Vladimir Zeldin: "All my wives were smarter and formed me"


Makeup of Vladimir Mikhailovich Zelddine - as a small museum. Here, that neither a thing is a rarity with his glorious history. Burk and dad - from the movie "Pig and the Shepherd", Icon - from Spanish La Mancia. Nearby - "Don Quixote" work in Nikas Safronova. And what is the "rarity" the owner himself? Winner of the Stalinist Prize - a lot of them now in good health? A person who found in his century is not one homeland, but as many as three: the royal empire, the USSR and the Russian Federation. He experienced a revolution, citizen, NEP, collectivization, hunger, Stalinist repressions, great domestic, thaw, stagnation and, finally, restructuring. An outstanding, talented artist, who, despite its merits, modestly lives in a small two-bedroom apartment near the theater and believes that to be famous - ugly!

Vladimir Mikhailovich, you ninety-nine years old, of which Seventy-nine are on stage. You are on the threshold of dates and numbers, from which the spirit captures. And what are your feelings?

Vladimir Zeldin: "I do not win on it. I live, I work. The other day I had a good creative evening - we are with a wonderful actress Olya Bogdanova for two of him. Recently came from Italy - they performed there with great success. In France were. They should have come to England, but these sanctions were prevented. "

How many performances are you now involved?

Vladimir: "In four! "Don Quixote is a man from Lamanchi", "Dancing with the teacher", play Kutuzov in the "long time" and in the movement of the enemy in the "Modern" theater - in the "Uncle dream". Boris Shchedrin is not bad, it seems to me. I gladly play the role of Prince! "

Recently was on your play "Man from Lamanchi". You sing without a phonogram of serious arias, say long monologues, fenidge on the scene. Just in the head does not fit: how do you all do it?

Vladimir: "Well, how to tell you ... The Lord God is. True, I have no bad habits. Absolutely! I did not drink and do not drink alcohol in general - neither wine, no stronger drinks. "

Do not like?

Vladimir: "I do not understand their meaning. Here I will have a hundred years on February 10, and I never smoked in my life. I have never seen father to take out a cigarette pack, a bottle of vodka or wine. "

Maybe this is the secret of longevity? Or your performance?

Vladimir: "No. Sometimes I do not want to work or play. I just want to sit in silence. "

I wonder how your free day passes?

Vladimir: "Now we live with my wife in Silver Bor - there I allocated a cottage. I breathe fresh air, walk. Basically, I sit, arguing. Sometimes I watch TV if the competition is interesting. I read a little, because I see very badly. This operation I was unsuccessful. And so up to eighty-five years later he drove the car, was generally very sporty. "

Vladimir Zeldin:

In the picture "Pinag and Shepherd" Zeldin got through the "fence" of the film crew. Frame from the film.

From early childhood?

Vladimir: "Of course! It is sport that I owe my still a decent form. We had a big family. Father did not earn a lot, Mom, too, she was a teacher. And we, the children, adored the sport, especially the skis who themselves did from the remedies. We at the Red Carnational Street lived, near the Military Infantry School of Ashbrener and Unshlicht, an artillery school, and then the field. And we were running on skis. Or played football - the rag ball chased. They stuffed it with all sorts of sawdust, rags - he, oddly enough, even jumped sometimes. I am all my childhood that has been engaged in such sportsmanship. Maybe it distracted me from some bad habits. "

So there are no bad companies, nor the influence of the yard?

Vladimir: "Not there. I am a Soviet person because it was brought up in the period of the formation of Soviet power. My generation was law-abiding, inhaled. We believed everything, all newspapers - "Pravda", Izvestia. There were no television. "

Even when Nikita Khrushchev promised to build communism? Did you believe?

Vladimir: "Of course. It seems to me that there will be no more such generation, because we very sincerely loved our country, our fatherland, where they were born. And most importantly, the most expensive - life - put the victory on the altar over the fascist Germany. After all, mostly my generation went to another world, you know? We all worked on our victory. And artists too. We left for the front with concert brigades to soldiers and also contributed to our victory, inspiring them to fight the enemy. "

How did you remember the day - May 9, 1945?

Vladimir: "I was then in Moscow. I remember how on the Red Square of the military hugged and kissed, almost on their hands wearing. I have never seen so much happy, at the same time crying and laughing. None of the military could not slip down the street unnoticed. Aliens people rushed to him in the neck as nobody was nobody in the world. Since then, probably, a person in military uniform causes me immense respect ... I also remembered how holiday soldering issued: Polbukhanki black, two hundred and fifty grams of cheese, half-gluke sausage, butter, sugar, lollipops and a pack of cookies. I remember, I brought, decomposed and looked at this "still life" for a long time, was not triggered. Just sniffed! "

Vladimir Zeldin:

Vladimir Zeldin in the painting "Ten Negreat". Frame from the film.

