Everything is tired: where to go for a couple of days to remove stress


Probably, each second resident of a large and noisy city is familiar to the feeling when I want to hide at least a couple of days and spend this time alone with myself or with your loved one. But where to spend the weekend and leave a monthly salary? We will tell you the available directions.


One of the most beautiful cities in Europe is waiting for you at any time of the year, because there are always there, what to see and how to spend time, regardless of the season. A pleasant bonus will be the prices in cafes, restaurants and hotels. Once krakow was the capital of Poland, however, even having lost this status, the city attracts many tourists who want to get acquainted with the culture of the country and spend time away from noisy megacities. An architectural lovers are here than "rejuvenate": many medieval buildings have been preserved in the city, including a stunning royal castle of the XIII century sample.


In the past few years, the capital of Hungary attracts twice as many tourists than some ten years ago. However, this fact almost did not affect prices, so you can safely plan a trip to Budapest literally a couple of weeks to the trip. The city offers many possibilities for relaxes: from thermal dashed to unhurried individual excursions. Since public transport is well developed in the city, you can move to any point of the city, not spending serious sums on a taxi.


Not the most popular tourist destination, but that it is more attractive for lovers of a relaxing holiday. Here you will find both architectural masterpieces, it is only worth walking around the city center, then look at the restaurant where you can taste local dishes that you will undoubtedly come to taste. At the moment, you will not find crowds on the street of curious tourists, so there will be no queues in museums and other attractions.

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