It's small: How do the stars raise children?


Babes in a cage

Madonna, which is difficult to call a sample of morality, keeps his four children - Lourdes (18 years old), Rocco (14 years old), David (8 years old) and Mercy (7 years old) - in Held Mittens. There is no newspapers and glossy magazines in her house, the evening viewing TV shows, harmful food and sweets are prohibited. Smoking and alcohol is taboo. If Madonna notice the toy lying on the floor, she immediately sends her to the trash can. The singer has repeatedly spoke in an interview, which intends to control the personal life of his eldest daughter to eighteen years. "Until the adulthood, Lourdes will not have any boys," she said again. But you will not keep track of everything. Looking at a graceful black-haired beauty, somehow I can not believe that she will behave like a Pai girl. When a snapshot of smoking appeared in the tabloids surrounded by several guys Lourdes, the starry mother's rage was not the limit. She put a daughter for home arrest, blocked all her credit cards, and also turned off cable TV and the Internet. "I bring up children in rigor, and if something is not on the rules, they are waiting for punishment. But, honestly, I do not think that I am with them a stronger as much as it should be. I think I may need to be tougher, "Madonna said. Poor kids. It's only the beginning…

Among the Stars of Hollywood, the educational technique Rachel Vadilav is very popular. This lady even wrote the benefit "The Baby Book, How to Enjoy Year One" ("Book of children and how to enjoy the first year of their life"). According to Rachel, it will be better if the child will be created from the very first week of life that "commands the parade" is not he. The scientist Lady advises never to lull the baby - they say if he pays twenty minutes, it will not be worse. In no case should not take it out of the crib to calm down. Otherwise, the child will ask for hands.

Gwyneth Paltrow is one of the fans of the harsh methodology of Education Rachel Vadlav. Photo:

Gwyneth Paltrow is one of the fans of the harsh methodology of Education Rachel Vadlav. Photo:

Actress Gwyneth Paltrow is one of the fans of this harsh technique. "Rachel's approach turned out to be very successful in relation to our daughter," says the actress. - At six weeks, Epple slept at night for six to seven hours. I think that all this thanks to Rachel's recommendations. " Gwyneth believes that the material benefits spoil people, therefore it does not indulge the daughter of Apple and the Son of Mosnes and does not give them money for pocket expenses. The father of the kids, the musician Chris Martin, went even further his wife - he refused to sing on their birthdays. Chris argued this by the fact that any work should be paid. And where is the ten-year-old epple and an eight-year-old Moseli will be able to find money to give the dad to a decent fee?

In the family of Beckham, we also do not care. "It would be easy to allow children to sit and do nothing," David argues. - But everything is wrong with us. Without a doubt, they must earn. After breakfast, the guys must put their plates in the dishwasher and do not forget to fix the bed. If they do not, then do not get money for pocket expenses. " Victoria strictly monitors what telecasts are watching her sons, and checks their homework. All children go to sleep strictly by the clock. And in the family there is a special "chair of punishment" - if the child has done something, he sits on him and reflects on his bad behavior.

The soloist of the Ivanushki International Group Kirill Andreev also believes that in raising it is necessary to show severity. It makes up the day for his son so that there is no time for "any nonsense." Cyril Jr. studies foreign languages, actively engaged in sports. Gifts The boy receives, only if he really deserved them. And finally, the most important pointer is an order in the room. Parents carefully monitor the son to clean his belongings.

Kirill Andreev is watching the son not to have time for any nonsense, and tries to take him to the maximum.

Kirill Andreev is watching the son not to have time for any nonsense, and tries to take him to the maximum.

Lilia Charlovskaya

The producer Bari Alibasov even existed a special contract that he concluded with his own son. Bari Jr. was obliged to clearly fulfill the day of the day, diligently learn and master a good profession. In return, my father took over the obligations to pay for the Son's training at school $ 570 per month, provide him with food and housing, as well as issue a thousand rubles for pocket expenses. In the event of a violation of the terms of the agreement, the showman removed all the responsibility and sent the son of "link" to Saratov to the grandmother. "Father sincerely believed that he contains me in rigor. And for me it was probably the most paradise period in life. Night clubs, parties, goulasi - Moscow life in full flight of fantasy, "recalls Bari Jr.. And yet the grain fell on the fertile soil: now a young man has a successful marketer and, by the way, by the author of interesting methodologies in personnel management.

Freedom Yury Delubo!

Other star parents, on the contrast, in every way there are their whims. The singer of Christina Aguilera is confident that such a talented person, like her, the child should also be extraordinary. "My son is pretty unmanageable now, but it's just fine, believe me. I like to give him freedom of creativity and the opportunity to have fun, "says the star. Christina tries in every way to encourage the curiosity of the six-year-old Max Leiron, encourages it to try everything new. In her opinion, even creative mess in the room (which is more like a mess) and in the dirt is needed for the boy and contributes to the development of his individuality.

Britney Spears also brought up children in a "free atmosphere." She fed babies harmful hamburgers, fried potatoes and sweet soda - which loves herself. Not embarrassed, Preston and Jacedon, hesitated in front of the young sons of Sean, sometimes released an obscene character. Everyone remembers that this story ended poorly: for some time, Spears was deprived of the rights of guardianship.