Ordinary miracle

As you, a very young and little-known artist, got into the film "Penag and Shepherd", and even on a major role?

Vladimir: "When Ivan Alexandrovich Pyriev began shooting this" real musical fairy tale "(namely, he called the genre of the film), I worked in the Central Transportation Theater. He played a good role - Ferdinand in the "cunning and love" of Schiller, Xiracuse Anti-Fola in the "Comedy of Error" Shakespeare. Including a magnificent comedy-heroic role - ordinary Goglidze in the play "General Consul". The audience took a bang! Without false modesty, I moved well, dance perfectly. During his studies, the first student of the former ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater of Vera Ilinichna Mosolaova was considered. The famously made the most complex elements of any dance ... And once the assistant of Pyryeva after the performance approached me: "Vladimir, here is the script of the film. Read - there is a good role. " I read and came to delight - everything in verses, besides the beautiful music of Tikhon Nikolayevich Khrennikov. But I was sure that my candidacy would not fit. "


Vladimir: "Just at this time, Tbilisi Theater named after Rustaveli came to Moscow. Showed "Othello", "Robbers" Schiller ... The whole city stood on the ears, it was impossible to get! Akaki Khorava played Othello, Vasadze shone on stage, Andzhaparidze ... uh! All musical, naked, talented unusual. How spectacularly they knew how to wear a beech, ride a horse ... and all - writing handsome! Therefore, I read the script and calmed down. Suddenly the call: "Volodya, I want to meet Ivan Alexandrovich Pyriev." I come. Pyryev sat in the room at the table ... And about him the legends went: rough, motherschinnik ... "

They said, could noise without reason, strike the actor ...

Vladimir: "He had many friends and many enemies. Ivan Alexandrovich was a very bright, powerful person! This, for example, organized an union of cinematographers. And there was a very difficult time ... We met. Naturally, he felt that I was worried, poured a glass of water from a decanter. Said: "Prepare two or three scenes." As a result, I was tried in three scenes: at the agricultural exhibition, by the fire and when my hero Shepherd Musaib Gatuev says the old man Horses: (declares.) "Father, you old, but you have a heart of youth! You fold the songs that the whole aul sings. Spear a song about my love is a fiery, gentle, like a spring sun. I will put it in an envelope and send a registered letter to the north, where many, a lot of snow ... "

Do you remember all the text by heart still?

Vladimir: "Yes, all your monologues! A special grima did not do - the mustache, eyebrows, dad, costumes. Removed. Pyriev assembled in the viewing room of all women - actresses from extras, costumes, make-up artists: "We will show you all the acting samples. It is important for me to know your opinion. " I was told how it was. After watching - voted. Pyriev asked one question: "Who will enjoy the success and love of the viewer?"

And women unanimously from all the "Georgians" chose Zeldin ...

Vladimir: "True! So for this role I am grateful to women. Started shooting. At first - in Kabardino-Balkaria, there was a scene of a fight with wolves. In June 1941, we, having finished full shooting, were to return to Moscow. And here - the war! We learned about the sudden treacherous attack of fascist Germany and about the speech of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov by chance - in the market ... "

With creative evenings, the actors Vladimir Zeldin and Olga Bogdanova traveled all of Europe.

With creative evenings, the actors Vladimir Zeldin and Olga Bogdanova traveled all of Europe.

The first thing thought?

Vladimir: "How sorry the film ... I will not play my role!" When you arrived in Moscow, I was already waiting for the agenda. He went to the military registration and enlistment office, passed the passport and soon he had to go to the school tank institution - to study on tanker. I already had thoughts there - on the front. Suddenly three to four days a call from Mosfilm: "Volodya! Come immediately. There is a resolution of the Cinematography Committee, signed by Minister Bolshakov, continue shooting. " But I am sure that the decision was made not by Bolshakov, but personally Joseph Stalin. "

So this is not a legend, what exactly did he save the film?

Vladimir: "Yes! It was ordered to give us until the end of the year a delay and finish the picture - "a real musical fairy tale about friendship and love." Who else could make such a decision?! Mosfilm was evacuated to Kazakhstan. Moscow was already precipitated, people hid from bombing ... And we are the Pyryeva group - in the pavilion and in the agricultural exhibition in two shifts they shot Moscow scenes from the film. "

That is, if not "Row and shepherd" ...

Vladimir: "Vladimir Zelddin, long ago, there would be no living in the list. Definite! Almost all my generation passed ... I miraculously survived. "

Looking ahead ... Tell me, it is for this reservation, for your wonderful salvation you almost seventy years have gave the theater of the army?

