Why do we have "Natoptyshi"


As with any other problem, with the corners at the feet worth dealt with the clarification of the causes of their occurrence. All possible factors can be divided into two groups: external and internal.

The external belongs, mainly unsuccessful shoes. For example, provoke the formation of dry corns can close shoes, high-heeled shoes or with an uncomfortable block. Corn on the fingers can provoke shoes with narrow noses, and hopes on the heels or on the front of the foot - shoes with a thin sole.

The internal causes of corns are those that are dictated by the state of our health. In particular, overweight, diabetes, avitaminosis, blood circulation problems and some age changes are carried out to natopysham.

People prone to the formation of dry corns should be carried out in time to carry out skin exfoliation, otherwise the corns will be aggravated and they will be bad to affect.

If your shoes are uncomfortable, change it to a more comfortable one. Without noticing improvements, sign up for reception to a doctor's doctor who specializes in the problems of stop.

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