Tips, how not to ruin vacation with a small child


Little children do not tolerate trips. In Soviet times, a child until 3 years did not advise you to take away from home. But times have changed, life has become faster, new technologies have come to her that allow parents to move easily and without unnecessary trouble with infants around the globe.

A place

Do not need to change the climate. For example, it is now cold in Russia, and in Thailand the heat, such a drop of temperatures may not affect children's health. But the trip to the neighboring Europe or the journey through our country the kid will take effect with ease.

Do not change the sharp climate

Do not change the sharp climate

If you still chose a beach holiday, lay the time for acclimatization. In this case, you must go at least three weeks.

Aid kit

Be sure to take with you those medicines that the child takes constantly. Take with a reserve - abroad is not so easy to find the analogues to our drugs, let it be better not to be useful than they will not be at hand.

First aid kit will not be too

First aid kit will not be too

Make special children's health insurance. Examine local ambulances, where they are and what services.

The sun

Do not let the baby spend a lot of time in the sun. Take with you light clothes with long sleeves so that the child does not burn out, and several hats - they are often lost.

The sun is useful, but also dangerous

The sun is useful, but also dangerous


Traveling for your son or daughter - and so stress. Take with me for the first time the food to which he is used. The journey is not the time to enter the lure or feed the kid with adult food. No exotic, if you do not want to spend time at the doctor.

No exotic!

No exotic!


Think about the child it was all the time comfortable. Children cannot walk as many adults, they get tired faster. Light stroller cane will be a good help on the trip. Job just in case with a blanket and a small pillow.

The child should be comfortable

The child should be comfortable

Have a good trip!

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