Content Ring - Sacred Mystery of Diamond


The history of the engagement ring began in the VIII century, when Dad Nicholas I announced the use of rings for the engagement of the engagement. According to other data, the tradition of giving the engagement ring from 1477, when the Austrian Duke Maximilian offered the hand and heart of the daughter of the French king Maria Burgundse. He worried, whether she will tell him the cherished "yes", so he preliminarily sent her a ring with a stone as a gift. The story ended with "Happy Endom", and since then, the switches are given to the ring with a stone.

Form of the engagement ring

As for the tradition to give a ring with one big stone, there are also two versions of its occurrence. It is believed that the engagement ring was required to be inlaid at least one diamond. It symbolizes the possibility of a groom to ensure a decent life bride. If the engagement ring can be generally without stones, the engagement is almost always decorated with one, or even several gems. There is another interpretation - the size of the stone symbolizes not so much the groom's prosperity as its immense feelings.

An example of the classic mold of the engagement ring is a ring given by Olga Buzova her now already spouse (the couple got married in June 2012), football player Dmitry Tarasov. This is a platinum ring, topped with a diamond of 2.5 carats, which, according to preliminary estimates, was worth a caring groom 70 thousand euros.

Sailing ring Olga Buzova. Photo:

Sailing ring Olga Buzova. Photo:

Nowadays, traditions are moving into the background, so it is not necessary to use a diamond, you can pick up a gentle ring with a beloved stump of a sweetheart or a stone suitable for the sign of the zodiac.

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The engagement ring of the Duchess of Cambridge in the people was called "Sapphire Produlty". Photo:

For example, the engagement ring of the duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton (more precisely, this ring Princess Diana, who inherited by Prince Harry, who presented his prince William when he decided to marry Kate) inlaid not only with transparent diamonds, but also a large blue sapphire. The rings in the people got the name "Sapphire of Proshupin" for its availability, but now it is already more than half a million dollars.

Yes, and the shape of the ring can be arbitrary - if the bride liked some kind of ring in the jewelry salon, then why not give such a desired writing gift? It will be valued, it will be no less than the classic version of the engagement ring.

The engagement ring can be an unusual shape. Photo: Anton Baranovsky.

The engagement ring can be an unusual shape. Photo: Anton Baranovsky.

What is your hand to wear?

There is no unambiguous answer to this question. It is necessary to proceed from the sequence of actions: according to Orthodox traditions, the engagement ring is put on the bride on the ring finger of the right hand. The girl can wear any rings on any fingers, but if the ring with one stone is worn on the nameless finger of the right hand, it means that she will soon become his wife.

On the wedding day, newlyweds exchange rings once again - wedding. This ring (in Orthodoxy) is also put on the Unnamed finger of the right hand. Where are the engagement ring?

The brides usually find the answer themselves - they put it on either along with the wedding ring on the right hand (the jewelers even offer a pair - wedding and engagement rings in one style), or on the ring finger of the left hand. However, in our country, divorced ladies or widows are worn on this finger. There is another way out - do not wear the engagement ring at all. Our ancestors shook this decoration as family value, relic, which is transmitted from generation to generation. In any case, this is a personal matter of every bride.

How to choose?

Council of the grooms - before buying the engagement ring, be sure to learn from the future bride (or her friends and relatives), whatever she wanted a ring. Because wearing a ring to her, and if this long-awaited decoration does not have a girl in the soul, there are all the risks to run out if not for refusal, then on a negative reaction, and it does not want to wear it later. Be sure to find out, she likes the ring of classical shape, or the beloved wants a ring of an unusual shape, maybe even created specifically for her, to order. It is worthwhile to ask what a precious metal (red, yellow or white gold, platinum, but not silver) to her, as well as someone stone bride wants to see in this ring.

How to prevent the engagement ring, read in my previous material - "The engagement: wedding tradition or legal aspect?"

Price is not important, main attention?

Expensive grooms indispensable on the engagement of their brides, and paparazzi will learn about the personal life of the stars in order whether it is a decoration on the "that" finger of a possible bride.

The most expensive engagement ring is the decoration, which was presented by Richard Burton Elizabeth Taylor. The ring with a stone weighing 33.19 karat was worth just over 300 thousand dollars, but in 2011 it was sold from the auction for $ 8.8 million.

One of the most expensive rings was presented by Paris Latsis his beloved Paris Hilton. Large diamond decoration weighed 24 carats. It cost such a ring of 4.7 million dollars.

Mailing ring Jamie Lynn Spears. Photo:

Mailing ring Jamie Lynn Spears. Photo:

Not very expensive (by the standards of Paris Hilton) The engagement ring at the younger sister Britney Spears Jamel Lin - the rings of classical shape with a large diamond cost about 30 thousand dollars.

George Clooney gave Amal Alamuddin Platinum Ring with a rectangular diamond in seven carat. Photo:

George Clooney gave Amal Alamuddin Platinum Ring with a rectangular diamond in seven carat. Photo:

George Clooney gave Amal Alamuddine Platinum Ring with a rectangular diamond in seven carat worth 760 thousand dollars.

On the engagement Kim Kardashian received a chic ring with black diamonds from Kanye Wasta. Photo:

On the engagement Kim Kardashian received a chic ring with black diamonds from Kanye Wasta. Photo:

A beautiful ring presented Kim Kardashian Third Spouse Kanye West. The decoration, incrouted by rare black diamonds, was worth about 770 thousand dollars.

Weddings Organizer Olga Marandi

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