MDM reveals the secrets of the Broadway Music


The 15th anniversary season Theater MDM decided to note not as everything. And the reason for the "very funny comedy about how the show went wrong." Posters promise to the viewer not only laughter to tears, but also the opportunity to see the holy of holy of any theater with their own eyes. The correspondent visited the Special Backstead-excursion "show" and experienced the equipment of the stage battle, mastered the basics of work with theatrical details, and also played a small role in one of the most popular Broadway performances.

One o'clock. The Palace of Youth is still almost empty. The entrance is only a dormant guard and occasionally make up young artists who are made to casting a new musical. In the lobby, a small group of journalists are going to, enthusiastically to derive all the secrets of the famous play.

We begin, as always, with an introductory excursion in the history of the British theater. So. Three friends, three students of the London Academy of Art (Lamda), inspired by the traditions of the French school of Clownada Jacques and the principles of Comedy Charlie Chaplin, decide to create their theater - Mischief Theater. The Piesen is becoming a crown of student creativity, which subsequently collects a whole harvest of theatrical awards: Lawrence of Olivier Prize in London, Tony - in New York, Moliere - in Paris.

Half past twelve. Go to the practice of the author's system of Jacques. The main postulate here is the following: everything that actor does, is not knowingly "correct" or "wrong." He must learn to express his personal experience in the work. And in this, he, like us at the moment, helps masks: neutral, personal, expressive and mask comedy del art. We are given to try, perhaps, one of the most complex is neutral.

I keep in my hands a unpacked carnival mask with eyebuds for eyes and nose. She hides all the facial expressions and nevertheless does not prevent the actor to express his feelings. Extract the neck forward - interested in something, you cant aside - you ask, you are hunting and crushing your shoulders - clearly cry!

- Is it already possible for the scenes? - I'm not looking.

"You are not ready yet, my young Padavan," smiling slyly, the guide is responsible for me. We left the last stage - a collective attitude to the performance.

The school of the Russian Psychological Theater is noticeably different from the British. That is why even the smallest details in the Russification of the project was engaged in the English director Sean Turner.

We are put in a circle and give meter wooden sticks.

Theatrical props requires skill

Theatrical props requires skill

Yuri Bogomaz

- Now Balance and Trust. First, we hold the props on the palm of your hand, finger and, for the most risky, on the forehead, and then on my team we grab the pitch of the neighbor. Follow the view of the partner, learn how to read the eyes!

As if students-freshmen of theatrical university, we run, jump, depict cards of playing deck and try to establish partner contact.

"Now you're ready to go beyond the scenes," the guide tells us with a satisfied smile.

It is necessary to make it necessary to do the main light in the late afternoon.

It would seem that the simple decoration of the estate of Havers, illustrating the play in the spirit of Agatha Christie, should be exclusively an assistant for actors, but here it is an independent hero of the performance. Every 5 minutes there are stalks, platforms rushing and go smoke. And this is only a small part of the ideally thoughtful backstage mechanism, the responsibility for which several scene managers are responsible. 10 centimeters in the wrong direction - and the show will indeed end with the challenge "ambulance". Will it be funny then? I doubt. Actors, though improvise, but in a given plane, in what we were convinced of our own experience.

So, to the evening spectrum with the hands of journalists, the snow is muffled, a stallow, erased the evidence of the past "murder" and "charged" blood for the new one. And the simple truth is confirmed: the final product is the result of the painstaking work of the team of professionals.

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