Lucker Ilyashenko: "I can afford to be filmed in bedside scenes"


The name of Luchery Ilyashenko first sounded over the entire country in 2014 with the release of the series "Sweet Life". Now the lash, as they call her close, is already one of the most promising and sought-after actresses. Meets with the artist and asked about what was going on in her life.

"Luchery, recently a premiere of your film" Dancing to death "took place, the TV series" Flap "was held on TV, where you also have one of the main roles. Tell me, do you feel the star?

- Honestly, no. When after the series "Sweet Life" I began to know me on the street, ask to take a picture, take autographs, I had a feeling. But now there is no. I understand that the plank rises that the following projects must be better and better, and it rather leads to a state of collens and combat readiness.

- All your heroines are not very similar to each other. Which of them are closest to you?

"It seems to me that I have the most similar to Oksana from the TV series. I still have a texture such that everything when they see me, believe that I am evil, harsh aunt. But in fact it is just physiognomically so it happened that I have a stern look. So it is easier, it was more organic to play Oksana than Lerru from "Sweet Life." What did her costumes cost, which I wrote every time and thought: "Lord, what a nightmare! How hard to walk in it: short skirts, high heels, bras with push-ap..

Lucker Ilyashenko:

The role of the Moscow beauty lera in the series "Sweet Life" made Luker Ilyashenko famous

- And in life you do not wear skirts, heels?

- If summer, hot, I'm on vacation, then, of course, put on a short sundress. And so I especially do not wear deliberately sexy clothes. And even at some outlets, I try to be more compromising.

- At the same time, in the "Sweet Life" you had an outcrop. And now you can afford to be filmed in bedside scenes?

- Yes I can! And I do not see anything bad. We are a strange Puritan society. On the example of cinema, I can say that in any "shooter", in any horror movie the viewer is the most interesting human relationship. And sex directly with them is connected. This is the main instinct, it's all that causes the world to exist. And we have such a feeling that there is no, and that's it. In fact, how many marital couples, which hold exclusively at the expense of this "chemistry", which occurs between them. Remember the film "Kill me gently" - there just about it. About the fact that people are not suitable for each other, about the fact that there are a million factors that are against their relationship, but there is this notorious thing between them, which is called "chemistry." And around the world, it is customary to show this, there they react normally. And we have a bargaining chest in the frame, and all - debauchery, vulgarity. So I want to say: "Guys, you were so made!" Therefore, if it is dramatically justified, if it is a story about the relationship of a man and a woman, then bed scenes are completely normal. I recently had shooting experience in a short picture. She is "about it." And there is a scene, where my heroine hand gives the pleasure of a man. She is not in order to show pornography. There is not even shown by this close-up, and done on one plan, on the faces. But this scene shows all the pathology of their relationship. When people hate each other, but at the same time they pull them to each other so hard that this power of their union is destructive for everything that surrounds them. And without such a scene, you never in life before you do not stay, you will not show this dialogue.

Lucker Ilyashenko:

In the series "Nizht", Lucherya Ilyashenko starred with such actors as Vladimir Mashkov, Denis Swedov, Andrei Smolyakov and Alexander Pal (in the photo)

- Does not affect your personal relationship?

- If a person binds to the actress, if he takes her as a separate person, if he does not want her to become just a punishment of a man, sat at home and cooked borschi (and for me it's not an option), then he must take these things. If he does not accept, it means that he goes his way, I go my own. I sincerely believe that a man and a woman must complement each other and push to some kind of accomplishments. And in my case, the career is very important to me. For me, this is the moment of self-realization, the moment of acquiring social status. And I will not lie, that it does not matter me. And if a person does not share some of my aspirations, it means that we are not on the way.

- That is, in this life stage about the family, children you do not even think about?

- For children you need a lot of money. Yes, and the child is a test for any family. And if you also live the injignment ...

- But you do not exclude the birth of children?

