Stars who did not like kissing with each other


Millions dream of kisses with them. Fans seem that the first magnitude stars are not only beautiful, rich and successful, but also incredibly skilled in manifestation of gentle feelings. However, the audience may argue with other actors who have to kiss in the frame not in the call of the heart, but according to the terms of the contract. Womanhit found out for whom kisses on the set became torture.

For Liam Hemsworth, a kiss with Jennifer Lawrence on the filming of the film "Hungry Games: Soyuch-Peredashnitsa" became a real test. "It was terrible. From her monstrously smelled garlic and tuna. These scenes, perhaps, given me with the biggest difficulty, "admitted an actor. However, Jennifer did not even think to apologize: "Yes, I ate fish and garlic before shooting. I wanted to eat and last I thought about how my dinner would affect the kiss with Liam. " "There are actors, real stars, for example, Bradley Cooper or Christian Bale, for the sake of the scene of the kiss with whom I will definitely spend my teeth or take a mint candy in my mouth," the actress continued. "But preparing to closely with Liam, I didn't even come to my head."

At the same time two years ago, Jennifer Lawrence itself showed discontent with a screen kiss. Yes, no one else, like with Bradley Cooper. "After the second double, Jennifer wipe his mouth and, frowning, told me:" You have such wet lips, "I remembered Bradley about the filming of the painting" My boyfriend is a crazy. " - so-so compliment, I must say. I was not very happy to hear it. " However, it did not prevent Kupeur and Lawrence to remain good buddies after filming.

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During a kiss with Reese Witherspoon Robert Pattinson sick. Frame from the film "Water Elephants".

During the filming of the film "Water Elephants", Robert Pattinson strongly walked. And it is the day when the actor's disease reached his peak, he had to shoot his kiss with Reese Witherspoon. "It was monstrous! - recalled the actress. - Because of the runny nose, he snorted, puffed, stlicled. It was very unattractive. I would even say repulshy. " Robert himself, and Robert himself: "I literally flowed from the nose. And at some point I did not have time to get a handkerchief and wiped my nose right about the riz wig. And what was done? " Also Pattinson admitted that he did not like to watch his kisses at all. "Spectators do not hear, but when I kiss, my lips make some kind of tea sound, similar to the one that makes shoes on the rubber sole when walking. I am very confused, with it even when I just see myself on the screen. " Fortunately for Robert, none of his partner complained about this lack.

According to Malin Akerman, when her friends learned that in the picture "Rock on the century" she would kiss with Tom Cruise, they became kind to envy her. "In fact, it was not at all sexy. Very slumpy, wet, unpleasant, - said the actress. "We were like two dogs that licked each other." Much more pleasure Malin received from a joint singing with Tom: "It was fun."

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Kiss with Ashton Katcher appeared Lii Michel Children. Frame from the film "Old" New Year. "

Lia Michel did not worry at all before shooting the scene of a kiss with Ashton Katcher in the film "Old" New Year. "" I performed on Broadway, so I was ready for a lot - I explained the actress. - And after all that I had to experience in my career Kiss with Ashton seemed to me some kind of childish, immature, not really real. Fortunately, we very quickly filmed this episode. "

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By the expression of the face, Natalie Portman shows that a kiss with Ashton Kutcher was with difficulty. Frame from the film "More than Sex".

I did not like kissing with Ashton and Natalie Portman, who had to close the lips with him in the picture "More than Sex". "Our kiss was very clumsy, awkward," Natalie told. "But I am always very difficult to kiss for those with whom I would not have done this in my own will in my personal life." And Portman also compared the Kutcher with the child: "After this scene, we laughed like kindergartens, and switched to the next episode."

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Matt Damonu and Emily Blunt was awkward kissing because of his spouses. Frame from the film "Changeable Reality".

Matt Damon confessed that if a scene of a kiss with Emily Blunt was shot at the very beginning of work on the film "Changeable Reality", then it would be much easier for them. "During the filming, we made friends. And my wife with her husband too. In general, we began to be friends with families, "the actor shared. "Therefore, when it was time to kiss us, and I, and Emily was very awkward and addressed to each other, and before our spouses. We were so nervous that even the director was not in itself. But he said: "Listen, the kiss takes only seven seconds. Give me these seven seconds and - free. " And we decided. But these were the longest seven seconds in my life. "

Kari Malligan's kiss with Johnny Depp in the picture never entered. Frame from the movie "Johnny D.".

Kari Malligan's kiss with Johnny Depp in the picture never entered. Frame from the movie "Johnny D.".

Cary Malligan was very afraid to kiss Johnny Depp on the set of the film "Johnny D.". "He is so famous, so cool, I'm even just like him in the frame was scary. And to kiss and suppressed, "the actress told. - As a result, several kisses were filmed. Sixteen it seems. But none of them in the film entered, because I could not cope with my nerves and constraint, and the director decided that in these scenes I would look very unhearsal. " In vain suffered, poor thing.

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