How to treat herpes


Doctors highlight as much as eight types of herpes. About the ninety percent of the planet's population is infected with a virus of a simple herpes of the first type (WSV-1), but only every fifth is manifested. It is because of herpes of the first type, these unpleasant bubbles appear on the lips. It is believed that most often herpes virus enters the human body in early childhood.

And is transmitted by air-drip or contact path. Similarly, the virus can pass during pregnancy from the mother to the fetus.

Causes of appearance

Supercooling, ORVI or influenza, stress, aggravation of chronic diseases, overwork, hypo- or vitaminosis, sharp weight loss, etc. Those who suffer from a lifty fever can know about its appearance, since it becomes more sensitive to the rash of bubbles , tingling and pinching appear, then itching, the skin bluses, begins to root.

How to treat

It is necessary to start treatment with the emergence of the first signs of the disease. For this there are special ointments, antiviral drugs. At the first stage, ointments or creams need to be applied from three to five times a day. If still the rash appeared, the ointment should be applied only with a cotton wand (to avoid the spread of infection) every three or four hours. At the time of exacerbation, chocolate, citrus and smoked metering should be excluded from its diet.

As prevention, you can contact the immunologist's doctor, pass tests and develop an individual prevention plan. An analyzes-therapist will help to choose a special complex of vitamins and minerals. If the herpes virus is recurrent, then it is necessary to refer to the immunologist for correction of anticheric drugs.

Folk remedies

First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity. The daily diet should include seasonal vegetables and fruits, you can drink such herbs like Echinacea, lemongrass, pink rhodisol. In the fall, it is necessary to brew a rosehip, ginger tea, to prepare a steady nut-fruit mixtures.

Be sure to adhere to a clear mode. This is especially true. We must try to go to bed at the same time, to divert for a night holiday at least eight hours and go to bed per hour or two to twelve.

In the fall, strict and mondetis are not recommended, since they strongly weaken the body. Do not allow strong physical or emotional overwork.

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