Live story: What to see in Kolomna


What to see:

Kolomna Kremlin, or the fortress of the Moscow state, was built in 1525-1531 and located at the site of the merger of the Moscow and Kolomenka rivers. Now only seven towers remained from the structure instead of seventeen and fragments of serfs. Kolomna Kremlin is one of the districts of the city, so the entrance is free of charge. There are many attractions on the territory of the Kremlin. One of them Marinkina Tower, where, according to legend, sat in the imprisonment of the Polish adventurer Marina Mnishek. In the very center of the Kremlin, the Assumption Cathedral is located. Next to it - the Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvinsky Women's Monastery and Tent Bell Tower, and closer to the Moscow River - the Church of the Ascension of the Slover, where Dmitry Donskoy was married in 1366. An important component of the architectural complex is a Pyatnitsky gate, which almost completely retained their primordial appearance. Every day, excursions are held in the Kolomna Kremlin. You can also visit the Pastil Museum, see the Ratoboretsev Show, search for the treasures of Marina Mnishek in an interactive quest and even play a wedding. Hollyweds Kolomna has a tradition on which on the day of the wedding you need to go through the territory of the Kremlin from the monument to Dmitry Donskoy and farther on the bridge through the Mikhailovsky gate between the grain and Marygrinka tower. It is believed that compliance with such a tradition guarantees a strong and happy union.

In the Museum of Pastil

In the Museum of Pastil

Photo: Elena Rodina

Upcoming events

On April 29-30, a fair of products of decorative and applied creativity of Kolomna Masters will be held in the Kremlin Dvorik.

How to get

By bus

From the metro station "Kotelniki" or "Vykhino". The fare is 250 rubles. Departure every half hour. Time on the way will take from one and a half to two hours.

On train

From the Kazan station on the electric train Moscow-Ryazan or Moscow-Golutvin to Golutvin station. Cost: normal electric train 266 rub. 50 kopecks, express - from 345 rubles., Regional express - 315 rubles. Travel time is 2.5-3 hours.

By car

According to the Novoryazanskoye highway. The distance between cities of approximately 115 kilometers. Time on the way two hours. A taxi trip will cost an average of 3000 rubles.

Where to eat

There are several restaurants and bars on the territory of Kolomna Kremlin. Middle check: 700-800 rubles. Economical travelers choose urban canteens, where dinner will cost 250-300 rubles.

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