Britney Spears loves chips and sweet soda and kids fed the same harmful meal. Photo:

Britney Spears loves chips and sweet soda and kids fed the same harmful meal. Photo:

Jane Pitt is very concerned about how her daughter-in-law, Angelina Jolie, brings up a little shuil. The girl's elegant dresses prefers his brothers' clothes and asks homemade to call her male name. And her mother, such oddities, do not confuse. "Shailo wants to be a boy. Therefore, we briefly cut her hair. She adores sports costumes and strict suits with pants. Just like real Frant. She thinks one of the brothers. I think I have all the attitudes of the actress. I dressed in childhood and jumped to the eyed just like her! " And when Jane Pitt bought a few designer dresses and sarafants for his granddaughter, Angelina hit her with criticism. In her opinion, the grandmother showed disrespect for the desires of Shailo, because she knows perfectly, in what style loves to dress a girl.

The actress Katerina Spitz holds the Japanese education system - up to three years can be allowed to allow the child everything that is not associated with risk to life. "If I see that the Son is interested in something dangerous, we will create such conditions so that he will try it with the smallest damage for himself. For example, he allowed him to touch the hot plate slightly - so that he did not bother. Now Herman knows that the fire is hot. It is necessary to allow the child to know the world around. "

Golden youth

Suri, daughter Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, call the most capricious child of Hollywood. Tom, supporter of Scientology, with infancy raised her daughter in accordance with religious canons. The adepts of this teaching recommend parents to go to meet the desires of their Chad. The child cannot say the word "no", and if he absolutely, in no case should it be scolded - it is necessary only to "point to the wrong action". As the source from the close environment of the star family told, "Suri basically does everything that she wants. If she does not go to bed, she is allowed not to go to bed for some time. If parents want the girl to swim, and she cries, it is removed from the water. If she is crying because of food, they ask her exactly what she would like to eat. " For every day, Suri receives from parents a million dollars and does not know anything. It is not surprising that the character of the baby is simply unsteady. Recently, the paparazzi was seen as Suri arranged a real hysteria with tears and topper legs due to the fact that Mom banned her eat ice cream immediately after pizza.

Beyonce pools his daughter Blue Ivi. The baby has already become the owner of a children's chair, decorated with stones Swarovski, for fifteen thousand dollars and rocking rockers from gold for six hundred eighteen thousand dollars. Photo:

Beyonce pools his daughter Blue Ivi. The baby has already become the owner of a children's chair, decorated with stones Swarovski, for fifteen thousand dollars and rocking rockers from gold for six hundred eighteen thousand dollars. Photo:

Competition Suri could form a Blue Ivy, daughter of singer Beyonce. The baby was just a few months, and she had already become the owner of a children's chairs, decorated with stones Swarovski, for fifteen thousand dollars and rocking horses from gold for six hundred eighteen thousand dollars (you can buy a good apartment in Moscow for this money). Already now the star and her husband, the rapper Ji Zi, argue, to what a prestigious place to give to learn baby.

Our stars in this regard are more adequate. I would not want to poke your daughter, "Olga Shelest shared on the pages of our edition. - From the side it looks disgusting: I want a horse - there is a horse on you, I want a car - on the car. Today is one thing, tomorrow is different. There must be some reasonable balance. " Philip Kirkorov presents gifts to its children only at special cases. Toy Machine, Rocking Horse, Dolls - all within reason. True, singer's friends gave his heirs to clothing for all occasions. In the wardrobe of Kirkorovy-younger, there are fashionable collections from famous brands and even a wedding dress for a three-year-old Alla Victoria.

Father of six children Ivan Okhlobystin is more categorical in his statements. "My children are shy in such matters, know that I work alone, and well understand the phrase" no money. " When I go on a supermarket and see how some kind of child beats in hysterics and rides on the floor, and over him is a confused mother, I really want to kick him in the stomach foot. Walked, but at the same time noticeable. For my children, such behavior is simply impossible. They understand that the family is big, everyone needs it. " The actor believes that no expensive gifts will replace the children of parents and attention.

The father of six children Ivan Okhlobystin believes that nothing will replace the children of parental heat and attention.

The father of six children Ivan Okhlobystin believes that nothing will replace the children of parental heat and attention.

Gennady Avramenko

Supermodel Natalya Vodyanova still has time to engage in charitable activities, and raise four kids. "I treat my mother's responsibilities no less responsibly than to work or social activities," says the star. - I try to spend your children as much time as possible. We together read books, watch movies, definitely talk before bedtime, discuss the last day. While I am very pleased with our communication, friendship.

"If God gives a child, it is impossible to refuse this gift. The Volodya and I were very young parents, "recalls Christina Orbakayte. - My eldest son Nikita grew in Spartan conditions. We had no nanny, sometimes the grandparents helped, but most often the son went on tour with us. In the CAFR for clothes, we threw a coat, and he calmly fell asleep somewhere in the dressing room. Nikita and grew by such a merry, absolutely not capricious, not a major. I have excellent sons. Pupil, talented. Now, and the daughter will grow up. "

Methods of raising children infinite set. Probably, it is not necessary to get involved in newcomer currents. Each child is individuality. Someone needs a rigor, with someone more effect you will achieve. And only maternal love is capable of telling the path to the heart of the kid.

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