Cossacks conquer imagine smarts and beauties


On the eve of the Fashion Week in Kazakhstan. The Russians who arrived at her were pleasantly surprised not only by the quality of collections of local fashion designers, but also the appearance of the Kazakhs.

Kazakh girls literally emit beauty. They are neat, well-groomed, for the most part they have tightened figures and do not neglect make-up. Especially here they love with the help of shadows, eyeliner, carcasses and overhead eyelashes to create a worthy framing of the eyes that most brown and almond-shaped. Does not lose its relevance contouring, as well as bright lipsticks for lips.

In Kazakhstan, passed a week of fashion

In Kazakhstan, passed a week of fashion

Girls with short haircuts here a little. Basically all wear long hair. Perhaps this is due to local customs, because Kazakhstan still remains a country with traditional lifestyles.

Residents of the country are confident that beauty depends not so much from appearance as from the mental state. Therefore, parents pay great attention to the upbringing of their daughters, prepare them for future marriage and motherhood. In Kazakhstan, they believe that honest, kind and concerning a woman will definitely find their happiness.

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