Vladimir: "No, not therefore. I was invited to a certain role here. "

Has your crown-aldemaro in the famous play of Lope de Vegi "Dance Teacher"?

Vladimir: "Do you know that in those years" dance teachers "in our country did not put - we did not know anything about this play. And suddenly! In the theater of the Red Army, it began to rehearse, but something they did not work. And in this theater worked the actors who knew me, and knew that I was musical, I can dance. Someone advised: "Invite Vladimir Zeldin." So I started rehearsing the "dance teachers" in Tatiana Lvovna Shcheckina-Cupelik, the charming contemporary of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Yes, and left without a small for seven decades. By the way, we played this performance for forty years - the history of the theater does not know such examples. "

Vladimir Zeldin:

In 2005, Vladimir Putin congratulated Vladimir Zelddin with a 90th anniversary and handed him "Order for the Merit of the Fatherland" of the third degree.

Soviet Dina Dorbin

Nikolay Kryuchkov, Peter Aleryikov, Lyubov Orlova, Vladimir Frienders ... Many of your contemporaries, partners and partners have long become legends. What did you remember, for example, Marina Ladynina?

Vladimir: "I wrote about her in my book:" Our Dina Dorbin ". Ladyna for me is a holy memory. I can't even call her "my partner" - no, this is something else. She was extraordinary, everywhere known, adored by the viewer. When I first saw the Marina so close, numb from admiration: in front of me there was a beautiful and very breeding blond woman with cornflower eyes, a charming smile, from which the head was spinning, and with a charming, somehow brusing and shy voice. I completely unlike the pig from the film, which she had to play. But she pulled the spout, they sprinkled the face with freckles, tied to a handkerchief - a real rustic girl was released. I remember her a long time ago, where she is in Cannes, at the International Film Festival, and where she just looks like a queen - in a ballot dress, fur, as always, openly smiling, but royal and inaccessible. "

Real star of the Soviet screen?

Vladimir: "That's if someone can be called a real star, then Ladynina is definitely. Unlike us, mere mortals ... I was lucky: we met twice with her on the set and played love twice. It would seem that I should know her well, but nothing like that - I was just her partner and regard it as a gift of fate. In the life of Marina was a modest, closed, smart, always a little sad, undiscoverable, never and with any of his secrets did not share. Sometimes we talked and even for a long time together performed at concerts when she divorced Pyreyov and completely stopped being removed. My Marinochka and I turned back to the last ... "

Few people know that the picture "Pinwork and the Shepherd" (in America she was called "they met in Moscow") almost received "Oscar" ...

Vladimir: "By the way, the efforts of the wonderful Solomon of Mikhoels, the creator of the famous Jewish theater, which was then shot ... He traveled to negotiate with the Americans about the USSR food assistance, and he also brought our ribbon to America. We had to get the main prize, but ... did not give. I saw American review. The picture there enjoyed success. Very praised the acting game, music. There were no fairness that I had a chic mansion in Moscow and the crowds of lovers of girls were waiting for me under the windows ... I wondered: what kind of mansion there?! I had nothing. I lived in the theater on a small scene along with cockroaches, rats and mice. "

Did you not feel popular after the exit of that picture?

Vladimir: "No, no, never felt. Learn extremely rarely. In life, I am not very similar to my hero - without tinted mustache, dads and burki. When I had a huge success after the "dance teacher", our famous director, People's Artist of the USSR Aleksey Dmitrievich Popov said: "Volodya, look, so that you will not be screwed my head. Since you took a high bar, and in other roles, try not to reduce it. " I somehow remember these words. And then, I do not have such a character! I never occurred to me to put myself in special conditions ... I repeated all my life after Pasternak: "To be famous - ugly!"

Housing conditions managed to improve? Or still live in his "two-plate" next to the theater, about which Gennady Khazanov, Many years ago, was noticed: "Only a very good man can live in such" soromas "!"?

Vladimir: (laughs.) "The apartment is really small, but I used to her. On one of the jubileev, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev congratulated me ... asked: "What do you need, Vladimir Mikhailovich? We will give you an apartment! "I answered:" In no case! Better to give it to some lieutenant or captain. And I somehow live in my two-room ... "You see, there is a good aura in it, there were very expensive people there."

Despite all merits, the actor Vladimir Zeldin remains a surprisingly modest person.

Despite all merits, the actor Vladimir Zeldin remains a surprisingly modest person.

Box Memories

Many outstanding people have passed through your life: you have seen live, as Vladimir Mayakovsky reads their verses, met with Ilya Ehrenburg. Anna Akhmatova went into the dressing room. Right here came?

