General secrets of the series "Motel Bates" and "stay alive"


Norman Bates is one of the most famous filmans, and in the series it is told about his youth. The director of the mystical series with horror elements was the director Tucker Gates. The producers of Carlton Kuiz and Kerry Erin claim that they used the "psycho" motel "Motel Beats" as a source of inspiration, which allowed them to tell new stories. The main characters of the series were the mother and son - Norman Bates and the norm of Bates, and the action of the film was transferred from the middle of the last century in our time.

Shortly after the death of her husband, Bates's norm with her son-teenager moves into a small quiet town White Pine Bay. It acquires a house and motel that previously belonged to the Summers family. After some time, Keith Summers, one of the former owners of the house, comes to Batesam and threatens to drive new owners, and is ready to do it in any way. Soon he returns, attacks the norm and rapes it. The returned Norman helps the mother to neutralize China, but when he comes out of the room, the norm kills the attacker. Mother and son get rid of the body and worry that someone can learn about the tragedy. After a while, Beits understand that the motel also has its dark secrets, like a small town, cute outside, but who has rotted from the inside.

General secrets of the series

The series "Motel Bates" thought about the prehistory of events of the cult film "Psycho". .

The role of Bates, the powerful mother of the teenager, performed the nominee for the Oscar Prize, the actress Vera Farmiga, and her son played Freddie Haimore. Max Tirotot got the role of Dylan, the eldest Son of the norm. Michael Fogel, famous for the roles in the dramatic TV series "Hospital Miami" and "Peng American", played the role of Assistant Sheriff Zack Shelby, who keeps a dark secret, and Nerontar Carbonella (Richard Uppert from the series "Stay alive") received the role of suspicious sheriff Romero. "In my career, there was never a series that received extension for the second season. Before the "Motel Beats" I starred in the main cast of three television projects, but none of them lasted on the air and thirteen episodes, "says Vera Farmiga. - On modern television, it became very interesting to work, because the actors are given a chance to reveal the character of their heroes. The difference between the TV shows from the full-length films is that colleagues shooting together for several years can learn each other better. We work at a high pace, sometimes taking ten scenes per day. You need to be ready for each of them, and it is not easy, because I have little children. It's good that I can trust my colleagues. "

Producer Carlton Kuz through his page in Twitter reported that the episodes of the "Beats Motel" contain peculiar references to the series "Stay alive" on which he worked as a producer. So, in the second episode in the shop of Emma's father, you can see the scarecrow of a white bear. It was on polar bears that scientists from "Dharma Initiative" conducted - a fictional scientific organization from the series "Stay alive". In the third series of Norman will be taken to Hospital Sebastian hospital. Heroes "stay alive" Jack and Christian Sheparda were surgeons in this hospital, and some characters were treated in it. In the fifth episode, Norman and Emma find the boat of China Summers on "Place 815". This is a reference to the famous flight "Oshianik 815" from "Lost". In the eighth episode, Remo drinks in the Bar of the Beer "Dharma Beer". Throughout the series "Stay alive", the characters drink this drink.

General secrets of the series

The film "Psycho" is removed on the black and white film. Thus, Alfred Hitchcock escaped an excessive bloody picture and was able to save. .

"Motel Beats" received positive critics reviews, and in the review of the magazine "The New York Daily News", the author noted: "The series has very bright scenes of violence, but, as in the original film, all the worst happens in our heads."

By the way:

- The film "Psycho" collected more than 40 million dollars at the box office, which is a huge amount for the 1960s. The picture was awarded the Aldgar Alan Alan software, and the actress Janet Lee received the Golden Globe for the best role of the second plan. In addition, the film was nominated for Oscar in four nominations.

- "Psycho" removed on a black and white film. Thus, the director escaped an excessive bloody picture and besides could save. Blood in the film replaced chocolate syrup.

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