Rules of Life Leonardo Di Caprio


In November, one of the most talented actors of our time, Leonardo di Caprio, turned forty years. But, it seemed, even recently, being a very young novice actor, he conquered our hearts, playing a major role in the "Titanic". Over the years, it was organized several times to "Oscar" (however, they never had been handed over), but this does not prevent Leo to continue working, honing their skills. DiCaprio is a real example for imitation for those who, facing his nose to the nose with glory, managed not to break her forehead. He quietly stepped into maturity, becoming such as we know, - an actor with a capital letter.

1. About me

By character, I am a perfectionist. Even in my own consciousness, it is important for me that everything is in its place and in a certain order. I hope this is not a diagnosis.

I grew up in the slums of Hollywood and thought that when I was growing up, I would certainly become crazy.

I do not like to learn, because you need to focus on what you do not want to know.

I would like to become an irresponsible asshole as some of my friends.

Most of all I am afraid of sharks, aliens and global warming.

Probably, Russian ancestors handed me a gene responsible for drama. I just need tension, inner trembling, some sparks constantly.

2. About women

I do not gay, although sometimes I appear at parties with male friends.

I like the most ordinary girls: student, waitresses, flight attendants, something like that.

If you invited a girl in a movie, this does not mean that you certainly want to sleep with her.

My mother is the only woman to whom I could buy a diamond.

Kate Winslet is my closest friend. We can, not be embarrassed, to tell each other absolutely everything. I admire Kate's ability to believe in marriage and pass all this again and again.

I have a huge amount of responsibilities and obligations, even though I am not married. With my work schedule, absent for six months on the set, it is difficult to create serious, stable relationships.

3. On the Environment

I spent quite a lot in Africa and saw with what problems people face there. Therefore, when I returned home, I realized that I no longer wish to hear about any problem that worried about the people of my circle.

I try to take care of the world around the world. I have solar panels on the roof. I have a hybrid car "Toyota Prius", which throws over seventy-five percent less carbon dioxide than the usual car. But I know that this is not enough. For example, I do not have a compost pit.

Caring for the environment is not always reduced to the fact that coming to visit, you start to wander around the rooms where there is no one, and turn off the light burning there. But you can start with this.

In childhood I dreamed of becoming a biologist.

I do not understand why no one thinks that it is waiting for us when natural resources run out. It's time to stay for a second and think about the dangers that we causing the world.

4. About work

I myself install for myself a bar, and she is always at the maximum height for me. I have my own set of requirements for working on the role.

Yes, I would like to get an Oscar, I would be nice to me. And sometime it must happen.

All you invest in the hero, even what you miss, is physically embodied and visible on the screen.

I love my profession, and the truth is. She gives me the opportunity to get rid of some kind of problems, troubles, thoughts, even if at least for a while when I become another person.

I do not hate paparazzi. Yes, they invade my personal life, but this is their work. Much more unpleasant to me are those actors who can talk for hours about how they hate paparazzi, but at the same time they rejoice when they see their photos in the yellow press.

5. About the future

I try not to make anything. I live day after day, not looking into the future. And then we'll see.

Joy from popularity is quite quickly. But the realization that movies will remain after you, is forever.

So what, that I am forty. It seems to me that I have long and prematurely matured.

I surrendered to life, how to give prisoners: what she would order, then I do. As it is built, I live. And so far to complain about what.

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