Loneliness-boredom: Reasons why you still haven't found a couple


It would seem that problems may arise with the search for a couple today, when there are many applications and dating sites, where millions of the same lonely people try to find a partner? But the problem does not disappear anywhere: you are still spending evenings alone. What is the reason? We tried to figure out.

You do not respect yourself

To achieve respect from the side, first of all, it is necessary to begin to respect myself. In the family you are going to build, you will post the borders and protect your interests. If your self-esteem is zero, you risk engage in dangerous, toxic relationships, where your partner will be dominant. Your good attitude he will take as a givenness, therefore your opinion will never be taken into account while you are not interested in defending yourself.

In relations there is no place for egoism

In relations there is no place for egoism

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

You are too categorical

If you are accustomed to divide the world on black and white, expect your partner will be happy with you, you should not. As a rule, a woman, like a man, there is a certain ideal of a person who should make you happy, but the reality is that the real happiness is able to give and a person who is located next to you, but you do not perceive it as a second halves. Try carefully to study your surroundings: let there not "Prince" from your dreams there, but surely there will be no-indifferent to you, a worthy man.

You put on a person

If problems arise in a pair, as a rule, wine lies on both, but it is difficult for us to recognize their wrongness, which is why the pressure on the partner begins to which such an approach may not like. It is important to understand that we cannot control and correct an adult, only if it is not us. The result of permanent pressure is most often the gap.

You focus only on yourself

In harmonious relationships there is no place for egoism, which many forget about. The habit of listen only to her desires, ignoring the opinion and needs of the second half - a direct path to rupture and lonely days and nights. Learn to pay attention to a person who spends most of the time next to you.

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