Vladimir: "Anna Andreevna did not even entered, but it was here here ... She suddenly appeared in the intermission of" Dance Teacher "- her director Nina Antonovna Olshevskaya, Mom Alexei Batalov, led. And did not even warn me. Ahmatova was very friendly with their family. Arriving to Moscow, always stayed at home. "

Managed to talk?

Vladimir: "Yes, that's the point, that is not. I did not even get up - it was so stupid ... I did not stop the heart! Anna Andreevna looked at me for a long time for a long time. And I'm on her ... the gray charming majestic woman. With some kind of inner world, beautiful is incredible! Standing, climbing the half-open door, and did not even come here. At that time, the notorious decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad, "began, she began, her and Zoshchenko were tattered in dirt ... You can't imagine that she had to survive! How did she stand it? .. And I really saw Mayakovsky. I studied in the first year, and he acted in front of us, students, in the house of the actor - in the mixture near the Triumphal Arch. There was a small scene, a visual hall about a hundred people. I remember, there were still a billiard room and a buffet ... Mayakovsky came out on stage - powerful, beautiful, briefly tonsured. Such a high thing that seemed to be pinned the ceiling. Everyone was shaken. The hall was Bitchom - people stood along the walls, sat on the windowsill. We asked such tricky questions! And he instantly, walked for universal laughter and applause. And then read poems ... an amazing person, colorful personality! By the way, the monument is good to him on Mayakovsky Square. "

Vladimir Mikhailovich, in your dressing room so many rarities ... Papa Mahmoud Esambaeva, Icon from La Mancia. What are the most valuable for you?

Vladimir: "There is no random things here. This real bud is a VDNH gift, the portrait of Yesenina - from Kolya Drozdov. I had another unique double bastard with a gift engraving, which Marshal Zhukov presented. Yes, I sold it in difficult times. The salary is small, accounted for paying to paying to pay off the mutual assistance. Now I regret: why did you sell? And the awards by all the root. I was awarded three orders of the second, third, fourth degree "for merit to the Fatherland". I have three orders of the Labor Red Banner, the Order of Friendship, the Order of the Spanish King Juan Second - for the one hundred and fiftieth play "Man from Lamanchi" in the year of the 400th anniversary of Cervantes. "

If I'm not mistaken, Juan the second has yet been presented with two boxes of wine - white and red. And what are you with them - non-drinking - did?

Vladimir: "Put in the costume, came the participants' guys and celebrated our success and anniversary of Cervantes. And the most expensive award? If God keeps me, then I have not done everything yet. I can still go to my ninety-nine years on stage in four performances! "

How do you like modern cinema? Are there any new interesting sentences to take off?

Vladimir: "No, I do not watch today's cinema. And no suggestions. And even if they appeared, I would not agree. Now there is a lot of darkness on the screen, no damn item, a solid flax. At all there are no closest plans: you do not see any eye or the inner world of the actor. No, no, I am an incorrigible conservative. "

What do not like, do not tolerate in others?

Vladimir: "I do not like when a woman in a fit of feelings hugs, kisses and lasted on the cheek lipstick wipes his own hand. I just hate, I am ready to kill this person! Everything else for me by and large is acceptable. "

Standal argued that the human life has two engines - love and vanity. Do you agree?

Vladimir: "It seems to me that the most important thing in life is love and ... a mistake. Because love is all. And a woman for me is a miracle of nature. I adore them all my life! But it is worth mistaken - all life will immediately fly upside down. "

Well, with love you have everything in perfect order. You were married three times. Yes, and with his wife Ivette Evgenyevna for more than fifty years live together.

Vladimir: "With the vehicle, my friend and a colleague on the theater of Volodya Sochalsky became introduced. At the dawn of foggy youth, they played together in the film "The sailor with a" comet "and were familiar for a long time - in general, Volodya we were as a sense. She graduated from the Faculty of MSU journalism and worked at the Cinema Propaganda Bureau editor. "

All journalists know: if you want to interview Vladimir Zelddin - first convince him of his spouse ...

Vladimir: (laughs.) "Veta - my steering wheel, my right hand, my eyes finally. Like the former my wives, veta, I think smarter than me, formed and erudite - often helps the Council, knows my habits, disadvantages, desires, knows how to kill and smooth conflicts. Although when the actor in the house "his" director is not easy. "

Your friend, the famous composer Oscar row, the day before his anniversary said: "I lived eighty years, and it seems that I didn't live ..."

Vladimir: "You know, when I am asked about the age and my feelings, it always comes to mind: I'm almost a century - century! - lived on this earth, and he was rushed like a moment! Believe me ... "

Sergey Kiselev

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