- Of course not. I really want children. But now I will stand on my feet, I will earn, think of the mind ...

- Your path to cinema was partly a thorny: you danced in Music-lah, sang in a pop group. What hardly hardered your character and made it possible to achieve what you wanted? Or are you from nature punching?

- I'm not punching! I am not the artist who will shout: "I can! I want to! Take me!" I am a very unobtrusive person. There is a stereotype: the artist must move itself, but I am different in a different way. In a ballet school, we were always told: "No need to climb ahead. Stop in the rear line and make a maximum of what you can. And if you are really good if you are really worthy, you will be called. No need to stick out. " And partly, I interfere with this attitude, because the artist should be in every barrel of the plug. But I do not believe that you can get some roles, status through a party, through acquaintance, through communication with the right people. I have never had this.

Lucker Ilyashenko:

According to Luchery, before the filming in the film "Dancing to death" she had to do a lot. The girl who ended with a ballet school, modern choreography was hard to

- Your ballet past helps you in care? I know you can still demonstrate a magnificent twine ...

"If a person from four years old makes his twine, it is unlikely that he goes somewhere." It is already simply by itself the person of such a form and elasticity - and not need to make much effort. But I generally sleep this patient fashion: "Studio stretching. We will put you on the twine. " And why land on the twine, when you are 30 years old and will stretch all the ligaments to the damn mother? Yes, and frankly, nothing useful in sitting on the twine, no. But if you find the right teacher who does not pull the muscles, will not make that you will get injury, and very competent will work with your body, then the ballet is undoubtedly the best load for the female organism. Because the ballet forms muscles in the proportions in which you need. Now often girls go to the rocking chair, where some incomprehensible bodybuilder, with incomprehensible education, which does not understand what works, they load them. And we see not a slim girl with an underlined eggs and elastic belly and booty, but a petition barrel.

- Do you yourself do what?

- I am engaged in body ballet. I can not say what I do it every day, but I try. It is not only useful, but also nice. Because after any load, so many endorphins are thrown into the blood that you feel wonderful. No wonder they say: "If you have depression, go to the gym." It truth helps.

- Can you afford harmful food? Or study in a ballet school taught you to restrictions?

- Well stop! Certainly can. I have a favorite dish - a fast noodle with chicken. When I see this noodle in the store, I pull out saliva and I think how I want to devour it with mayonnaise! I try, of course, to keep myself in shape. But recently, for example, was in Georgia. Well, I'm crazy - not there are their khachapuri? Or kebab? Or churchhel? Abroad, I, of course, eat local cuisine. And then I come and take myself in my hands, I exclude a flour, sweet. But to sit on a diet, you need a rather measured lifestyle, and with my roads often, the diet goes forest.

Lucker Ilyashenko does not see anything bad in the frank scenes

Lucker Ilyashenko does not see anything bad in the frank scenes

- Lucher, and you are also DJ.

- Well, such, decorative. (Laughs.)

- Why do you need it? Do not have enough regions for self-realization?

- This is a purely commercial story. At some point on the wave of my popularity after the series "Sweet Life" I was asked: "Do not want to go to Krasnodar to play DJ Set for a lot of money?" And I will not hide it, being a man mercantile and haunting a comfortable existence on this mortal land, said: "Yes, of course, let's". Quickly mastered this uncomplicated program and periodically drive, earning money. At the same time there is a music that I like to play. And occasionally, I have sets in small Moscow clubs. But mostly the people do not understand this music, but sorry. It could be even more interesting.

- Can you call yourself a financially secured person?

- No I can not. I really have great requests. I sincerely believe that a woman should be able to keep herself at the level of living in which she wants. And any woman wants to live at a very good level. I'm not a feminist. But when I was ten years old, my father died. And I saw my mother was hard. You always need to keep in mind that anything can happen at any time. And always, undoubtedly, you need to rely only on yourself. No matter how strong a man next to you.

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