Candles, wormwoods and bells: how to clean your home


Candles, wormwoods and bells: how to clean your home 48082_1

My house is really my "fortress." Little but the most expensive in the world. There are only the closest people here, here everything is saturated with comfortable and peace - definitely, above it, as over to all the rest, I am happy to work with pleasure. And one of the most beloved classes is "energy cleaning". You feel like a real lead, which creates something magical and very powerful!

Our house "alive", he breathes, he feels and, alas, he also sick. This is especially felt when someone or a very negative, or a patient, or a tired and angry person, in the house he died to visit you, or for a long time, you were chased by the troubles that you, of course, "digested" in your favorite house. By the way, very much the house pump out problems with money (in the air literally blows this fear of poverty), as well as all sorts of love experiences.

What options do I like to use?

1. Candles

Here is a complete variety: you can simply place the burning candles on all corners - the fire itself is a very powerful substance, - either carry a candle throughout the apartment, or if a number is close to you, use the classic combination of candles and four runes of KVORT. Believers can use classical prayers ("Our Father," Life-giving Cross "), and if everything is wonderful with the visualization - just read any conspiracy that you think about yourself.

2. Wormy

This legendary herba does not just be surprisingly smelling - she is expelled from home all "evil, bad, bad and apparent." This is a very ancient method - and what our ancestors used, invaluable for me. You can still do annealing: we light the bunch of dried grass and go around the apartment, "a cross" smoke space, and you can brew in boiling water and wash the floors. You will see - the air in the apartment will become completely transparent, and your loved ones are calm and peaceful.

3. Bells

I have a whole collection of bells - they are well pubed to "ring up" the apartment. This sound also cleans the space.

4. Sol.

She can also wash the floors, wipe mirrors. It will be perfect if you finish it in a prayer or plot. I have such a salt on all corners - it also protects the house from negative energy.

5. Ladan

Google in a smoke (it can be bought in the church shop) coals and from above, put two or three pieces of incense and go around the apartment clockwise, starting from a long corner.

General rules for energy cleaning at home:

- Be sure to pay attention to the corners - the most "wonderful" is hiding there.

- Before cleaning, open all the doors, including oven and microwave.

- Do not engage in "energy cleaning" if you are tired, feel bad or just "no mood." This ritual is perhaps the most important thing you can do for yourself and your loved ones - you do not want to "feed" their negative? By the way, for the same reason, try not to prepare food with bad and evil thoughts. Believe me, let the better household booty than the "gifts" grade, even inadvertent ...

- After the ritual, take a shower or just wash your hands to the elbow. Be sure to thank the keepers of your home for the help!

- Regularly throw out old, broken, cracked things - such "savings" will turn to you with a real poverty, as they attract the launched into the house. In general, try to save anything and do not litter an apartment, especially the angles! Get partereton with things easy and calm - when you trust yourself and the universe, there will be a lot of new things in your life.

And last but the most important thing.

- Do not swear, do not talk, never figure out the homes of the relationship. In general, never do it with your loved ones - but at home it is impossible to do this. Your loved ones - and you yourself - you don't need ideally licked angles, it doesn't matter what they eat for lunch - enough love and peace in the house.

And everything will be fine ... I will definitely!

Peace to your home.

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