Irina Sashina darted daughter


September 30, the leading program "Mood" on TVC Irina Sashina gave birth to Mary's daughter, and bars were held last Saturday.

The sacrament took place in the temple of St. Nicholas in the stares (the foundation of the Holy Uspensky Pühthetsky Women's Monastery). In the same place, Irina and her spouse Alexander baptized the rest of his children - the sons of Alexander, German and Roman.

"We love this temple very much for his clean and light aura," tells TV presenter. - My brother Alexei became the god dad, and the godfather of her mother's sister Irina.

The baptism of Sasiina's daughter took place in the temple of St. Nicholas in the zernami (the foundation of the Holy Uspensky Pühthetsky Women's Monastery). .

The baptism of Sasiina's daughter took place in the temple of St. Nicholas in the zernami (the foundation of the Holy Uspensky Pühthetsky Women's Monastery). .

The godfather has prepared gifts for babes. Alexey presented a beautiful native cross, and Irina chose a baptismal outfit - a long lacy dress.

"This is our first present dress! - says Sashina. - Marika outfit was very walked! "

According to Irina, Maria during the Velian ceremony itself is very worthy. When her dipped in the font, the baby smiled. Irina Swimat almost until the last day of pregnancy, and Marika now also loves to swim.

The godfather of Little Marihka was the brother of TV presenter Alexey, and the godfather is a rosulid sister of her husband Irina. .

The godfather of Little Marihka was the brother of TV presenter Alexey, and the godfather is a rosulid sister of her husband Irina. .

"Marika indignant and cried only once, when she suddenly dipped into the font of her head," the TV presenter recalls. "But then I wiped her, dressed up, she calmed down and again sat in her arms at the godmother and watched with interest. It turned out a very beautiful and touching ceremony! "

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