Iowa: "We were very surprised when they got a premium for the best soundtrack for the TV series' Fizruk"


- This year, the Iowa group marks five years, did you somehow celebrate the round date?

- Yes, a large solo concert in St. Petersburg.

- During this time, you have changed very much outwardly. Matured or became serious?

- Aged, and it became heavier to move on the scene. But after 20 years we will write that we matured and become more serious.

- Now you are one of the most sought-after teams in the movies. How did it happen?

- We want to ask such a question, but we do not know who. We were very surprised and delighted when they received a premium for the best soundtrack for the TV series "Fizruk".

- It turns out that many of you know thanks to the movie?

- Our popularity is a totality of all: cinema, radio, Internet sites and our live concerts in the cities of Russia and the CIS. With a tour schedule for 16-20 concerts per month for 2 years, we traveled the half exactly.

- You release your debut album "Export". Worry?

- Of course, this is our first album! This can be called this way - the Iowa group catch up with its tail. We have long dreamed, wanted, thought to release their album. During this time, the material has accumulated on several albums, but did not notice how 4 years flew! Due to constant touring, we simply did not have time to do this before.

- Three you. In Russia, it is customary to think on three. What can you do threesome?

- These five years we do almost everything together.

The Iowa group is a vocalist and the author of the texts of Catherine Ivanchikov, guitarist and music author Leonid Tereshchenin, DJ and drummer Vasily Bulanov. .

The Iowa group is a vocalist and the author of the texts of Catherine Ivanchikov, guitarist and music author Leonid Tereshchenin, DJ and drummer Vasily Bulanov. .

- What happens that two "friends" against the third?

- Of course it happens. Truth is born in the dispute. There were songs in which vocals were rewritten a couple of times. We like experiment! Stand up at the microphone and suddenly change everything. Sometimes it's like a random pleasant find, and after a couple of days they have permanently and you want to remove everything and rewrite again. You rewrite again, you are looking again.

- When the disputes flared up, the voice of the third always decisive. Who most often acts about your arbitration judge?

- We have a big team, and such a judge can be the fourth, fifth and even eighth.

- Do you spend a lot of time together, tired from each other?

- Together we spend a lot of time, and if disputes arise, then it usually does not reach the quarrel. And all because someone will definitely insert a joke, and the atmosphere is quickly discharged. We laugh very much!

- And you miss when you part, for example, leave on vacation?

- Do not get tired of each other. Until. And on vacation we are going a big team, because we have achieved this level of relationships, in which everyone feels the zone of comfort of each other and knows how to break it so that no one is offended. We can properly engage in joint idiocy.

- Do you have secrets from each other?

- There are always secrets, but no one can hold them for a long time. I am Vasya (Iowa DJ-Drummer) constantly advise, I don't know why. We have this strange need to advise when they do not ask.

- Do you imagine what you will do the next five years?

- Let's release some more albums, Katya (soloist) plans to give birth to a person, well, and take "Grammy"!

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