountants or dentists. These are my children, and they have a talent and a good example before our eyes. "

And in Hawaii, you moved for children or decided to escape from Hollywood?

Pier: "Both. We had and stayed in Malibu, and we love him very much, but Hawaii is a completely different story. Kili has her garden there, she loves to mess with different plants, I have the opportunity to spend more time with children and write pictures. There is a different life, and we ourselves become different, more sensitive and kind. Well, as otherwise, this is a tropical paradise, and beautiful people surround us there. "

By the way, few people know that you are also an artist, you do not like to talk too much about it?

Pierce: "Yes, I'm self-taught who threw the school for fifteen years, being a teenager, and decided to achieve something in life by anything. Then the ability to draw was my hardly the only chance. Since childhood, I had the need to express myself in painting, it helps to sort it yourself. Although I wrote the first picture only at twenty years. Once, my cozer went to my workshop and saw several of my works. He was so delighted that he began to convince me to put them on sale. But I did not want to put in private galleries, this is also a huge work to which it is necessary. Therefore, I prefer to remain an independent artist. Yes, and the cost of paintings in the galleries would be clearly overestimated. And I would like my work to be on your pocket not only rich, but also ordinary art lovers, with a middle taste. "

And how in your life a movie appeared?

Pierce: "Once I looked at the film" Golden Eye "and since then it has been sick with cinema. I dreamed of playing the role of a hero in a similar film. And grateful to the fate for the fact that James Bond once played. This role has become the result of my big and hard work. "

What do you think you are more obliged to your career - good luck, calculation or talent?

Pier: "It seems to me that all three components are important here. Of course, the presence of a talent that can be grinding to infinity is very helpful. But it is also necessary to have courage to overcome obstacles arising from your way. Well, the calculation is definitely important. Although I'm just lucky. I know many actors who are much talented me, but they failed to get up. "

Inverter of your popularity was the role in Bondian, you are still called the fifth bond. Have you not been afraid that this stamp stick to you forever?

Pier: "Of course, I was afraid, but I knew what was going on. And even more I was afraid that the first film would fail, "the question was constantly asked:" And what then? "But I always tried to look at life positively, to find my advantages. And what do we see? Today I enter the Superman Pantheon, as well as Arnold Schwarzenegger. (Laughs.) Although actually be an actor and the dreamer one-temporarily damn it is difficult. "

Is it dangerous for the actor to play James Bond?

Pier: "Of course, because the roles like this can be able to break your career. Look, for example, what made Bond with Timothy Dalton, and he is a wonderful actor. But his Bond was too serious, and it seems to me, at some point Timothy began to treat him too seriously, so I lost. "

Have you ever thought about abandoning this role?

Pier: "No, although he was heard about that it was made by Mel Gibson and Liam Nison. True, unlike me, by the time both of them have already made a big career in the cinema. I last starred either in low-budget films, either on TV, or played minor roles in large productions, and I wanted to do something significant and memorable. "

Irishman Pierce Brosnan and Russian actress Olga Kurilenko easily found a common language. Photo: instagram.com/piercebrosnanofficial.

Irishman Pierce Brosnan and Russian actress Olga Kurilenko easily found a common language. Photo: instagram.com/piercebrosnanofficial.

Remember what you were to pronounce the famous phrase: "My name is Bond, James Bond"?

Pier: "This is just a replica, like any other, although shelled the whole world. At first I trained in front of the mirror and in the car, tried to pronounce it so ordinary, as if he asked her neighbor sitting at the table to give me salt. I tried to make it part of my life, like the role of Bond. And you know what when you are caught up for a similar activity, you feel awkward. "

Your heroes, and James Bond and Peter Devero, equipped with super-modern technical means like famous clocks with laser installation. In life, do you live with appliances?

Pier: "To be honest, it's not too, but I am a very diligent student. Melted Instagram, for example, although with the Internet, not very Laude. "

What about dangerous tricks - do you fulfill them yourself or resort to the help of cascaders?

Pier: "There is a lot of things in our work that is able to fulfill only a professional athlete. For example, I ride a good skiing, but jumping out of the springboard, turns over in the air several times, never learned. Here at such moments I came to the rescider. But in fights, I participate only myself. Otherwise, why take on the role of the secret agent? "

And what, not afraid to break your hands-legs?

Pier: "Well, what to do? After all, the viewer pays to admire the actor, not a cascader. "

And how do you generally support yourself in shape?

Pierce: "In general, nothing special, I play tennis, I fumbled a lot, because I live on the ocean, I am engaged in kickboxing, I am engaged in the weights."

Pier, do you consider yourself a movie star?

Pier: "I am a movie star? That's not! The movie star is Clint Eastwood. Or Jack Nicholson with Robert De Niro. And I am a regular actor. Although when someone calls me that, I will not hide, I am pleased. But I always sought to just become a good characteristic actor. And I really hope that I have it. "

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