Warhol on the Saturday: how to spend the coming weekend


The whole family

If you want to feel the honey aroma of primroses and admire tulips - visit the XVII spring festival of flowers in the pharmaceutical garden. Narcissus, Magnolia, Sakura, Ussuri pear, cherry, plum and more than 100 thousand tulips will delight the guests of the festival, which will last until the beginning of the summer.

Get acquainted and enjoy the creativity of Zinaida Serebryakova, which is called one of the first Russian women who have entered the history of world painting, - in the Tretyakov Gallery opened a retrospective of its work, based on the Russian period of artist's creativity.

In the State Darwinian Museum you can see the exhibition "Andy Warhol. Endangered species". Silkographic series of rare animal species is first exhibited in Moscow.

The XVII spring festival opens in the pharmaceutical garden

The XVII spring festival opens in the pharmaceutical garden

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Param in love

We offer to go to the library or literary museum - April 22 will start the sixth annual festival "Bibliison". Libraries, bookstores and literary museums will work until 6 am on April 23.

And you can visit the art space of the plant "Crystal", where the exhibition "Home!" Will be held, on which you can take a cat or a dog from the shelter.

With kids

You can take a walk in Moscow and visit 24 sites of the Easter Dar festival, which will complete work on Sunday. On Sunday, you can see the play of the "Mystery of Flower-Seven Scenevietics", delivered in the "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors", and not be afraid that the production of the famous Faiport of Valentina Kataeva is designed only to small spectators. All Easter week in Victory Park will celebrate a bright holiday. Free master classes are scheduled every day. And on the weekend it will be possible to learn to call the bell.

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In the movie "Oh Mommy", Juliette Binos plays a infantile mother who will prenten simultaneously with his daughter

Frame from the film

For a funny company

As you know, the subbotniks pass in April. Those who wish are waiting in Moscow parks, such as Museon, Sokolniki, Gorky Park, and even in the zoo - only more than 70 sites. Spring cleaning promises to be fun, as the grateful owners of green territories organize master classes, music programs and even exciting quests. You can continue the weekend in the cinema. To laugh at the comedy "Oh, Mamulls", where Juliette Binosh played the main role. Also recommends "Time of First", "The Wife of the Zoo Clotter" and "The happiest day in the life of Olli's crumbs."


At once, two new performances appeared in the posters of the metropolitan theaters, which should be paid attention to. Beautiful Irina Apksimova will be released on the stage of the theater on Taganka in the role of Arkadina in the play of Dainyus Kazlaususas "Seagull 73 458".

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Photo from the rehearsal of the play "Seagull 73458"

Materials press services

In this next formulation of the immantaneous play of Chekhov, the main emphasis is "deprived of color, without signs of life, the world of memories of Trepleva. Memories that were in his real life before the very moment he shot himself. And these memories, like his crime in front of themselves, sharpened him in captivity forever, forcing a suit in the face of eternity endlessly to experience the instant death tested by him and look for answers that in life he never managed to find. " In the role of Trepleva - Alexander Metelkin. The daughter of Irina Apksimova - Daria Avratinskaya - Plain Arkadina's rival - Zarechny. Also, Alexander Rezalin, Sergey Veksler, Anastasia Kolpikova, Ekaterina Ryabushinskaya, Yulia Katvazina, Mikhail Porechenkov, Sergey Trifonov, Igor Larin, take part in the play. Premiere of the play - April 21 and 22.

And in the theater "School of the modern play" - the premiere of the Comedy "Rock-N-Roll at Sunset" on the play Mikhail Haifez. In the main women's role - Tatyana Vedeneev.

Tatyana Vedeneeva and Alexander Ovchinnikov

Tatyana Vedeneeva and Alexander Ovchinnikov

Materials press services

Vedeneev we all love and know as a TV presenter. In memory, it even worms, that in fact she is an actress (and even her amazing role in the cult comedy "Hello, I have your aunt!" Why is it rarely remembered). To remind you about the acting talents of Tatiana, Mikhail Heifets took. In his performance, Vedeneev is revealed as a multi-faceted actress: how many times it changes their appearance, reincarnated into different women's images, it is difficult to count. And besides, she for the first time in his acting practice. In partners, Tatiana - Alexander Ovchinnikov, and this duet was very harmonious. Nearest performances - May 29 and June 12th.

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